Ari Antikainen
Professor, Emeritus
Sociology of education is a field of intersection or bridge between sociology and education. I ha...
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
I have studied at the Universities of Tampere and Jyvaskyla, worked as a professor in the University of Joensuu and Tampere, as a docent in the University of Lapland and been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Turku.
I have been a visiting scholar in the University of London, Rochester (N.Y.), Toronto and British Columbia (Vancouver). I have been as a active member, secretary and president of the International Sociological Association’s research committee 04 Sociology of education.
Articles and books
More writings and publications on my site in Finnish.
– 144. * The Regional Impact of Universities in Finland. Higher Education, vol. 10, no 4, 1981. p. 437 – 448.
– 145. Wybrane problemy zwiazane z mozliwoscia zaspokojenia potrzeb jednostki w zakresie uzyskania okreslonego wyksztacenia. Prace Pedagogiczne 21. Uniwersytet Slaski, Katowice 1986. p. 101 – 113.
– 146. * The Rise and Change of Comprehensive Planning: the Finnish experience. European Journal of Education, vol. 25, no. 1, 1990. p. 75 – 82.
– 147. In Search of the American Sociology of Education: From functionalism to poststructuralism. Nordisk Pedagogik, vol. 11, no. 1, 1991. p. 45 – 54.
– 148. Sociology of Education in America Today. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 36, no. 1, 1992. p. 41 – 48.
– 149. Antikainen, A. & Houtsonen, J. & Huotelin, H. & Kauppila, J. (mit Einfuhrende Hinweise von Klaus Hurrelmann) Auf der Suche nach der Bedeutung von Bildung. Eine soziologische Fallstudie uber Lebenslauf und Lernerfahrungen von Finnen. BIOS, Zeitschrift fur Biographieforschung und Oral History, vol. 5, no 2, 1992. s. 231 – 244.
– 150. *Antikainen, A. & Houtsonen, J. & Huotelin, H. & Kauppila, J. In Search of the Meaning of Education: the case of Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 39, no. 4, 1995. p. 295 – 309.
– 151. Life, Learning and Empowerment. Nordisk Pedagogik, vol. 16, no.2, 1996. p. 66 – 73.
– 152. Four Decades of Finnish Educational Sociology. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 41, no. 3-4, 1997, pp. 391-404.
– 153. *Between Structure and Subjectivity: Life-Histories and Lifelong Learning. International Rewiew of Education – Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft – Revue Internationale de Pédagogie, vol. 44 (2-3): 215-234, 1998.
– 154. *Antikainen, A., Houtsonen, J., Kauppila, J., Komonen, K., Koski, L. & Käyhkö, M. Construction of Identity and Culture through Education. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, vol. 36 (2): 204-228, 1999.
– 155. Antikainen, A. & Mohan, R.P. Introduction. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, vol. 36 (2), 121-122, 1999.
– 156. * Antikainen, A. Is Lifelong Learning Becoming a Reality? The Case of Finland from a Comparative Perspective. European Journal of Education, vol. 36, no. 3, 379-394, 2001.
– 157. *Antikainen, A. & Kauppila, J. 2002. Educational generations and the futures of adult education: a Nordic experience. International Journal of Lifelong Education, vol. 21, 3, 209-219, 2002.
– 158. *Antikainen, A. & Harinen, P. 2002. Living and Learning in a Changing European Periphery. Lifelong Learning in Europe, vol. VII, no. 3, 182-194.
159. Antikainen, A. 2003. Life-histories of Learners, the ‘Learning Society’ and Globalization: The Case of Finland from an International Perspective. Taiwan Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 3, (1), 1-25.
– 160. Antikainen, A. & Harinen, P. 2004. Living and Learning in a Changing European Periphery. Information Technology, Education and Society, vol. 5, 1,
– 161. Antikainen, A. 2005. Empowerment and Control: A state intervention into participation in adult education in Finland. European Education, vol. 37, (2), 21-31.
– 162. *Antikainen, A. 2006. In Search of the Nordic Model in Education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 50, (3), 229-243.
– 195. Reestruturacao do Modelo Nordico de Educacao. Revista Lusofona de Educacao vol. 11, (1) 31-48, 2008.
– 196. Finnish Academic Publishing in Sociology: A Critical Review. International Sociology vol 23, (5), 649-664, 2008.
