Tarkenna hakuasi

Sabaheta  Ramcilovik-Suominen

Sabaheta Ramcilovik-Suominen

Vieraileva tutkija

Apulaistutkimusprofessori, Akatemian tutkija

Historia- ja maantieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta

[email protected]

Sabaheta Ramcilovic-Suominen (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3209-545X) is Associate Research Professor and Academy of Finland Research Fellow at the Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke. She is a Docent in Global Environmental Justice at the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, University of Eastern Finland. In her work she applies political ecology, decolonial and degrowth lenses to explore socioecological justice and sustainability transformations. She has studied global environmental policy and governance instruments, such as those promoting green transition, bioeconomy, carbon forestry and forest legality. She has explored their implications on the historically and currently marginalized, dispossessed and made vulnerable human and other-than-human communities and natures in different contexts and countries, including in the EU, Ghana and Laos. Her current research interests concern the interplay between inner personal and collective changes and the outer systemic or structural change, and what roles do ontologies, worldviews and mindsets play in such transformations. More about her work: https://justglobeproject.com/ and Google Scholar. *PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED AFTER 2020 ARE LISTED BELOW, while those published up to 2020 are in the ’Publications’ Tab.


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