Rene Brauer
Vieraileva tutkija
Karjalan tutkimuslaitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta
5/5 kappaletta-
Tourism studies and the changing research ecosystem
Brauer, Rene. 2023. Tourism recreation research. 48: 524-534 -
A wider research culture in peril: A reply to Thomas
Brauer, Rene; Dymitrow, Mirek; Tribe, John. 2021. Annals of tourism research. 86: 103093 -
The Language of Sustainable Tourism as a Proxy Indicator of Quality
Brauer, Rene; Dymitrow, Mirek. 2021. Sustainability. 13: 25 -
What is the Research Impact of (the Ideal of) Scientific Truth?
Brauer, Rene; Dymitrow, Mirek; Worsdell, Filipe; Walsh, John. 2021. Journal of education, culture and society. 12: 113-136 -
Understanding collective knowledge production: What lessons can be learned from controversy?
Brauer, Rene. Teoksessa: Dymitrow, Mirek; Ingelhag, Karin(toim.) , 2020. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project. s. 78-85. Mistra Urban Futures. Chalmers University of Technology