Tarkenna hakuasi

Kiran  Pala

Kiran Pala


Philosophy and cognitive science researcher.

Yhteiskuntatieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta

[email protected]

I’m a philosopher and cognitive scientist. My current research focuses on systems science. My favorite part is the thrill of exploring the foundational aspects.

I unite infodynamics, control theory, causal analysis, and modeling to understand how the multiscale of complex adaptive (dynamical) systems emerges. Another goal of my research is to understand how structures formed by functional relations in a system, such as geometrically driven interactions that are inspired by neural networks.

The potential outcome of my research is to improve geometric model solutions, supervise scientific experiments, and highlight the importance of model solutions in considering operational propositions at the geoeconomic level of a system.

Additionally, I am interested in how formal methods and measurements based on cognitive dynamics can be used to acquire both the phenomenological level and content of natural language expressions.


Pala, K.,  Intentionality of Ambiguous Objects (in review)

Pala, K.,  ‘Dynamicity’: A Hidden Hypothesis in Emergence Process, Edited Volume of Process Philosophy and Technology (in review)

Pala. K., What led to inferential ideation is the road of intuitive cognition, in Sensing Minds: On the Role of Intuitions, Feelings, and Emotions in Psy-clinical Diagnoses and Judgements, Frontier in Psychology (forthcoming)

Pala, K., & Gangashetty, S. V.  Lexical Meanings are Shaped by Olfactory Perception: On Computational Complexity. In Barkat-Defradas, M., & Motte-Florac, E. (Eds.). (2016). Words for odours: Language skills and cultural insights. (pp. 39-54). (2016). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1-4438-9047-2

Pala, K., & Gangashetty, S. V.  Virtual Environments Can Mediate Continuous Learning. In D. Griol Barres, Z. Callejas Carrión, & R. Delgado (Ed.), Technologies for Inclusive Education: Beyond Traditional Integration Approaches (pp. 90-121). (2013). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-2530-3.ch005

Pala, K., & Pothukuchi, R. . Integration of Multimodal Interaction as Assistance in Virtual Environments. SMIAE 2012, 8.

Gupta, A and Pala, K., A Generic and Robust Algorithm for Paragraph Alignment and its Impact on Sentence Alignment in Parallel Corpora in Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation (WILDRE), 2012. (Organized under LREC2012) (WILDRE-2012)

Pala, K., and S. V. Ganagashetty, Challenges and Opportunities in Automatically Building Bilingual Lexicon from Web Corpus, Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics Volume (5| 2012), Pp.169-184

Pala, K., A Generic Framework of Computer Adaptive Testing Mechanism. An International Journal
of Engineering Sciences ISSN: 2229-6913, Issue July 2012, Vol.6

Pala, K., Singh, A. K. and S. V. Gangashetty, Games for Academic Vocabulary Learning through a Virtual Environment, International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2011, pp. 295-298, doi: 10.1109/IALP.2011.67.

Pala, K., Begum, R. An Experiment on Resolving Pronominal Anaphora in Hindi: Using Heuristics. In: Singh, C., Singh Lehal, G., Sengupta, J., Sharma, D.V., Goyal, V. (eds) Information Systems for Indian Languages. ICISIL 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 139. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19403-0_46

Pala. K, The Relevance of Variations in Auditory Perception for Second Language Teaching and Learning. In Proceedings of the 4th Language Technology Conference (LTC)-Human Language Technology (HLT), LTC2009.

Singh, AK, Pala, K and Surana, H.  Estimating the Resource Adaption Cost from a Resource Rich Language to a Similar Resource Poor Language. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC, 2008), Marrakech, Morocco. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).

Chaudary, S and Pala, K, Enhancing effectiveness of sentence alignment in parallel corpora: Using MT heuristics in ICON-2008: International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2008)


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