Finnish Sociology for International Sociology, September 2008
– 202. The Impact of Information Technology on Participation in Adult Education: the case of Finland from a comparative perspective. Internation Journal of Contemporary Sociology 45, 2, 119-129, 2008. (with Arja Huusko).– 204. Participation, welfare regime and life history. Lifelong Learning in Europe vol. XIV, (2), 83-91, 2009. Participation, Welfare Regime and Life History for Lifelong Learning in Europe, 2009
– 208. The Capitalist State and Education: The Case of Restructuring the Nordic Model. Current Sociology 58, 4, 530-550.The Capitalist State and Education: The Case of Restructuring the Nordic Model for Current Sociology 58, 4 (2010)
(see front page)– 214. Antikainen, A., A.G. Dworkin,L.J. Saha, J. Ballantine, S. Essack, A. Teodoro & D. Konstantinovskiy (2011) Contemporary Themes in the Sociology of Education. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 48, 1, 117-147.
– 163. University and its environment: the Finnish experience. (Résume: L’Universite et son environnement. L’experience Finlandaise) In Education and Regional Development vol. II OECD, Paris 1979. p. 333 – 369.
– 164. Wybrane problemy pedagogiki spolecznej w fi skiej socjologii wychowania (tlum. Ewa Madry). (Some selected problems of social pedagogics in the Finnish sociology of education.) Teoksessa Andrzeja Radziewicza-Winnickiego (red.): Pedagogika spoleczna w perspektywie przemian gospodarczych, Katowice 1987, Universytet Slaski (Silesian University). p. 121 – 128.
– 165. Korghariduse kavandamise probleeme. Julkaisussa Grauberg, Ene (koostanud) Hariduse kavandamise metodoloogilistest ja sotsiaal-majanduslikest lähtealustest. Tallinn: Eesti Vabariigi Haridusministeerium, Eesti Oppekirjanduse Keskus, 1991. s. 58 – 74.
– 166. New Universities, Welfare State and Markets. The Case of Finland. In Dahllöf, Urban & Selander, Staffan (eds.) New Universities and Regional Context. Papers from an International Seminar held at Sudsvall, Sweden 14-18 June, 1992. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis/Uppsala Studies in Education 56. Uppsala 1994. (p. 249 – 257; with Ari Jolkkonen).
– 167. In Search of the Meaning of Education: Life-Course, Generations and Education in Contemporary Finland. In Mary Hoar et al. Life-Histories and Learning: Language, the Self and Education. Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 19-21 September 1994. p. 9 – 19. (with Jarmo Houtsonen, Hannu Huotelin & Juha Kauppila).
– 168. In Search of the Meaning of Education: The Case of Educational Generations in Finland. In Eino Heikkinen, Jorma Kuusinen and Isto Ruoppila (eds.). Preparation for Aging. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1995. p. 63 – 72. (with Jarmo Houtsonen, Hannu Huotelin & Juha Kauppila).
– 169. In Search of the Meaning of Education and Learning in Life-Histories. In John Holford, Colin Griffin & Peter Jarvis (eds.) Lifelong Learning: Reality, Rhetoric & Public Policy. Conference Proceedings 4-6 July 1997. University of Surrey, Department of Educational Studies. Guilford, England. pp. 13 – 18.
– 170. In Search of the Meaning and Practices of Life-long Learning. In Illeris, Knud (ed.): Adult Education in a Transforming Society. (pp. 13-40). Roskilde, Roskilde University Press, 1998.
– 171. Ari Antikainen & Juha Kauppila: The Story of a Learner: Educational Generations and the Future of Liberal Adult Education (Folksbildning) In Finland. In Illeris, Knud (ed.): Adult Education in the Perspective of the Learners. (pp. 56-80 ). Roskilde, Roskilde University Press, 2000.
– 172. In Search of the Meaning of Education and Learning in Life-Histories. In Steinberg, S. (ed.) Multi/Intercultural Conversations. A Reader. New York, Peter Lang, 2001. pp. 111-134.
– 173. * Torres, C.A. & Antikainen, A. Introduction to a Sociology of Education: Old Dilemmas in a New Century? In Torres, C.A. & Antikainen, A. (eds.) The International Handbook on the Sociology of Education: An International Assessment of New Research and Theory. Lanham & Boulder & New York & Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. pp. 1-18.
– 174. *Antikainen, A. & Komonen, K. Biography, Life Course, and the Sociology of Education. In Torres, C.A. & Antikainen, A. (eds.) The International Handbook on the Sociology of Education: An International Assessment of New Research and Theory. Lanham & Boulder & New York & Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. pp. 143-159.
– 175. Identity and Learning in a Nordic Information Society. In Künzler, K. (ed.), The International Yearbook of Adult Education/ Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung. Band 30. 2002. Köln-Weimar-Wien: Böhlau Verlag. 2002. pp. 197-208.
