Mohamed Abdelgalil
Part-Time Teacher
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta
[email protected] | 050 308 9369
Mohammed Saqr holds a PhD in learning analytics from Stockholm University. Currently, Mohammed Saqr works as a senior researcher at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and holds the title of Docent in Learning Analytics from the University of Oulu (Finland). Mohammed Saqr’s work experience includes working at Université de Paris Cité (France), Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). Now, Mohammed Saqr leads the lab of learning analytics at UEF, Europe’s most productive learning analytics lab in 2021 and 2022. Mohammed Saqr was awarded the most competitive funding in both Sweden (Swedish Research Council) and Finland (the Academy of Finland). Mohammed Saqr has published extensively on learning analytics as well as computing education, science of science and open science. Since September 2022, Mohammed Saqr is working to develop artificial intelligence methods that can personalize education (Idiographic analytics). Besides, he serves as an associate editor at IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, PLoS One, Frontiers in Computer Science and Frontiers in Big Data. For a full CV please see his website here and for an updated list of publications, please see here.
IGLUE: Pelipohjaisen oppimisen toteuttaminen käyttäen pakohuoneita 01.10.2024 - 31.12.2026
INTEL - Euroopan tutkimusneuvoston rahoittama tutkimus energiaoikeuden yleisistä opeista 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2029
Oppimisen laadun ja kestävyyden parantaminen oppimisanalytiikkaan perustuvilla varhaisen puuttumisen menetelmillä 31.12.2023 - 30.03.2028
158/158 kappaletta-
A Broad Collection of Datasets for Educational Research Training and Application
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Conde, Javier; Del-Río-Carazo, Laura. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 17-66. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
A Modern Approach to Transition Analysis and Process Mining with Markov Models in Education
Helske, Jouni; Helske, Satu; Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Murphy, Keefe. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 381-427. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
A Scoping Review of Idiographic Research in Education: Too Little, But Not Too Late
Ito, Hibiki; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Altinay, Zehra; Chang, Maiga; Kuo, Rita; Tlili, Ahmed(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2024. s. 10-12. IEEE A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
An Introduction and R Tutorial to Model-Based Clustering in Education via Latent Profile Analysis
Scrucca, Luca; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Murphy, Keefe. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 285-317. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
An R Approach to Data Cleaning and Wrangling for Education Research
Kopra, Juho; Tikka, Santtu; Heinäniemi, Merja; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 95-119. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Assessment of accessibility in virtual laboratories: a systematic review
Deriba, Fitsum G; Saqr, Mohammed; Tukiainen, Markku. 2024. Frontiers in education. 9: A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Capturing temporal pathways of collaborative roles: A multilayered analytical approach using community of inquiry
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Hirsto, Laura; Tedre, Matti. 2024. International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning. [Epub ahead of print 14 August 2024]: 1-37 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Capturing the Sequential Pattern of Students’ Interactions in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti; Hirsto, Laura. Teoksessa: de Carvalho Gonçalves, José Alexandre; de Magalhães Lima, José Luís Sousa; Coelho, João Paulo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of TEEM 2023: The Eleventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 800-809. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Capturing the Wealth and Diversity of Learning Processes with Learning Analytics Methods
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Kaliisa, Rogers; Conde-González, Miguel Ángel; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 1-14. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Capturing where the learning process takes place: A person-specific and person-centered primer
Saqr, Mohammed; Vogelsmeier, Leonie VDE; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2024. Learning and individual differences. 113: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Community Detection in Learning Networks Using R
Hernández-García, Ángel; Cuenca-Enrique, Carlos; Traxler, Adrienne; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Conde-González, Miguel Ángel; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 519-540. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Dissimilarity-Based Cluster Analysis of Educational Data: A Comparative Tutorial Using R
Murphy, Keefe; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 231-283. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Editorial: Diversity in the social sciences: researching digital education in and for the global south
Kilanioti, Irene; Saqr, Mohammed; Queiruga-Dios, Miguel Angel. 2024. Frontiers in education. 9: B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Factor Analysis in Education Research Using R
Vogelsmeier, Lenio V D E; Saqr, Mohammed; Beck, Emorie; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Jongerling, Joran. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 673-703. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Getting Started with R for Education Research
Tikka, Santtu; Kopra, Juho; Heinäniemi, Merja; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 67-94. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Have Learning Analytics Dashboards Lived Up to the Hype? A Systematic Review of Impact on Students' Achievement, Motivation, Participation and Attitude
Kaliisa, Rogers; Misiejuk, Kamila; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Khalil, Mohammad; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Joksimovic, Srecko; Zamecnik, Andrew(toim.) , 2024. LAK '24: Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. s. 295-304. ACM A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
How group structure, members' interactions and teacher facilitation explain the emergence of roles in collaborative learning
Saqr, Mohammed; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Murphy, Keefe. 2024. Learning and individual differences. 112: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How the dynamics of engagement explain the momentum of achievement and the inertia of disengagement: A complex systems theory approach
Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. 2024. Computers in human behavior. 153: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Idiographic artificial intelligence to explain students' self-regulation: Toward precision education
