Sukupolvet vuorovaikutuksessa – sukupolvien välinen oppiminen identiteetin ja kulttuurin rakentajana (Ge&iN)
Päättynyt 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020
Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian osasto, Filosofinen tiedekunta
Generations in Interaction: Intergenerational Learning as a Constructor of Identity and Culture (2018-2020) project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The international project is coordinated by Kansalaisfoorumi (Finland) and has partners from Finland, Romania, Slovenia, Poland and Italy.
Project website: https://ge-inproject.eu/
The project has the following goals:
- Enhancing the importance of intergenerational activity in learning, education and society
- Producing and gathering up-to-date data about the role of IGL in different countries in pilots
- Communicating externally about the project effectively
- Establish opportunities for intergenerational learning in order to support social cohesion
- Creating concrete preconditions and possibilities for local IGL in pilot
- Studying intergenerational learning in different sociocultural contexts in pilots and in intergenerational centers
- Creating an applicable model of an intergenerational center by observation and local research
- Sharing information and methods for everyone working in the field of adult education
Furthermore, the mentioned practical actions lead to producing the Intellectual Outputs.
- Training teachers, facilitators and educators to identify and use IGL as a resource in education
- Creating competences for mentioned target groups as a concrete course
- Producing and sharing know-how and methods used in the project
Saara Hassinen
KoulutusasiantuntijaKoulutuspalvelut, Yliopistopalvelut -
Sami Tanskanen
HankekoordinaattoriKasvatustieteiden ja psykologian osasto, Filosofinen tiedekunta -
Eerika Latvanen
OhjelmakoordinaattoriKauppatieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta -
Jenni Korhonen
KoulutusasiantuntijaKoulutuspalvelut, Yliopistopalvelut -
Henna Timonen
Yliopisto-opettajaKasvatustieteiden ja psykologian osasto, Filosofinen tiedekunta