Tarkenna hakuasi

Mina Azimirad


Hoitotieteen laitos, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta

[email protected] | 050 348 3955

PhD thesis

  • International research project on Medical Emergency Team (MET)
  • 2015-2021, Early Stage Researcher, International comparative research study between Finland and the UK, UEF

About the project: 

The study provided knowledge on nursing competencies regarding the rapid response system (RRS) -also known as Medical Emergency Team (MET)- and the management of deteriorating patients, covering both aspects of competencies, including competencies of nurses who identify deteriorating patients and use of the RRS, as well as the teamwork skills of the RRS team. The study’s findings were important for improving nurses’ clinical competencies in managing deteriorating patients and may help nurses progress into an expert stage, thereby optimizing RRS application.

Job description:

Early Stage Researcher, PhD candidate, Conceptualization and design, Acquisition of Ethical permissions from the University of Eastern Finland and the United Kingdom Health Research Authority, Acquisition of Ethical permissions from the hospitals in Finland and in the United Kingdom, Acquisition of data in Finland and in the United Kingdom, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Writing – Original Draft, Writing – Review & Editing, Visualization, Administration, Funding acquisition


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