Saqr, Mohammed; Cheng, Rongxin; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Beck, Emorie D. 2024. Learning and individual differences. 114: . 102499 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Introductory Statistics with R for Educational Researchers
Tikka, Santtu; Kopra, Juho; Heinäniemi, Merja; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 121-150. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2024. . . Springer C2 Toimitettu teos -
Mapping soft skills and further research directions for higher education: a bibliometric approach with structural topic modelling
Zahn, Eva Maria; Schöbel, Sofia; Saqr, Mohammed; Söllner, Matthias. 2024. Studies in higher education. [Epub ahead of print 10 June 2024]: 1-21 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Mapping the Topics, Trends, and Themes of Education Technology in Legal Education with Topic Modeling and Network Analysis
Huhta, Kaisa; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: de Carvalho Gonçalves, José Alexandre; de Magalhães Lima, José Luís Sousa; Coelho, João Paulo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of TEEM 2023: The Eleventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 894-903. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Mapping the self in self-regulation using complex dynamic systems approach
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2024. British journal of educational technology. 55: 1376-1397 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Modeling the Dynamics of Longitudinal Processes in Education. A Tutorial with R for the VaSSTra Method
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 355-379. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Momentary emotions emerge and evolve differently, yet are surprisingly stable within students
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Altinay, Zehra; Chang, Maiga; Kuo, Rita; Tlili, Ahmed(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2024. s. 86-90. IEEE A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
More Data is not Always Better Data: An Exploratory Learning Analytics Study in Early Prediction
Rai, Pranuj; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: de Carvalho Gonçalves, José Alexandre; de Magalhães Lima, José Luís Sousa; Coelho, João Paulo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of TEEM 2023: The Eleventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 830-838. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Multi-Channel Sequence Analysis in Educational Research: An Introduction and Tutorial with R
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Helske, Satu; Murphy, Keefe. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 429-465. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Predictive Modelling in Learning Analytics: A Machine Learning Approach in R
Jovanovic, Jelena; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 197-229. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Proceedings 14th International Conference on eLearning
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Conde, Miguel Ángel; Raspopović Milić, Miroslava. 2024. CEUR workshop proceedings. . CEUR C2 Toimitettu teos -
Psychological Networks: A Modern Approach to Analysis of Learning and Complex Learning Processes
Saqr, Mohammed; Beck, Emorie; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 639-671. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Sequence Analysis in Education: Principles, Technique, and Tutorial with R
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Helske, Satu; Durand, Marion; Murphy, Keefe; Studer, Matthias; Ritschard, Gilbert. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 321-354. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Sequence analysis and process mining perspectives to goal setting: What distinguishes business students with high and low self-efficacy beliefs?
Heikkinen, Sami; Cristea, Tudor; Saqr, Mohammed; Malmberg, Jonna; Kleingeld, Ad; Snijders, Chris; Matzat, Uwe; Tedre, Matti. 2024. Smart Learning Environments. 11: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Social Network Analysis: A Primer, a Guide and a Tutorial in R
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Conde-González, Miguel Ángel; Hernández-García, Ángel. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 491-518. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Structural Equation Modeling with R for Education Scientists
Jongerling, Joran; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Vogelsmeier, Leonie V D E. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 705-721. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Temporal Network Analysis: Introduction, Methods and Analysis with R
Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 541-567. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
The Critical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Conde, Miguel Ángel; Raspopović Milić, Miroslava(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings 14th International Conference on eLearning. s. 1-3. B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
The Features Learning Analytics Students Want the Most: Help Them Learn Over All Else
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Conde, Miguel Ángel; Raspopović Milić, Miroslava(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings 14th International Conference on eLearning. s. 15-23. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
The Temporal Dynamics of Procrastination and its Impact on Academic Performance: The Case of a Task-oriented Programming Course
Conde, Javier; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Barra, Enrique; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Shahriar, Hossain(toim.) , 2024. SAC '24: Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. s. 48-55. ACM A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
The Why, the How and the When of Educational Process Mining in R
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 467-488. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Tracking Students’ Progress in Educational Escape Rooms Through a Sequence Analysis Inspired Dashboard
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Gordillo, Aldo; Barra, Enrique; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Mello, Rafael Ferreira; Rummel, Nikol; Jivet, Ioana; Pishtari, Gerti; Ruipérez Valiente, José A(toim.) , 2024. Technology Enhanced Learning for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education: 19th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2024, Krems, Austria, September 16–20, 2024, Proceedings, Part II. s. 119-124. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Trends on Communication, Educational Assessment, Educational Innovation, Identity, Smart Learning, and Doctoral Consortium at TEEM 2023
