Tarkenna hakuasi

Sivuvirtojen kaskadikäyttö kestävien akkukemikaalien tuotannossa profiilikuva

Sivuvirtojen kaskadikäyttö kestävien akkukemikaalien tuotannossa

Päättynyt 01.12.2023 - 30.11.2024
Teknillisen fysiikan laitos, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta



Interreg NPA Interreg NPA



  • Project Manager: Egidija Rainosalo (Centria University of Applied Sciences)
  • Project partner: Vesa-Pekka Lehto (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Project partner: Rúnar Unnþórsson (University of Iceland)

We are excited to participate in a preparatory project funded by Interreg NPA, which aims to enhance innovation capacity in battery manufacturing within the Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) region. This initiative focuses on exploring locally available silicon-containing resources and their potential use in advanced battery technologies.

Project Aims:

  • Foster Innovation: Unite research organizations and industries across the NPA region to collaboratively explore innovative solutions in battery technology.
  • Utilize Local Resources: Conduct an initial screening of silicon sources in the region to assess their viability for battery manufacturing.
  • Strengthen Supply Chains: Promote resource efficiency, mitigate risks of material shortages, and reinforce regional supply chain resilience.

Project Outcomes:

  • Preliminary Feasibility Study: Evaluate local silicon resources for potential application in battery technologies.
  • Collaborative Planning: Develop a comprehensive proposal to secure funding under the NPA 2021–2027 program.
  • Cross-Border Synergies: Strengthen partnerships between research institutions and industry stakeholders to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize innovation impact.

This project aligns with the goals of the Interreg NPA and local initiatives by fostering regional growth and innovation. We acknowledge the financial support provided by the Interreg NPA program, which makes this vital research and collaboration possible.


  • Centria University of Applied Sciences

  • University of Iceland