Mohammed Saqr holds a PhD in learning analytics from Stockholm University. Currently, Mohammed Saqr works as a senior researcher at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and holds the title of Docent in Learning Analytics from the University of Oulu (Finland). Mohammed Saqr’s work experience includes working at Université de Paris Cité (France), Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). Now, Mohammed Saqr leads the lab of learning analytics at UEF, Europe’s most productive learning analytics lab in 2021 and 2022. Mohammed Saqr was awarded the most competitive funding in both Sweden (Swedish Research Council) and Finland (the Academy of Finland). Mohammed Saqr has published extensively on learning analytics as well as computing education, science of science and open science. Since September 2022, Mohammed Saqr is working to develop artificial intelligence methods that can personalize education (Idiographic analytics). Besides, he serves as an associate editor at IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, PLoS One, Frontiers in Computer Science and Frontiers in Big Data. For a full CV please see his website here and for an updated list of publications, please see here.
IGLUE: Pelipohjaisen oppimisen toteuttaminen käyttäen pakohuoneita 01.10.2024 - 31.12.2026
INTEL - Euroopan tutkimusneuvoston rahoittama tutkimus energiaoikeuden yleisistä opeista 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2029
Oppimisen laadun ja kestävyyden parantaminen oppimisanalytiikkaan perustuvilla varhaisen puuttumisen menetelmillä 31.12.2023 - 30.03.2028
134/134 kappaletta-
A Scoping Review of Idiographic Research in Education: Too Little, But Not Too Late
Ito, Hibiki; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Altinay, Zehra; Chang, Maiga; Kuo, Rita; Tlili, Ahmed(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2024. s. 10-12. IEEE -
Assessment of accessibility in virtual laboratories: a systematic review
Deriba, Fitsum G; Saqr, Mohammed; Tukiainen, Markku. 2024. Frontiers in education. 9: -
Capturing temporal pathways of collaborative roles: A multilayered analytical approach using community of inquiry
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Hirsto, Laura; Tedre, Matti. 2024. International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning. [Epub ahead of print 14 August 2024]: 1-37 -
Capturing the Sequential Pattern of Students’ Interactions in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti; Hirsto, Laura. Teoksessa: de Carvalho Gonçalves, José Alexandre; de Magalhães Lima, José Luís Sousa; Coelho, João Paulo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of TEEM 2023: The Eleventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 800-809. Springer -
Capturing where the learning process takes place: A person-specific and person-centered primer
Saqr, Mohammed; Vogelsmeier, Leonie VDE; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2024. Learning and individual differences. 113: -
Editorial: Diversity in the social sciences: researching digital education in and for the global south
Kilanioti, Irene; Saqr, Mohammed; Queiruga-Dios, Miguel Angel. 2024. Frontiers in education. 9: -
Have Learning Analytics Dashboards Lived Up to the Hype? A Systematic Review of Impact on Students' Achievement, Motivation, Participation and Attitude
Kaliisa, Rogers; Misiejuk, Kamila; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Khalil, Mohammad; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Joksimovic, Srecko; Zamecnik, Andrew(toim.) , 2024. LAK '24: Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. s. 295-304. ACM -
How group structure, members' interactions and teacher facilitation explain the emergence of roles in collaborative learning
Saqr, Mohammed; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Murphy, Keefe. 2024. Learning and individual differences. 112: -
How the dynamics of engagement explain the momentum of achievement and the inertia of disengagement: A complex systems theory approach
Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. 2024. Computers in human behavior. 153: -
Idiographic artificial intelligence to explain students' self-regulation: Toward precision education
Saqr, Mohammed; Cheng, Rongxin; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Beck, Emorie D. 2024. Learning and individual differences. 114: . 102499