Amo-Filva, Daniel; Balbín, Ana María; Conde, Miguel Ángel; Fidalgo-Blanco, Ángel; Fonseca, David; Gamazo, Adriana; García-Holgado, Alicia; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; Hernández-García, Ángel; Martín-Lucas, Judith; Molina-Carmona, Rafael; Morais, Ricardo; Muñoz Rodríguez, José Manuel; Olmos-Migueláñez, Susana; Pessoa, Teresa; Piñeiro-Naval, Valeriano; Ramírez-Montoya, María Soledad; Sánchez-Holgado, Patricia; Sánchez-Prieto, José Carlos; Saqr, Mohammed; Sein-Echaluce, María Luisa; Villagrá-Ar. Teoksessa: de Carvalho Gonçalves, José Alexandre; de Magalhães Lima, José Luís Sousa; Coelho, João Paulo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of TEEM 2023: The Eleventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 759-778. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Visualizing and Reporting Educational Data with R
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Tikka, Santtu; Kopra, Juho; Heinäniemi, Merja; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 151-194. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Why Educational Research Needs a Complex System Revolution that Embraces Individual Differences, Heterogeneity, and Uncertainty
Saqr, Mohammed; Schreuder, Marieke J; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles(toim.) , 2024. Learning Analytics Methods and Tutorials: A Practical Guide Using R. s. 723-734. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Why Learning and Teaching Learning Analytics is Hard: An Experience from a Real-Life LA Course Using LA Methods
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: de Carvalho Gonçalves, José Alexandre; de Magalhães Lima, José Luís Sousa; Coelho, João Paulo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of TEEM 2023: The Eleventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 781-789. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Why explainable AI may not be enough: predictions and mispredictions in decision making in education
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2024. Smart Learning Environments. 11: . 52 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Scientometric Perspective on the Evolution of the SIGCSE Technical Symposium: 1970–2021
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Apiola, Mikko; Saqr, Mohammed; Pears, Arnold; Tedre, Matti. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 193-212. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
A Typology of Metagamers: Identifying Player Types Based on Beyond the Game Activities
Kahila, Juho; Valtonen, Teemu; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Kahila, Sanni; Tedre, Matti. 2023. Games and culture: a journal of interactive media. 2024; 20: 38-58 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A multimethod synthesis of Covid-19 education research: the tightrope between covidization and meaningfulness
Saqr, Mohammed; Raspopovic Milic, Miroslava; Pancheva, Katina; Jovic, Jovana; Peltekova, Elitsa V; Conde, Miguel. 2023. Universal access in the information society. 2024; 23: 1163-1176 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A systematic narrative review of learning analytics research in K-12 and schools
Hirsto, Laura; Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Valtonen, Teemu. Teoksessa: Hirsto; Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Väisänen, Sanna(toim.) , 2023. FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022). s. 60-67. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Bridging Education Learning Analytics and AI: Challenges of the Present and Thoughts for the Future
Hirsto, Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Valtonen, Teemu; Sointu, Erkko; Väisänen, Sanna. Teoksessa: Hirsto, Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Väisänen, Sanna(toim.) , 2023. FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022). s. 1-6. B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Capturing the Impact and the Chatter Around Computing Education Research Beyond Academia in Social Media, Patents, and Blogs
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Apiola, Mikko. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 171-191. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Charting the Evolution and Future of Conversational Agents: A Research Agenda Along Five Waves and New Frontiers
Schöbel, Sofia; Schmitt, Anuschka; Benner, Dennis; Saqr, Mohammed; Janson, Andreas; Leimeister, Jan Marco. 2023. Information systems frontiers. 2024; 26: 729-754 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Computing Education Research in Schools
Dagienė, Valentina; Gülbahar, Yasemin; Grgurina, Natasa; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Apiola, Mikko; Stupurienė, Gabrielė. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 481-520. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Computing Education Research in the Global South
Agbo, Friday Joseph; Ntinda, Maria; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Apiola, Mikko. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 311-333. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Computing Education Research in the UK & Ireland
Becker, Brett A; Bradley, Steven; Maguire, Joseph; Black, Michaela; Crick, Tom; Saqr, Mohammed; Sentance, Sue; Quille, Keith. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 421-479. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Definition of a Learning Analytics Ecosystem for the ILEDA Project Piloting
Conde, Miguel; Georgiev, Atanas; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Jovic, Jovana; Crespo-Martínez, Ignacio; Raspopovic Milic, Miroslava; Saqr, Mohammed; Pancheva, Katina. Teoksessa: Zaphiris, Panayiotis; Ioannou, Andri(toim.) , 2023. Learning and Collaboration Technologies: 10th International Conference, LCT 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I. s. 444-453. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Digital natives in the scientific literature: A topic modeling approach
Mertala, Pekka; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti. 2023. Computers in human behavior. 2024; 152: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Examining the Development of K-12 Students’ Cognitive Presence over Time: The Case of Online Mathematics Tutoring
Hrastinski, Stefan; Stenbom, Stefan; Saqr, Mohammed; Jansson, Malin; Viberg, Olga. 2023. Online learning. 27: 252-271 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Exploring Barriers and Challenges to Accessibility in Virtual Laboratories: A Preliminary Review
Deriba, Fitsum G; Saqr, Mohammed; Tukiainen, Markku. Teoksessa: Elmoazen, Ramy; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories Workshop (TELL 2023). s. 68-77. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Exploring the Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research: An Introduction
Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Malmi, Lauri; Daniels, Mats. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 1-7. Springer B2 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022)
Hirsto, Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Valtonen, Teemu; Sointu, Erkko; Väisänen, Sanna. 2023. CEUR workshop proceedings. . CEUR-WS C2 Toimitettu teos -
From Variables to States to Trajectories (VaSSTra): A Method for Modelling the Longitudinal Dynamics of Learning and Behaviour
