Mirjami Ikonen
University Lecturer
Human Resource Management and Leadership
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 442 2488
As a researcher and university lecturer at Business School, I study leadership issues and trust development, trust breaches, and trust restoration in work communities and networks, particularly from a process ontological perspective. Processes of organizational behavior inspire me as interpretations of actors. In my studies, I apply experimental, creative qualitative methods of data collection and analysis (e.g., method of empathy-based stories, compassion method, portraiture, and co-produced autoethnography). In pedagogy, I rely on inquiry learning with different collaborative learning methods (drama, escape room, lego pedagogy). I received the University of Eastern Finland’s Skilled Teacher Award in 2018, the Finnish Economists’ Teaching Award in 2019 for my courageous development of online teaching, and the Optimi Good Teacher Award in 2023.
Research groups
76/76 items-
Enhancing the learning of metacognitive skills in higher education: Experiences and suggestions for pedagogical choices
Ikonen, Mirjami; López-Fresno, Palmira; Mäenpää-Crujo, Ulpu. 2024. INTED proceedings abstract -
Learning Diary: A tool to contribute to metacognition development
López-Fresno, Palmira; Ikonen, Mirjami; López-García, Alejandro; Mäenpää-Crujo, Ulpu; Conzáles-Díaz, Laura. 2024. INTED proceedings abstract -
Utilizing Ethnographical Approaches to Study the Abstract, Intimate, and Dynamic Topic of Trust
Leppälä, Kristina; Kosonen, Päivi; Ikonen, Mirjami. 2024. Journal of contemporary ethnography. 53: 822-852 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bringing novel methodologies into trust research: An ethnographical approach to studying distrust in work relationships
Leppälä, Kristina; Kosonen, Päivi; Ikonen, Mirjami. 2023. Itä-Suomen yliopisto abstract -
Trust during the Mentoring Process from the Mentor’s Perspective
Karhapää, Sari-Johanna; Ikonen, Mirjami. 2023. Nordic journal of business. 72: 237-255 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Trust in mentoring in the pre-career context of the business students
Karhapää, Sari-Johanna; Ikonen, Mirjami. 2023. Itä-Suomen yliopisto abstract -
Trust in organizational management: Addressing the challenges of sustainability transitions
Ikonen, Mirjami; Kosonen, Päivi. 2023. Itä-Suomen yliopisto abstract -
Luottamuksen palauttaminen muutoksen jälkeen
Ikonen, Mirjami. Teoksessa: Kantanen, Helena; Koskela, Merja(toim.) , 2022. Poikkeuksellinen viestintä. s. 82-95. ProCom – Viestinnän ammattilaiset ry A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Parantaako aika haavat luottamuksen rikkoutuessa? Narratiivinen tutkimus suomalaisilta työpaikoilta
Mättö, Satu; Ikonen, Mirjami, Savolainen, Taina. Teoksessa: Laakkonen, Erja; Sotkasiira, Tiina; Lehto, Iiris; Heikkilä, Mirva(toim.) , 2022. Haavoilla - käsite ja kokemus : aikuiskasvatuksen näkökulmia rikkoviin elämäntilanteisiin. s. 156-184. Jyväskylän yliopisto A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Studying trust in the leader by co-produced autoethnography: an organizational esthetics approach
Kosonen, Päivi; Ikonen, Mirjami. 2022. Journal of Organizational Ethnography. [Article publication date: 21 February 2022]: 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research