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A.B.M. Manjur (

The projects I am working on are important research in the field of gene regulation. Furthermore, the TFs that we study, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and androgen receptor (AR) are important therapeutic targets in inflammation and prostate cancer respectively. On the chromatin environment, GR and AR exert their functions by interacting with other assisting proteins, coregulators. Thus, coregulators can affect the outcome of GR and AR activation through different processes, such as chromatin remodeling, histone-binding and post-translational modification. Despite the importance of coregulatory interactions in GR and AR function, the protein interactomes of these important drug targets have remained poorly defined. The results from these projects will enable us to increase our understanding about the regulatory mechanisms of these two physiologically important TFs.

Aarthi Ravindran (

My research work focuses on studying SMC specific translatome using transgenic mice with atherosclerosis and EGFP tagging at the larger ribosomal subunit driven by aSMA promoter. Finally, validating these genes using immunohistology and spatial transcriptomics. The resulting SMC specific translatome will help in identifying the novel genes that are enriched in SMCs at atherosclerosis disease.

Abraham Woubie Zewoudie (

Abraham Woubie completed his Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees in Computer Science with very great distinctions from Arba Minch and Addis Ababa Universities, respectively. He completed his PhD on September 2017 in Speech Signal Processing from the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. His research interests include speech signal processing, machine learning and deep reinforcement learning.

Adam Kositsky (

Research interests:

  • Structure and function of soft tissues in health and disease
  • Neuromusculoskeletal consequences to tendon harvesting for orthopaedic procedures
  • Development of new methodology for in vivo measurement of human soft tissue properties
  • Comparative anatomy and biomechanics

Ageing and elder care research group

The ageing and elder care research group is a multidisciplinary research group (incl. social gerontology, gerontological social work, health and social management, organization sciences), which addresses various elder care management and organizational issues and the wellbeing of older people from multi-agency perspectives. The effectiveness of services is also studied with different methodical approaches.

Ágnes Németh (

Currently, she is managing two European projects: “CASPER: Citizen Activation in Shrinking rural areas for Place-based policies to Enhance Resilience” (Interreg Europe, 2023-2027) and “SERIGO: Social Economy for Resilience, Inclusion and Good Life in Rural areas” (Horizon Europe, 2024-2027).

She is involved in the research project “ESSPIN: Economic, Social and SPatial INequalities in Europe in the Era of Global Mega-trends” (Horizon Europe, 2022-2025).

Her doctoral thesis dealt with issues of regional policy, relational-governance and mega-events planning. She has been involved in European research projects (European Science Foundation, FP7) in border studies focusing on cross-border cooperation processes and the social (de)construction of borders. In her post-doctoral research, she studies foreigners’ socio-economic engagement in different Finnish urban environments with the aim of producing knowledge on the local particularities and challenges of integration processes. She was managing the international project “ECoC-SME: Actions for inducing SME growth and innovation via the ECoC event and legacy” (Interreg Europe, 2019-2021).