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2023. Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 1169-1178. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Group-level analysis of engagement poorly reflects individual students’ processes: Why we need idiographic learning analytics
Saqr, Mohammed. 2023. Computers in human behavior. 2024; 150: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How assessment analytics can help to improve reliability, efficiency, and fairness of entrance examinations
Nissinen, Mika; Silvennoinen, Elisa; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Hirsto; Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Väisänen, Sanna(toim.) , 2023. FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022). s. 21-29. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
How do business students self-regulate their project management learning? A sequence mining study
Heikkinen, Sami; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Malmberg, Jonna; Tedre, Matti; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Hirsto; Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Väisänen, Sanna(toim.) , 2023. FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022). s. 51-59. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
How social interactions kindle productive online problem-based learning: An exploratory study of the temporal dynamics
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti; Hirsto, Laura. Teoksessa: Hirsto; Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Väisänen, Sanna(toim.) , 2023. FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022). s. 68-76. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Intense, turbulent, or wallowing in the mire: A longitudinal study of cross-course online tactics, strategies, and trajectories
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Jovanović, Jelena; Gašević, Dragan. 2023. Internet and higher education. 57: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
International Online Team-Based Learning in Higher Education of Biomedicine - Evaluation by Learning Analytics
Mairinoja, Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Elmoazen, Ramy; Niskanen, Einari A.; Kuningas, Tiina; Wärri, Anni; Saqr, Mohammed; Strauss, Leena. Teoksessa: Elmoazen, Ramy; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories Workshop (TELL 2023). s. 49-60. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Learning analytics in virtual laboratories: a systematic literature review of empirical research
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara. 2023. Smart Learning Environments. 10: A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Learning analytics to explore the motivational profiles of non-traditional practical nurse students: a mixed-methods approach
Kleimola, Riina; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Väisänen, Sanna; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Hirsto, Laura. 2023. Empirical research in vocational education and training. 15: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Mapping students’ temporal pathways in a computational thinking escape room
Vartiainen, Henriikka; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Kahila, Juho; Parkki, Tuomo; Tedre, Matti; Valtonen, Teemu. Teoksessa: Hirsto; Laura; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Väisänen, Sanna(toim.) , 2023. FLAIEC 2022 : Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2022. Proceedings of the 1st Finnish Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (FLAIEC 2022). s. 77-88. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Modelling within-person idiographic variance could help explain and individualize learning
Saqr, Mohammed. 2023. British journal of educational technology. 54: 1077-1094 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Multi-stakeholder Perspective on the Gap Between Existing Realities and New Requirements for Online and Blended Learning: An Exploratory Study
Conde, Miguel Á.; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Peltekova, Elitsa; Pancheva, Katina; Raspopovic Milic, Miroslava; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: García-Peñalvo, Francisco José; García-Holgado, Alicia(toim.) , 2023. Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. s. 1109-1116. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective
Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. 2023. . . Springer C2 Toimitettu teos -
Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories Workshop (TELL 2023)
Elmoazen, Ramy; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara; Saqr, Mohammed. 2023. CEUR workshop proceedings. . CEUR C2 Toimitettu teos -
Prospects in the field of learning and individual differences: Examining the past to forecast the future using bibliometrics
Bobrowicz, Katarzyna; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Teuber, Ziwen; Saqr, Mohammed; Greiff, Samuel. 2023. Learning and individual differences. 2024; 109: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Reflections on Technology-enhanced Learning in Laboratories: Barriers and Opportunities
Elmoazen, Ramy; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Elmoazen, Ramy; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Misiejuk, Kamila; Khalil, Mohammad; Wasson, Barbara; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Proceedings of the Technology-Enhanced Learning in Laboratories Workshop (TELL 2023). s. 1-4. B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Scientometrics : A Concise Introduction and a Detailed Methodology for Mapping the Scientific Field of Computing Education Research
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Apiola, Mikko. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 79-99. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
The Evolving Themes of Computing Education Research : Trends, Topic Models, and Emerging Research
Apiola, Mikko; Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 151-169. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
The Hands that Made Computing Education Research : Top Authors, Networks, Collaboration and Newcomers
Apiola, Mikko; Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 101-119. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
The Venues that Shaped Computing Education Research : Dissemination Under the Lens
Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 121-150. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
The longitudinal association between engagement and achievement varies by time, students’ profiles, and achievement state: A full program study
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Helske, Satu; Hrastinski, Stefan. 2023. Computers and education. 199: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Transferring effective learning strategies across learning contexts matters: A study in problem-based learning
Saqr, Mohammed; Matcha, Wannisa; Uzir, Nora'ayu Ahmad; Jovanovic, Jelena; Gašević, Dragan; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2023. Australasian journal of educational technology. 39: 35-57 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Understanding Emotional Behavior with Learning Analytics to Support Pre-service Teachers’ Learning in Challenging Content Area
