Anna Heinonen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
The key themes of my research are intimacy, sexuality, gender, and forms of close relationships organized beyond couple and nuclear family structures. I am currently studying these themes in a project focusing on sexuality and gender in Finnish communal living. The project is funded by the Kone Foundation. My previous research examines intimacy in friendship and roommate relations in Finnish communal living, as well as the processes of separation among LGBTQIA+ people.
I am the editor-in-chief for the blog perheyhteiskunta.fi, which popularizes social research on family and close relationships. I hold a PhD in Gender Studies.
Earlier publications
- Heinonen, Anna. 2024. Queering intimacies at home : Friendship and roommate relations in Finnish small-scale communes. Väitöskirja. Helsingin yliopisto.
- Heinonen, Anna. 2022. Friendship at home: everyday in domestic space shaping friendship intimacies in Finnish small-scale communes. Gender, Place and Culture 29:8, 1183–1203.
- Heinonen, Anna. 2024. Commitments beyond coupledom: negotiating relational futures in Finnish small-scale communes. Time & Society 33:2, 149–169.
- Heinonen, Anna. 2023. Alone and together in domestic space: navigating spatial and conceptual relationship boundaries in Finnish small-scale communes. Families, relationships and societies (E-pub ahead of print).