In my doctoral research, I explore the prosodic features of deceptive speech, beliefs about cues to deception, and lie detection. The primary research material consists of emergency call recordings, with a specific focus on the acoustic-prosodic features of hoax emergency calls. My research interests extend broadly to speech prosody and the impressions it creates, but I am also interested in vocal health, voice training methods, and research on these topics. I did my Master’s degree in the University of Tampere, majoring in speech technique and vocology.
My teaching experience includes instructing a wide range of speech research methods in general linguistics at the University of Eastern Finland, particularly focusing on the Praat software and evaluating voice by utilizing acoustic measurements.
Research groups
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Suomea äidinkielenään puhuvien viranomaisten ja maallikoiden käsitykset valheen paljastavista merkeistä
Väisänen, Anne. 2023. Puhe ja kieli. 43: 111-130 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hätäpuhelut tieteellisen tutkimuksen kohteena
Väisänen, Anne. 2022. Palopäällystö. : 22-23 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Prosodia perättömissä hätäpuheluissa: epäuskottava puhe ja valheen prosodia
Väisänen, Anne. 2022. poster