Sointu, Erkko; Saqr, Mohammed; Valtonen, Teemu; Hallberg, Susanne; Väisänen, Sanna; Kankaanpää, Jenni; Tuominen, Ville; Hirsto, Laura. 2023. Journal of technology and teacher education. 31: 67-87 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
When, how and for whom changes in engagement happen: A transition analysis of instructional variables
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Vogelsmeier, Leonie VDE. 2023. Computers and education. 207: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Person-Centered Approach to Study Students’ Socio-Emotional Interaction Profiles and Regulation of Collaborative Learning
Törmänen, Tiina; Järvenoja, Hanna; Saqr, Mohammed; Malmberg, Jonna; Järvelä, Sanna. 2022. Frontiers in education. 7: . 866612 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Quantitative Synthesis of Eight Decades of Global Multiple Sclerosis Research Using Bibliometrics
Ismail, Ismail Ibrahim; Saqr, Mohammed. 2022. Frontiers in neurology. 13: . 845539 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research on Epistemic Network Analysis in Education
Elmoazen, Ramy; Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti; Hirsto, Laura. 2022. IEEE access. 10: 17330-17348 A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A learning analytics perspective on educational escape rooms
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Gordillo, Aldo; Barra, Enrique. 2022. Interactive learning environments. [Epub ahead of print 22 Feb 2022]: 1-17 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Addressing the complexity of online education: A learning analytics and big data perspective
Conde, Miguel Ángel; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Milić, Miroslava Raspopović. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Ángel Conde, Miguel; Raspopović Milić, Miroslava(toim.) , 2022. 13th International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2022). s. 1-3. B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Affective states and regulation of learning during socio‐emotional interactions in secondary school collaborative groups
Törmänen, Tiina; Järvenoja, Hanna; Saqr, Mohammed; Malmberg, Jonna; Järvelä, Sanna. 2022. British journal of educational psychology. [First published: 23 June 2022]: 1-23 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Computing Education Research Compiled: Keyword Trends, Building Blocks, Creators, and Dissemination
Apiola, Mikko; Saqr, Mohammed; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Tedre, Matti. 2022. IEEE access. 10: 27041-27068 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Concluding remarks of the NetSciLA22 Workshop
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hernández-García, Angel; Conde, Miguel Angel; Poquet, Oleksandra . Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hernández-García, Ángel; Conde, Miguel Ángel; Poquet, Oleksandra(toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of the NetSciLA 2022 Workshop "Networks and Learning Analytics: Addressing Educational Challenges" (NetSciLA 2022). s. 41-46. B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Emotional behavior in quantitative research methods course for preservice teachers
Sointu, Erkko; Saqr, Mohammed; Valtonen, Teemu; Hallberg, Susanne; Väisänen, Sanna; Kankaanpää, Jenni; Tuominen, Ville; Hirsto, Laura. Teoksessa: Langran, Elizabeth; Eguchi, Amy(toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. s. 2089-2098. Association for the advancement of computing in education A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Exploring students’ expectations of learning analytics: A person-centered approach
Viberg, Olga; Engström, Linda; Saqr, Mohammed; Hrastinski, Stefan. 2022. Education and information technologies. 27: 8561-8581 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
From a National Meeting to an International Conference: A Scientometric Case Study of a Finnish Computing Education Conference
Apiola, Mikko; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Pears, Arnold; Daniels, Mats; Malmi, Lauri; Tedre, Matti. 2022. IEEE access. 10: 66576-66588 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Games and Rewards: A Scientometric Study of Rewards in Educational and Serious Games
Tyni, Janne; Tarkiainen, Anni; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Kahila, Juho; Bednarik, Roman; Tedre, Matti. 2022. IEEE access. 10: 31578-31585 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How CSCL roles emerge, persist, transition, and evolve over time: A four-year longitudinal study
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2022. Computers and education. 189: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How the Monitoring Events of Individual Students Are Associated With Phases of Regulation
Malmberg, Jonna; Saqr, Mohammed; Järvenoja, Hanna; Järvelä, Sanna. 2022. Journal of learning analytics. 9: 77-92 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
How well centrality measures capture student achievement in computer-supported collaborative learning? – A systematic review and meta-analysis
Saqr, Mohammed; Elmoazen, Ramy; Tedre, Matti; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hirsto, Laura. 2022. Educational research review. 35: A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Instant or Distant: A Temporal Network Tale of Two Interaction Platforms and Their Influence on Collaboration
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Hilliger, I; Muñoz-Merino, PJ; De Laet, T; Ortega-Arranz, A; Farrell, T (toim.) , 2022. Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption. s. 594-600. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Is GDPR failing? a tale of the many challenges in interpretations, applications, and enforcement
Saqr, Mohammed. 2022. International journal of health sciences. 16: 1-2 B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Is there order in the mess? A single paper meta-analysis approach to identification of predictors of success in learning analytics
Saqr, Mohammed; Jovanovic, Jelena; Viberg, Olga; Gašević, Dragan. 2022. Studies in higher education. 47: 2370-2391 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Learning analytics and flipped learning in online teaching for supporting preservice teachers’ learning of quantitative research methods
Sointu, Erkko; Valtonen, Teemu; Hallberg, Susanne; Kankaanpää, Jenni; Väisänen, Sanna; Heikkinen, Lasse; Saqr, Mohammed; Tuominen, Ville; Hirsto, Laura. 2022. 18: 1-20 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Modeling the Complex Interplay Between Monitoring Events for Regulated Learning with Psychological Networks
Malmberg, Jonna; Saqr, Mohammed; Järvenoja, Hanna; Haataja, Eetu; Pijeira-Díaz, Héctor J; Järvelä, Sanna. Teoksessa: Giannakos, Michail; Spikol, Daniel; Di Mitri, Daniele; Sharma, Kshitij; Ochoa, Xavier; Hammad, Rawad (toim.) , 2022. The Multimodal Learning Analytics Handbook. s. 79-104. Springer A3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa -
Monivalintakysymykset oikeustieteellisen alan yhteisvalintakokeessa - hitti vai huti?
