Sofiia Nishaeva
4/4 kappaletta-
Impact of COVID-19 on fisheries and aquaculture in Kyrgyzstan
Avento, Roseanna; Tazhibaeva, Bermet; Nishaeva, Sofiia; Kortet, Raine. 2024. Aquaculture. 588: . 740961 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
FishEDU: Capacity building in fisheries and aquaculture education in Kyrgyzstan: Lessons learnt from collaboration between the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin and the University of Eastern Finland
Avento, Roseanna; Lazarevich, Elena; Nishaeva, Sofiia. 2021. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Reports and studies in forestry and natural sciences. . Itä-Suomen yliopisto D6 Toimitettu ammatillinen teos -
Planning and piloting of an online course on aquatic sciences, fisheries and aquaculture
Tarasova, Svetlana; Lazarevich, Elena; Nishaeva, Sofiia; Skaldina, Oksana. Teoksessa: Avento, Roseanna; Lazarevich, Elena; Nishaeva, Sofiia(toim.) , 2021. FishEDU: Capacity building in fisheries and aquaculture education in Kyrgyzstan: Lessons learnt from collaboration between the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin and the University of Eastern Finland. s. 82-92. Itä-Suomen yliopisto D2 Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (ml. toimittajan kirjoittama johdantoartikkeli) -
Planning and piloting of aquatic sciences courses at KNAU
Lazarevich, Elena; Asanova, Eliza; Nishaeva, Sofiia; Nurminen, Liisa. Teoksessa: Avento, Roseanna; Lazarevich, Elena; Nishaeva, Sofiia(toim.) , 2021. FishEDU: Capacity building in fisheries and aquaculture education in Kyrgyzstan: Lessons learnt from collaboration between the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin and the University of Eastern Finland. s. 67-74. Itä-Suomen yliopisto D2 Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (ml. toimittajan kirjoittama johdantoartikkeli)