Ana Gebejes
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 46 923 7152
Research groups
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13/13 items-
Hyperspectral imaging for identification of irregular-shaped microplastics in water
Gebejes, A; Hrovat, B; Semenov, D; Kanyathare, B; Itkonen, T; Keinänen, M; Koistinen, A; Peiponen, K-E; Roussey, M. 2024. Science of the total environment. 944: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hyperspectral imaging of irregular-shaped black microplastics in water
Gebejes, Ana; Mubarak, Hafiz Ramzan; Semenov, Dmitri; Koistinen, Arto; Peiponen, Kai Erik; Roussey, Matthieu. 2024. EPJ web of conferences abstract -
Detection and identification of microplastics directly in water by hyperspectral imaging
Gebejes, Ana; Kaynathare, Boniphace; Hrovat, Blaž; Semenov, Dmitri; Itkonen, Tommi; Keinänen, Markku; Koistinen, Arto; Peiponen, Kai-Erik; Roussey, Matthieu. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2023. . s. 09002. A4 Conference proceedings -
Six-year evolution of a space-inspired collaborative problem-solving study program in Finland
Gebejes, Ana; Immonen, Heikki; Camarda, Charles J. Teoksessa: Sureda Anfres, Miquel; García-Almiñana, Daniel; Detrell Domingo, Gisela; García Rigo, Alberto; García Alarcia, Ramón M.; Megías Homar, Guillem; González Díez, David (toim.) , 2022. Proceedings of 4th Edition Symposium on Space Educational Activities. s. 1-6. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya D3 Professional conference proceedings -
Spectral video : application in human eye analysis and tracking
Gebejes Ana. 2017. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences -
Texture characterization by grey-level co-occurrence matrix from a perceptual approach
Gebejes A, Huertas R, Tremeau A, Tomic I, Biswas PR, Fraza C, Hauta-Kasari M. 2017. Final program and proceedings : Color and imaging conference -
An LED-Based Tunable Illumination for Diverse Medical Applications
Bartczak Piotr, Gebejes Ana, Fält Pauli, Hauta-Kasari Markku. 2016. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems -
SPEED: SPectral Eye vidEo Database
Gebejes Ana, Fält Pauli, Bednarik Roman, Hauta-Kasari Markku. 2016. ACM -
Accuracy in colour reproduction: Using a ColorChecker chart to assess the usefulness and comparability of data acquired with two hyper-spectral systems
Vitorino Tatiana, Casini Andrea, Cucci Constanza, Gebejes Ana, Hiltunen Jouni, Hauta-Kasari Markku, Picollo Marcello, Stefani Lorenzo. 2015. Springer -
LED-Based Spectrally Tunable Light Source for Camera Characterization
Bartczak Piotr, Gebejes Ana, Fält Pauli, Parkkinen Jussi, Silfsten Pertti. 2015. IEEE