Nissinen, Mika; Silvennoinen, Elisa; Saqr, Mohammed. 2022. Edilex. : 1-19 B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Networks and Learning Analytics: Addressing Educational Challenges
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hernández-García, Ángel; Conde, Miguel Ángel; Poquet, Oleksandra. Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hernández-García, Angel; Conde, Miguel Angel; Poquet, Oleksandra(toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of the NetSciLA 2022 Workshop "Networks and Learning Analytics: Addressing Educational Challenges" (NetSciLA 2022). s. 1-3. B3 Vertaisarvioimaton artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Networks in Education: A Travelogue Through Five Decades
Saqr, Mohammed; Poquet, Oleksandra; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2022. IEEE access. 10: 32361-32380 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Proceedings of the NetSciLA 2022 Workshop "Networks and Learning Analytics: Addressing Educational Challenges" (NetSciLA 2022)
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hernández-García, Angel; Conde, Miguel Angel; Poquet, Oleksandra . 2022. CEUR workshop proceedings. . Ceur C2 Toimitettu teos -
Pupils’ experiences of utilizing learning analytics to support self-regulated learning in two phenomenon-based study modules
Hirsto, Laura; Valtonen, Teemu; Saqr, Mohammed; Hallberg, Susanne; Sointu, Erkko; Kankaanpää, Jenni; Väisänen, Sanna. Teoksessa: Langran, Elizabeth; Eguchi, Amy(toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference . s. 1879-1885. Association for the advancement of computing in education A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Supporting self-regulated learning with learning analytics interventions – a systematic literature review
Heikkinen, Sami; Saqr, Mohammed; Malmberg, Jonna; Tedre, Matti. 2022. Education and information technologies. 2023; 28: 3059-3088 A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Teachers’ Learning Profiles in Learning Programming: The Big Picture!
Saqr, Mohammed; Tuominen, Ville; Valtonen, Teemu; Sointu, Erkko; Väisänen, Sanna; Hirsto, Laura. 2022. Frontiers in education. 7: A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Temporal networks in collaborative learning: A case study
Saqr, Mohammed; Peeters, Ward. 2022. British journal of educational technology. 53: 1283-1303 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The Curious Case of Centrality Measures: A Large-Scale Empirical Investigation
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2022. Journal of learning analytics. 9: 13-31 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Network Patterns on Sme International Performance
Kemppainen, Joona; Raatikainen, Markus; Saqr, Mohammed; Gabrielsson, Mika. 2022. ANZMAC conference proceedings abstract -
The Why, the What and the How to Model a Dynamic Relational Learning Process with Temporal Networks
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles . Teoksessa: Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Hernández-García, Angel; Conde, Miguel Angel; Poquet, Oleksandra(toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of the NetSciLA 2022 Workshop "Networks and Learning Analytics: Addressing Educational Challenges" (NetSciLA 2022). s. 33-40. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
To Opt In or To Opt Out? Predicting Student Preference for Learning Analytics-Based Formative Feedback
Merikko, Joonas; Ng, Kwok; Saqr, Mohammed; Ihantola, Petri. 2022. IEEE access. 10: 99195-99204 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Scientometric Journey Through the FIE Bookshelf: 1982-2020
Apiola, Mikko; Tedre; Matti; López-Pernas, Sonsokes; Saqr, Mohammed; Daniels, Mats; Pears, Arnold. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2021. FIE 2021 - Proceedings. s. 1-9. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Bringing Synchrony and Clarity to Complex Multi-Channel Data
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. 2021. IEEE access. 9: 166531-166541 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Facilitating Disciplinary-Specific Knowledge Sharing: A Usability Study of a Dementia Library
Wedberg, Martin; Viberg, Olga; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2021. World Conference on Mobile, Blended and Seamless Learning. s. 51-58. LearnTechLib D3 Artikkeli ammatillisessa konferenssijulkaisussa -
Harnessing the Potentials of Technology to Support Self-Directed Language Learning in Online Learning Settings (STELLA 2020): Proceedings of the 2020 STELLA Symposium
Viberg, Olga; Mynard, Jo; Peeters, Ward; Saqr, Mohammed. 2021. CEUR workshop proceedings. . CEUR C2 Toimitettu teos -
How Networking and Social Capital Influence Performance: The Role of Long-Term Ties
Saqr, Mohammed; Nouri, Jalal; Fors, Uno; Viberg, Olga; Alsuhaibani, Marya; Alharbi, Amjad; Alharbi, Mohammed; Alamer, Abdullah. Teoksessa: Antonyuk, Artem; Basov, Nikita(toim.) , 2021. Networks in the Global World V: Proceedings of NetGloW 2020. s. 335-346. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Idiographic Learning Analytics: A Within-Person Ethical Perspective
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Scheffel, M; Dowell, N; Joksimovic, S; Siemens, G(toim.) , 2021. Companion Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge LAK20. s. 310-315. SOLAR D3 Artikkeli ammatillisessa konferenssijulkaisussa -
