Tarkenna hakuasi

Jiri Jäntti (jiri.jantti@uef.fi)

In my current research, I utilize nanoparticles as contrast media for computed tomography imaging of cartilage. Unique diffusion characteristics of nanoparticles offer a novel approach for cartilage injury diagnostics.

Group website

Kirsi Ketola (kirsi.ketola@uef.fi)

We study the molecular mechanisms of cancer cell plasticity and prostate cancer treatment resistance including neuroendocrine transdifferentiation and cellular neuroplasticity programs in prostate cancer. We aim at identifying novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers for neuroendocrine prostate cancer and ways to bring treatment resistant prostate cancer cells back to antiandrogen therapy sensitive state. We employ several genome-wide and cellular imaging methods such as RNA-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq and live-cell high-content and -throughput imaging and drug screening to understand and target through precision medicine approaches the cellular plasticity stages and epigenetic reprogramming in cancer treatment resistance. We also utilize patient-derived organoids of prostate and neuroendocrine prostate cancer patients as well as patient blood samples on different treatment stages to identify and validate our findings. Our recent identified novel players highly overexpressed after antiandrogen therapy include neuroplasticity protein DPYSL5, which regulates antiandrogen enzalutamide resistance, chromatin reprogramming and neuronal cell phenotype in prostate cancer, Fanconi anemia pathway and FANCI which plays a role in carboplatin resistance in prostate cancer as well as a stem cell transcription factor which turns on cancer stem cell and resistance program in androgen-independent prostate cancer. By inhibiting these cellular plasticity programs we believe we can target the development of aggressive forms of cancer.

Find Ketola Lab pages: https://uefconnect.uef.fi/en/group/cancer-cell-plasticity-ketola-lab/

Markku Hauta-Kasari (markku.hauta-kasari@uef.fi)

Markku Hauta-Kasari received his MSc in computer science from the University of Kuopio, Finland, in 1994 and his PhD in information processing from the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, in 1999. Since 1999 he has been working in research and teaching positions in computer science at the University of Eastern Finland. From 1996 to 1998 he was a visiting researcher at Professor Toyooka’s Optical Sensing Laboratory, Saitama University, Japan. In 2002 he was 2 months as a visiting researcher at Professor Miyake’s laboratory in Chiba University, Japan, and in 2007 one month as a visiting Professor at the National Museum of Japanese History, Japan. In 2003 – 2010, he was the Director of InFotonics Center Joensuu research center at the University of Joensuu. Currently, he is Professor in Computer Science at the University of Eastern Finland. He is the head of the Spectral Color Research Group. His research interest include spectral color research, pattern recognition and computer vision. He is a member of the Optical Society of Japan, and the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland. He is a past chairman of the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland (2003 – 2006) and past chairman of the CIE Technical Committee TC8-07 ”Multispectral imaging” (2008 – 2011). In 2014-2021 he was the Head of the School of Computing at the University of Eastern Finland. Since 2022, he is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science and Forestry.

Petri Paakkari (petri.paakkari@uef.fi)

Currently working on contrast-enhanced computed tomography and articular cartilage imaging. The aim of the project is to combine photon-counting detectors and multi-contrast agents to detect early osteoarthritis.

Rami Korhonen (rami.korhonen@uef.fi)

2000: MSc in medical physics, University of Kuopio, Finland

2004: PhD in physics, University of Kuopio, Finland

2005-2007: Post doc, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

2008-2013: Academy Research Fellow, University of Eastern Finland

2013-2016. Associate Professor of biomechanics, University of Eastern Finland

2016-current: Professor of biomechanics


Dr. Korhonen has vast experience in musculoskeletal biomechanics, imaging and modelling at cellular, molecular, tissue and joint levels. Currently his research aims primarily at 1) revealing new biomechanically and biochemically driven mechanisms leading to osteoarthritis and 2) developing novel imaging and in silico modelling methods for osteoarthritis prognosis and treatment planning. Dr. Korhonen has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles and supervised 28 PhD theses, and his research has been funded by EU (e.g. ERC), Academy of Finland, Business Finland, and other national and international foundations and organizations.


Links to the BBC research group and MSKD research community:



Saara Sillanmäki (saara.sillanmaki@uef.fi)

Olen lääketieteen tohtori Kuopiosta. Tutkimusalaani kuuluvat sydänkuvantaminen ja fysiologia, aortan laajentumiseen liittyvä tutkimus sekä uniapneaan liittyvien sydänhaittojen tutkimus. Valmistuin lääkäriksi Itä-Suomen yliopistosta vuonna 2012, lääketieteen tohtoriksi vuonna 2019 ja erikoistuin kliiniseen fysiologiaan ja isotooppilääketieteeseen vuonna 2022. Teen laaja-alaisesti tutkimusta, jonka keskiössä on sydänterveys.

