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Computational Neuroanatomy Lab profiilikuva

Computational Neuroanatomy Lab

01.09.2024 -
A.I. Virtanen -instituutti, Terveystieteiden tiedekunta

Computational Neuroanatomy Lab, led by Dr. Ali Abdollahzadeh, is affiliated with the A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland.
We seek to understand the statistical properties and organizational principles of brain tissue microstructures, which are fundamental to understanding the macroscopic diffusion MRI signal. This will effectively span 2-3 orders of magnitudes in resolution.
For this purpose, we have introduced an innovative family of computational tools, such as ACSON, DeepACSON, gACSON, and Skeletonize, tailored for the segmentation and morphology analysis of large electron microscopy volumes. These developments have enabled access to the realistic geometry of white matter tissue microstructures.
We have recently developed the scattering framework for diffusion in a tube with varying cross-sectional area and uncovered the relevant parameters that govern the diffusive dynamics of water in axons.