– 176. Moore, E. & Antikainen, A. 2003. Can a state intervention challenge the pattern of participation in adult education. In Wildemeersch, D. & Stroobants, V. (ed.) Connections: Proceedings of the ‘Connections’ Conference Organized by the Active Citizenship Network of ESREA and the Solgace Research Consortium. University of Leuven, pp. 189-204.
– 177. Moore, E., Tikka, T. & Antikainen, A. 2004. The Importance of Work and Education in an Information Society. In Bron, A. & Schemmann, M. (eds.) Knowledge Society, Information Society and Adult Education. Bochum Studies in International Adult Education, vol. 4, Münster-Hamburg-London-New Brunswick: LIT Verlag/ Transactions, pp. 129-147.
– 178. 2004. Is It Possible to Challenge the Non-participation in Adult Education by State Intervention? In Ruzicka, R., Ballantine, J. & Ruiz San Ramon J.A. (eds.) Key Contexts for Education and Democracy in Globalising Societies. Prague: Charles University. (pp. A3, 1-9.)
– 179. 2004. Between Empowerment and Control: A state intervention into participation in adult education in Finland. In “Between ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Worlds of Learning. 4th ESREA Conference Proceedings. Wroclaw.
– 180. 2005. Introduction: Construction of a Learning Society. In Antikainen, A. (ed.) Transforming a Learning Society: The Case of Finland. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005. pp. 1-17.
– 181. 2005. The Rise and Change of Comprehensive Planning. In Antikainen, A. (ed.) Transforming a Learning Society: The Case of Finland. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005. pp. 21-32
– 182. 2005. Between Empowerment and Control: The Finnish Adult Education and Training Initiative. In Antikainen, A. (ed.) Transforming a Learning Society: The Case of Finland. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.pp. 163-177.
– 183. Participation, Culture and Life Course: Elements for a Theory of Participation/Non-participation in Adult Education. In Jopi Nyman (ed.) Studies in Sociology of Education and Culture. Publications of the Department of Sociology 6. Joensuu University Press, 2005. (p. 9-29.)
– 184. Education, Social Differentiation and Social Inequality. In Jopi Nyman (ed.) Studies in Sociology of Education and Culture. Publications of the Department of Sociology 6. Joensuu University Press, 2005. (p. 30-36.)
– 185. Classical Sociological Theories and the Modern Sociology of Education. In Jopi Nyman (ed.) Studies in Sociology of Education and Culture. Publications of the Department of Sociology 6. Joensuu University Press, 2005. (p. 37-37-55.)
– 186. 2006. Participation in Adult Education in a Nordic Context. In Antikainen, A., Harinen, P. & Torres, C.A. (eds.) In from the Margins: Adult Education, Work and Civil Society. Rotterdam/ Taipei: SensePublishers, 2006, pp. 131-145.
– 187. Antikainen, A., Harinen, P. & Torres, C.A. Introduction. In Antikainen, A., Harinen, P. & Torres, C.A. (eds.) In from the Margins: Adult Education, Work and Civil Society. Rotterdam/ Taipei: SensePublishers, 2006, pp. XV-XVI.
– 188. 2006. Participation, Culture and Life-course: elements for a socio-cultural theory of participation/ non-participation in adult education. In Susanne Lattke (ed.) Participation in Adult Education: Theory – Research – Practice. Mechelen: ERDI. ISBN(10) 973-661-873-0; (13) 978-973-661-873-4, pp. 23-39, 2006.
– 189. 2007. The Nordic Model in Education. In Antikainen, A. (ed.) Transforming a Learning Society: The Case of Finland. 2nd expanded edition. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007, pp. 341-358.
– 193. Introduction. (with Jarmo Houtsonen).In Houtsonen, J. & Antikainen, A. (eds.) Symbolic Power in Cultural Contexts: Uncovering Social Reality. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2007, pp. 93-105.
– 194. Power, State and Education: Restructuring the Nordic Model. In Houtsonen, J. & Antikainen, A. (eds.) Symbolic Power in Cultural Contexts: Uncovering Social Reality. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2007, pp. 93-105.
– 209. Education. In Sociopedia. ISA/SageWith Gary A. Dworkin, Lawrence J. Saha, Jeanne Ballantine, Shaheeda Essack, Antonio Teodoro & David Konstantinovskiy. http://www.isa-sociology.org/publ/sociopedia_isa.htm
– 210. Autobiography. In Dictionary of Eminent Social Scientists: Autobiographies. http://www.fondationmatteidogan.org/indexen.html
– 211. The Nordic Model in Education, Now. In Syrek, Ewy (red.) Czas spoleczny akademickiego uczestnictwa w rozwoju i doskonaleniu civil society.(Festschrift to Andrzej Radziewics- Winnicki.) Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego (University of Sleesia), 2011, pp. 605-612.