Idiographic learning analytics: A definition and a case study
Saqr, Mohammed; Lopez-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: Chang, Maiga; Chen, Nian-Shing; Sampson, Demetrios G; Tlili, Ahmed(toim.) , 2021. 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). s. 163-165. IEEE A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Idiographic learning analytics: A single student (N=1) approach using psychological networks
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2021. . s. 16-22. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Modelling diffusion in computer-supported collaborative learning: a large scale learning analytics study
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2021. International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning. 16: 441-483 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
People, Ideas, Milestones: A Scientometric Study of Computational Thinking
Saqr, Mohammed; Ng, Kwok; Oyelere, Solomon Sunday; Tedre, Matti. 2021. ACM transactions on computing education. 21: 1-17 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Putting It All Together: Combining Learning Analytics Methods and Data Sources to Understand Students' Approaches to Learning Programming
López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Viberg, Olga. 2021. Sustainability. 13: 4825 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Recommendations for Network Research in Learning Analytics: To Open a Conversation
Poquet, Oleksandra; Saqr, Mohammed; Chen, Bodong. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2021. . s. 34-41. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Students matter the most in learning analytics: The effects of internal and instructional conditions in predicting academic success
Jovanovic, Jelena; Saqr, Mohammed; Joksimovic, Srecko; Ga¨evic, Dragan. 2021. Computers and education. 172: 104251 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The Dire Cost of Early Disengagement: A Four-Year Learning Analytics Study over a Full Program
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. Teoksessa: De Laet, Tinne; Klemke, Roland; Alario-Hoyos, Carlos; Hilliger, Isabel; Ortega-Arranz, Alejandro(toim.) , 2021. Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World: 16th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2021 Bolzano, Italy, September 20-24, 2021, Proceedings. s. 122-136. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
The longitudinal trajectories of online engagement over a full program
Saqr, Mohammed; López-Pernas, Sonsoles. 2021. Computers and education. 175: 104325 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The nature and building blocks of educational technology research
Valtonen, Teemu; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Sointu, Erkko Tapio; Tedre, Matti. 2021. Computers in human behavior. 2022; 128: 107123 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The relational, co-temporal, contemporaneous, and longitudinal dynamics of self-regulation for academic writing
Saqr, Mohammed; Peeters, Ward; Viberg, Olga. 2021. Research and practice in technology enhanced learning. 16: 29 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Two decades of game concepts in digital learning environments - A bibliometric study and research agenda
Schöbel, Sofia; Saqr, Mohammed; Janson, Andreas. 2021. Computers and education. 173: 104296 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Using Network Science in Learning Analytics: Building Bridges towards a Common Agenda
Poquet, Oleksandra; Chen, Bodong; Saqr, Mohammed; Hecking, Tobias. 2021. CEUR workshop proceedings. . CEUR C2 Toimitettu teos -
Using psychological networks to reveal the interplay between foreign language students' self-regulated learning tactics
Saqr, M.; Viberg, O.; Peteers, W.. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2021. . s. 1-12. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Utility of SPECT Functional Neuroimaging of Pain
Bermo, Mohammed; Saqr, Mohammed; Hoffman, Hunter; Patterson, David; Sharar, Sam; Minoshima, Satoshi; Lewis, David H. 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry. 12: 705242 B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Research Agenda for the Why, What, and How of Gamification Designs - Results on an ECIS 2019 Panel
Schöbel, S; Janson, A; Jahn, K; Kordyaka, B; Turetken, O; Djafarova, N; Saqr, M; Wu, D; Söllner, M; Adam, M; Gad, PH; Wesseloh, H; Leimeister, JM. 2020. Communications of the association for information systems. 46: 706-721 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Applying Learning Analytics to Map Students' Self-Regulated Learning Tactics in an Academic Writing Course
Peeters, Ward; Saqr, Mohammed; Viberg, Olga. Teoksessa: So, Hyo-Jeong; Rodrigo, Ma. Mercedes; Mason, Jon; Mitrovic, Antonija(toim.) , 2020. Applying Learning Analytics to Map Students Self-Regulated Learning Tactics in an Academic Writing Course. s. 245-254. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
COVID-19: Lost opportunities and lessons for the future
Saqr, Mohammed; Wasson, Barbara. 2020. International journal of health sciences. 14: 4-6 B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Capturing the participation and social dimensions of computer-supported collaborative learning through social network analysis: which method and measures matter?