Minulla on yhdeksäntoista kansainvälistä julkaisua (JUFO-luokissa 1-3), ja lisäksi olen kirjoittanut kansallisia artikkeleita sekä kansainvälisiä oppikirjoja. Vuonna 2019 valmistunut väitöskirjani käsitteli vasemman kammion sähköisen ja mekaanisen toiminnan yhteyttä haarakatkospotilailla. Käytin tutkimuksessa sydänlihasperfuusion gammakuvausta, vektori-EKG:tä ja sydämen ultraäänitutkimusta. Kliinisen työn ohella sydänkuvantamisen parissa (KYS, Kuvantamiskeskus) toimin tutkijana neljässä tutkimusryhmässä: aortan laajentumaa tutkivassa sydänkirurgisen kuvantamisen tutkimusryhmässä (DilAo, KYS), unitutkimusta tekevässä STAR (Sleep Technology and Analytics Group, UEF) -tutkimuksessa, moderneja sydämen magneettimetodeja tutkivassa MOMESY-tutkimuksessa (jossa toimin johtavana tutkijana) sekä metabolisen syndrooman sydänvaikutuksia tutkivassa METSIM-tutkimuksessa. Unitutkimusryhmässä olen erikoistunut erityisesti sydänfysiologiaan ja olin mukana Itä-Suomen unilaboratorion rakentamisen ohjausryhmässä (2021–2022). Lisäksi toimin KYS:n päätutkijana kahdessa hankkeessa: sepelvaltimotaudin tunnistaminen mikroelektromekaanisilla antureilla (DECADE; Detection of Coronary Artery Disease with Micro Electro-Mechanical Sensors, Precordior Oy) sekä EU-rajoitteisessa uniapneatutkimuksessa (Horizon2020). Olen toiminut sydänterveyden ja kuvantamisen asiantuntijana monikansallisessa sädehoitotutkimuksessa ja kahdessa lääketeollisuuden sponsoroimassa monikansallisessa sydänlääketutkimuksessa tutkijalääkärinä.

Tutkimustyön ohella olen osallistunut aktiivisesti alan yhdistystoimintaan. Olen toiminut Lääkäriliiton KFI-alaosaston sihteerinä vuodesta 2015, siirtyen sen puheenjohtajaksi vuonna 2018 (edelleen). Lisäksi olen toiminut vuosina 2016–2020 Suomen kliinisen fysiologian yhdistyksen sihteerinä. Olen myös saanut kunnian toimia Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin eettisessä toimikunnassa vuodesta 2021 lähtien ja Suomen kardiologisen seuran kuvantamisjaoksen varapuheenjohtajana vuodesta 2022 lähtien. Olen myös jäsenenä kansainvälisessä koulutusta edistävässä jaostossa, Section of Nuclear Medicine of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) and European Board of Nuclear Medicine (EBNM) CME Accreditation Committee:ssä vuodesta 2017 lähtien.

A19: Sillanmäki S, Vainio HL, Ylä-Herttuala E, Husso M, Hedman M. Measuring cardiac dyssynchrony with DENSE (Displacement encoding with stimulated echoes) — a systematic review. Published Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine Sep 2023

A18: Hietakoste S, Armañac-Julián P, Karhu T, Bailón R, Sillanmäki S, Töyräs J, Leppänen T, Myllymaa S, Kainulainen S. Impaired cardiorespiratory coupling in severe sleep apnea-related hypoxemia. Published IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2023

A17: Sillanmäki S and Iso-Mustajärvi S, 18F-FDG-PET of cardiac sarcoidosis with subcutaneous nodules. Published in the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology J Nucl Cardiol 2023

A16: Rissanen M, Korkalainen H, Duce B, Sillanmäki S, Pitkänen H, Suni A, Nikkonen S, Kulkas S, Töyräs J, Leppänen T, Kainulainen S. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients with Atrial Arrhythmias Suffer from Prolonged Recovery from Desaturations. Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2023; https://doi.org/10.1109/TBME.2023.3236680.

A15:  Hautanen S, Kiljander T, Korpela T, Saari P, Kokkonen J, Mustonen P, Sillanmäki S, Ylä-Herttuala E, Husso M, Hedman M, Kauhanen P. 4D Flow Versus 2D Phase Contrast MRI in Populations With Bi- and Tricuspid Aortic Valves. In Vivo 2023, 37(1):88-98.

A14: Leppänen T, Kainulainen S, Korkalainen H, Sillanmäki S, Kulkas A, Töyräs J, Nikkonen S. Oximetry: The Working Principle, Signal Formation, and Applications. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2022;1384:C1. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06413-5_23

A13: Ebrahimian S, Sillanmäki S, Hietakoste S, Duce B, Kulkas A, Töyräs J, Leppänen T, Lipponen JA, Kainulainen S. Inter-sleep stage variations in corrected QT interval differ between obstructive sleep apnea patients with and without stroke history. PLoS One. 2022 Dec 1;17(12):e0278520.

A12:  Anttila V, Saraste A, Knuuti J, Hedman M,  Jaakkola P, Laugwitz KL,  Krane M, Jeppsson A, Sillanmäki S, Rosenmeier J, ZingmarkP, Rudvik A, Garkaviy P, Watson C, Pangalos MN, Fritsche-Danielson R, Collén A, Gan LM. Direct intramyocardial injection of VEGF mRNA in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Mol Ther. 2023, 17;S1525-0016(22)00675-X.

A11: Hietakoste S, Karhu T, Sillanmäki S, Bailón R, Penzel T, Töyräs J, Leppänen T, Myllymaa S, Kainulainen S. OSA-related respiratory events and desaturation severity are associated with the cardiac response.  ERJ Open Research, 2022, 22(1), 204.

A10:  Sillanmäki S, Lipponen JA, Korkalainen H, Kulkas A, Leppänen T, Nikkonen S, Töyräs J, Duce B, Suni A, Kainulainen S. QTc prolongation is associated with severe desaturations in stroke patients with sleep apnea. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. May 2022.

A9: Sillanmäki S, Istomina M, Husso A, Hedman M. Reversible myocardial ischaemia caused by ectopic left circumflex coronary artery: a case report. European Heart Journal – Case Report, April 2022.

A8:   Hietakoste S, Korkalainen H, Kainulainen S, Sillanmäki S, Nikkonen S, Myllymaa S, Duce B, Töyräs J, Leppänen T. Longer apneas and hypopneas are associated with greater ultra-short-term HRV in obstructive sleep apnea. Sci Rep. Dec 2020.

A7: Sillanmäki S, Gimelli A, Ahmad S, Samir S, Laitinen T, Soman P. Mechanisms of Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony – A Multinational SPECT study of Patients with Bundle Branch Block. In press. J Nucl Cardiol. 2020 Feb 14.

A6: Soman P, Sillanmäki S. Mechanisms of cardiac resynchronization therapy: Inching closer to the truth. J Nucl Cardiol. 2019 Jun 21.

A5: Sillanmäki S, Aapro S, Lipponen JA, Tarvainen MP, Laitinen TM, Hedman M, Hämäläinen H, Laitinen T. Electrical and mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with Right Bundle Branch Block.  Accepted for publication J Nucl Cardiol. Aug 2018

A4: Sillanmäki S Lipponen JA, Tarvainen MP, Laitinen TM, Hedman M, Hedman A, Kivelä A, Hämäläinen H, Laitinen T. Relationships between electrical and mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with left bundle branch block and healthy controls. J Nucl Cardiol. 2018 Feb 8. doi: 10.1007/s12350-018-1204-0.

A3: Koivumäki T, Fogliatac, Zeverinod, Bomane, Sierpowska, Moecklid, Vallet, Cozzici, Heikkilä, Väänänen, Vuolukka, Sillanmäki S, Seppälä. Dosimetric evaluation of modern radiation therapy techniques for left breast in deep-inspiration breath-hold, Physica Medica 2018

A2: Sillanmäki S, Koivumäki T, Laitinen TM, Hakulinen M, Hedman M, Laitinen T. BMI influence on the reproducibility of ECG-gated myocardial perfusion imaging phase analysis in comparison with novel echocardiographic dyssynchrony estimation methods. Nuclear Medicine Communications. 2016 Jul;37(7):767-74.

A1: Koivumäki T, Heikkilä J, Väänänen A, Koskela K, Sillanmäki S, Seppälä J. Flattening filter free technique in breath-hold treatments of left-sided breast cancer: The effect on beam-on time and dose distributions. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2016 Jan;118(1):194-8.


Ville Kolehmainen (ville.kolehmainen@uef.fi)

The research areas of the team of Prof. Kolehmainen are computational inverse problems and uncertainty quantification. The main part of the research is on development of mathematical models and computational inverse problems methods for image reconstruction in medical tomography imaging techniques such as X-ray tomography, diffuse tomography and MRI. The research team actively collaborates with system experts and clinical specialists on development of novel imaging techniques, which typically involve fusion of different types of imaging data and lead to large scale 3D or 4D imaging with sparse measurement data