– 216. Global Transformation of a Nordic Learning Society: The Case of Finland. In Joseph Zajda (ed.) Global Pedagogies: Schooling for the Future. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. (pp. 129-143.)
Transformation 1
– 218. Adult Learning for the Low-skilled: Experience from the Noste programme. In Larissa Jõgi and Kristiina Krabi (ed.) Raamat õppimisest. (The Book of Learning). Tallinn Ülikooli Andragoogika osakonna/ Tallinn University, Publications of the Department of Adult Education, 2011, pp. 128-140.– 219. Lyhyt elämäkerta julkaistu kutsuttuna kansainvälisen Mattei Dogan-säätiön “Dictionary of Eminent Social Scientists: Autobiographies”- online- julkaisussa 2010 Autobio
– 220. Remarks on the World Atlas of the Sociology of Education.
In Kivirauma, J. et al.(2013) Koulutuksen yhteiskunnallinen ymmärrys/ Social Perspectives on Education. Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura/FERA, 2012, pp. 121-130.– 221. Remarks on the Nordic Model and the Finnish Pattern of Education. In Rita Braches-Chyrek, Dieter Nelles, Gertrud Oelerich & Andreas Schaarschuch (Hrsg.)(2013) Bildung, Gesellschaftstheorie und Sozial Arbeit. Opladen-Berlin-Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. (pp. 205-213). (see front page)
222. Teachers’ Experiences of Restructuring: Problems and Possibilities of a Generational Approach.(With de Lima, J.A. & Houtsonen, J.) In Goodon, I.F. & Lindblad, S. (eds.) Professional Knowledge and Educational Restructuring in Europe. Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense, 2010, pp. 81-97.
223. Chapter “A History of Educational Reform in Finland” by Ari Antikainen and Anne Pitkänen in Richard R. Verdugo (ed.) 2014. “Educational Reform in Europe: History, Culture, and Ideology”. Charlotte NC: Information Age Publishing.pp.1-24. info.
225. The Nordic model of higher education. In James E. Cote & Andy Furlong (eds.) Routledge Handbook on the Sociology of Higher Education. Routledge, London & New York, ISBN 978-1-138-77812-2. pp. 234-240.
Introduction: In Search of Life History. In Ivor Goodson, Ari Antikainen, Pat Sikes & Molly Andrews (eds.) Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 131-143.. ISBN 978-1-138-78429-1.
228. Dworkin, A.G., Ballantine, J., Antikainen, A. et.al. The Sociology of Education. Sociopedia.ISA, 2013.
135/135 items-
The Nordic model of higher education from a comparative and historical perspective
Rinne, Risto; Antikainen, Ari. Teoksessa: Côté, James E; Pickard, Sarah(toim.) , 2022. Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education. s. 294-308. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Kasvatussosiologia (6.päivitetty painos)
Antikainen, Ari; Rinne, Risto; Koski, Leena. 2021. . . PS-Kustannus D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Viides vuosikymmen kasvatussosiologiaa etsimässä
Antikainen, Ari. 2021. Kasvatus. 52: 252-255 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Koulutuksen suunnannäyttäjä
Antikainen, Ari. 2020. Sosiologia. 57: 105-107 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Tulkintoja suomalaisen koulutusyhteiskunnan muutoksesta
Antikainen, Ari. 2020. Kasvatus. 51: 235-242 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Koli ja hänen akatemiansa. Matti Parjanen: Mister Koli, oletteko kommunisti? Yliopistobarrikadien räjäyttäjän elämä
Antikainen, Ari. 2018. Aikalainen. 23: 17 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Koulutuksen tehtävät, oppiminen ja koulutuspolitiikan haasteita
Antikainen, Ari. Teoksessa: Michelsen, Torsten; Reijula, Kari; Ala-Mursula, Leena; Räsänen, Kimmo; Utti, Jukka(toim.) , 2018. Työelämän perustietoa. s. 229-239. Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Muistuma koulutuksen merkityksiä koskeneesta tutkimuksesta
Antikainen, Ari. 2018. Kasvatus ja aika. 12: 96-99 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Introduction: In search of life history
Antikainen Ari. Teoksessa: Ivor Goodson, Ari Antikainen, Pat Sikes & Molly Andrews(toim.) , 2016. The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History. s. 131-143. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
The Nordic model of higher education
Antikainen Ari. Teoksessa: Côté James E, Furlong Andy(toim.) , 2016. Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education. s. 234-240. Routledge A3 Book section, Chapters in research books