Accounting and Finance
We are active in domestic and international research networks and publish our research in international and domestic scientific journals. Our dissertations consist of published essays. Our research group is involved in several of the university’s strategic research communities. The members of our research group are also active social influencers and participate in national policy-making boards.
Our research in finance is related to corporate finance and financial markets. In corporate finance, we focus mainly on issues related to SME finance. In financial market research, we look at market efficiency and financial institutions. The themes covered in our research are e.g.
- Corporate governance (board, ownership structure, audit)
- Working capital management
- Availability of funding and funding terms
- International corporate finance
- Artificial Intelligence and access to finance
- Financial accounting and auditing
In Financial accounting, we focus on earnings management, international reporting standards (IFRS), and tax reporting. In auditing, our research is mainly related to audit demand and the consequences of auditor choice. The themes covered in our research are e.g.
- The connection between earnings management and corporate governance
- The link between earnings management, dividend distribution and taxation
- Cost/benefit – perspective on IFRS standards
- Audit quality, demand for voluntary auditing (composition of board, ownership, and auditor gender).
- The connection between auditing, financial reporting, and tax reporting
- Key audit matters
- Current status and regulation of municipal auditing
Management accounting
Research in management accounting is related to the topics of the UEF Research Communities, e.g., in health care and social services and circular economy. Methodologically, we apply both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Our key areas of research are, e.g., management accounting practices and change; performance measurement and profitability; municipal survey and accounting information systems. Our practical research topics include:
- The role of performance measures in management control
- Municipal reporting, in particular, evaluation reports
- Health care entrepreneurship, profitability, and business ethics
- Accounting information systems and decision making
In addition to the above, we conduct research in higher education in accounting and finance.
Reseach group members
Markus Mättö
University LecturerBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Hannu Ojala
ProfessorBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Mervi Niskanen
ProfessorBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Henri Teittinen
Associate ProfessorBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Kang Li
University LecturerBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Kari Kinnunen
LecturerBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Jani Saastamoinen
ProfessorBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies -
Vijay Lakshmi Burman
Doctoral ResearcherBusiness School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Other group members
Jan Nokkala
9 items-
A Reply to the Discussion of "What Turns the Taxman On? Tax Aggressiveness, Financial Statement Audits, and Tax Return Adjustments in Small Private Companies"
Ojala, Hannu; Kinnunen, Juha; Niemi, Lasse; Troberg, Pontus; Collis, Jill. 2020. International journal of accounting. 55: 2080004 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Role of the legal and financial environments in determining the efficiency of working capital management in EuropeanSMEs
Mättö, Markus; Niskanen, Mervi. 2020. International journal of finance and economics. 2021; 26: 5197-5216 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What Turns the Taxman On? Tax Aggressiveness, Financial Statement Audits, and Tax Return Adjustments in Small Private Companies
Ojala, Hannu; Kinnunen, Juha; Niemi, Lasse; Troberg, Pontus; Collis, Jill. 2020. International journal of accounting. 55: 2050011 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Determinants of the voluntary adoption of digital reporting by small private companies to Companies House: Evidence from the UK
Alkhatib, E; Ojala, H; Collis, J. 2019. International journal of accounting information systems. 34: 100421 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Management Accounting and Profitability in Private Healthcare SMEs
Holopainen, Riikka Maarit; Niskanen, Mervi, Rissanen, Sari. 2019. International journal of public and private perspectives on healthcare, culture, and the environment. 3: 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Religion, national culture and cross-country differences in the use of trade credit: Evidence from European SMEs
Mättö, Markus; Niskanen, Mervi. 2019. International journal of managerial finance. 15: 350-370 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Tax Alignment and TaxInduced Conditional Conservatism: An Empirical Analysis of European Private Firms
Karjalainen, Jussi; Niskanen, Jyrki; Niskanen, Mervi. 2019. Nordic journal of business. 67: 183-208 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Trust and power as determinants of tax compliance across 44 nations
Batrancea, Larissa; Nichita, Anca; Olsen, Jerome; Kogler, Christoph; Kirchler, Erich; Hoelzl, Erik; Weiss, Avi; Torgler, Benno; Fooken, Jonas; Fuller, Joanne Schaffner, Markus; Banuri, Sheheryar; Hassanein, Medhat; Alarcón- García, Gloria; Aldemir, Ceyhan; Apostol, Oana; Bank Weinberg, Diana; Batrancea, Ioan; Belianin, Alexis; de Jesús Bello Gómez, Felipe et al (Incl. Niskanen, Mervi). 2019. Journal of economic psychology. 74: 102191 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
When Profitability Makes Profitability - Case Health Care Service Company
Holopainen, Riikka; Hiltunen, Esa. Teoksessa: Dey, Ajoy Kumar; Lehtimäki, Hanna(toim.) , 2019. Evolving Business Models in Ecosystem of Disruptive Technologies and Social Media. s. 279-289. Bloomsbury Publishing India A3 Book section, Chapters in research books