Trust within Organizations
While the group’s research contribute to trust theory, the findings are shared beyond academia influencing workplace practices in managing trust. The group contributes to continuing and degree education, and workplace training. The UEF trust research group aims to raise awareness of the important role trus plays in workplace relationships, organizational leadership and performance. The qualitative data gathered from multiple sources in workplaces makes it possible to produce insights into further research as well as provide knowledge to work organizations practices for understanding how trust is built, maintained and restored in work relationships. The group has published a large number of scientific articles, conference papers, and professional articles for work life,and Doctoral & Master’s Theses. More specifically, the research group collaborates with international partners and networks; in the Nordic context, within a network of four countries where themes under plan and study include broader patterns of relational leadership and trust. The main question is how relational and contextual aspects of leadership in the Nordic countries influence and are influenced by trust. A comparative cross-cultural perspective may reveal, e.g, how trust in leaders develop in the Nordic countries contexts. Moreover, in Asian context, research collaboration involves two partners in South Korea; Ajou University with the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Business, Psychology and Global Management in the School of Business where the bilateral Doctoral Dual Degree Program exists, and Kyungbook National University(KNU), School of Business Admistration in Daegu.
2 itemsKeywords
Other group members
Palmira Lopez-Fresno, Spanish Association for Quality [email protected]
Elina Ivakko
Jaana Salmi
Asko Kinnunen
Satu Mättö
Mikko Laitinen
Pirjo Vesa
123 items-
The Role of Trust in the Strategic Management Process: A Case Study of Finnish Grocery Retail Company Kesko Ltd
Malkamäki, Kirsti; Hiltunen, Esa; Aromaa, Eeva. 2021. South asian journal of business and management cases. 10: 21-34 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Building trust in workplace meetings: Intangible factors contributing to intellectual capital enhancement
Lopez-Fresno, Palmira; Savolainen, Taina. Teoksessa: Wensley, Anthony; Evans, Max(toim.) , 2020. 17th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning. s. 247-254. Academic Conferences International Limited A4 Conference proceedings -
Luottamuksen rooli etätyössä: vuorovaikutus ja läsnäolon merkitys
Savolainen, Taina; Ikonen, Mirjami; Ivakko, Elina. 2020. Tampereen yliopisto abstract -
Trust development processes in intra-organisational relationships: A multi-level permeation of trust in a merging university
Karhapää, Sari-Johanna; Savolainen, Taina. Teoksessa: Fulmer, Ashley; Dirks, Kurt(toim.) , 2020. Multilevel Trust in Organizations: Theoretical, Analytical, and Empirical Advances. s. 1-36. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Luottamus johtamisjärjestelmän uudistamisessa - Narratiivinen tapaustutkimus ei-henkilöityvän luottamuksen kehittymisestä vähittäiskaupan ketjuorganisaatiossa
Malkamäki, Kirsti; Ikonen, Mirjami; Savolainen, Taina. 2019. Hallinnon tutkimus. 38: 50-64 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Managing Customer Relations in Context - The cases of the University and the Private Company
Karhapaa, Sari-Johanna; Malkamäki, Kirsti; Savolainen, Taina. Teoksessa: Dey, Ajoy Kumar; Lehtimäki, Hanna(toim.) , 2019. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. s. 225-237. Bloomsbury Publishing India A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Organisational Values in Daily Leadership from the Perspective of Trust
Salmi, Jaana; Ikonen, Mirjami. 2019. Turun yliopisto abstract -
The Role of Trust in Health Care Change Management: A Narrative Study on Nurses' Perceptions
Ikonen, Mirjami; Savolainen, Taina. Teoksessa: Mesquita, Anabela; Silva, Paulino(toim.) , 2019. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2019. s. 187-196. Academic conferences international A4 Conference proceedings -
The Shadow of Trust: The Methodological Choices of a Case Study on Leader Communication
Kosonen, Päivi. Teoksessa: Mesquita, Anabela; Silva, Paulino(toim.) , 2019. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2019. s. 446-454. Academic conferences international A4 Conference proceedings -
Training meetings: Not mere knowledge sharing perceived socialising function and trust
Lopez-Fresno, P; Savolainen, T. Teoksessa: Tomé, Eduardo; Cesário, Francisco; Reis Soares, Raquel(toim.) , 2019. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM. Volume 2. s. 691-699. Academic conferences international A4 Conference proceedings