Saqr, Mohammed; Viberg, Olga; Vartiainen, Henriikka. 2020. International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning. 15: 227-248 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
High resolution temporal network analysis to understand and improve collaborative learning
Saqr, Mohammed; Nouri, Jalal. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2020. LAK20 Conference Proceedings: Celebrating 10 years of LAK: Shaping the future of the field. s. 314-319. ACM A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Learning and Social Networks - Similarities, Differences and Impact
Saqr, Mohammed; Suero Montero, Calkin. Teoksessa: Chen, Nian-Shing; Chang, Maiga; Kinshuk; Sampson, Demetrios G; Pedaste, Margus; Huang, Ronghuai; Hooshyar, Danial(toim.) , 2020. Proceedings: IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2020. s. 135-139. A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Multimodal Temporal Network Analysis to Improve Learner Support and Teaching
Saqr, Mohammed; Viberg, Olga; Nouri, Jalal; Oyelere, Solomon. Teoksessa: Giannakos, Michail; Spikol, Daniel; Molenaar, Inge; Di Mitri, Daniele; Sharma, Kshitij; Ochoa, Xavier; Hammad, Rawad(toim.) , 2020. Proceedings of CrossMMLA in practice: Collecting, annotating and analyzing multimodal data across spaces co-located with 10th International Learning and Analytics Conference (LAK 2020). s. 30-33. R. Piskac c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Robustness and rich clubs in collaborative learning groups: a learning analytics study using network science
Saqr, Mohammed; Nouri, Jalal; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti. 2020. Scientific reports. 10: 14445 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Tear down the walls: Disseminating open access research for a global impact
Saqr, Mohammed; Al-Mohaimeed, Abdulrahman; Rasheed, Zafar. 2020. International journal of health sciences. 14: 43-49 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Using Diffusion Network Analytics to Examine and Support Knowledge Construction in CSCL Settings
Saqr, Mohammed; Viberg, Olga. Teoksessa: Alario-Hoyos, Carlos; RodrÃguez-Triana, MarÃa Jesús; Scheffel, Maren; Arnedillo-Sánchez, Inmaculada; Dennerlein, Sebastian Maximilian(toim.) , 2020. Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education. s. 158-172. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
What makes an online problem-based group successful? A learning analytics study using social network analysis
Saqr, Mohammed; Nouri, Jalal; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Malmberg, Jonna. 2020. Bmc medical education. 20: 80 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
A Learning Analytics Study of the Effect of Group Size on Social Dynamics and Performance in Online Collaborative Learning
Saqr, Mohammed; Nouri, Jalal; Jormanainen, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Scheffel, M; Broisin, J; Pammer-Schindler, V; Ioannou, A; Schneider, J(toim.) , 2019. Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies: 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2019, Delft, The Netherlands, September 16-19, 2019, Proceedings. s. 466-479. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Bachelor thesis analytics: using machine learning to predict dropout and identify performance factors
Nouri, Jalal; Larsson, Ken; Saqr, Mohammed. 2019. International journal of learning analytics and artificial intelligence for education. 1: 116-131 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Efforts in Europe for Data-Driven Improvement of Education: A Review of Learning Analytics Research in Seven Countries
Nouri, Jalal; Ebner, Martin; Ifenthaler, Dirk; Saqr, Mohammed; Malmberg, Jonna; Khalil, Mohammad; Bruun, Jesper; Viberg, Olga; Conde González, Miguel Ángel; Papamitsiou, Zacharoula; Berthelsen, Ulf Dalvad. 2019. International journal of learning analytics and artificial intelligence for education. 1: 8-27 A2 Katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Identifying Factors for Master Thesis Completion and Non-completion Through Learning Analytics and Machine Learning
Nouri, Jalal; Larsson, Ken; Saqr, Mohammed. Teoksessa: Scheffel, M; Broisin, J; Pammer-Schindler, V; Ioannou, A; Schneider, J(toim.) , 2019. Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies: 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2019, Delft, The Netherlands, September 16-19, 2019, Proceedings. s. 28-39. Springer A4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa -
Predicting performance of students in a flipped classroom using machine learning: towards automated data-driven formative feedback
Nouri, Jalal; Saqr, Mohammed; Fors, Uno. 2019. Journal of systemics, cybernetics and informatics. 17: 17-21 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Research education in an undergraduate curriculum: Students perspective
Alsuhaibani, Marya; Alharbi, Amjad; Inam, SN Bazmi; Alamro, Ahmad; Saqr, Mohammed. 2019. International journal of health sciences. 13: 30-34 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
Should we teach computational thinking and big data principles to medical students?
Saqr, Mohammed; Tedre, Matti. 2019. International journal of health sciences. 13: 1-2 B1 Kirjoitus tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä -
The role of social network analysis as a learning analytics tool in online problem based learning
Saqr, Mohammed; Alamro, Ahmad. 2019. Bmc medical education. 19: 160 A1 Alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä