Ari Ronkainen
Visiting Researcher
Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
8/8 items-
Biomechanical responses of chondrocytes in healthy and meniscectomized rabbit knee joints
Ronkainen, Ari. 2018. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Forestry and Natural Sciences G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) -
Composition, structure and tensile biomechanical properties of equine articular cartilage during growth and maturation
Oinas, J; Ronkainen, AP; Rieppo, L; Finnilä, MAJ; Iivarinen, JT; van Weeren, PR; Helminen, HJ; Brama, PAJ; Korhonen, RK; Saarakkala, S. 2018. Scientific reports. 8: 11357 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Interrelationship of cartilage composition and chondrocyte mechanics after a partial meniscectomy in the rabbit knee joint - Experimental and numerical analysis
Ronkainen, AP; Tanska, P; Fick, JM; Herzog, W; Korhonen, RK. 2018. Journal of biomechanics. 2019; 86: 65-75 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Site-specific glycosaminoglycan content is better maintained in the pericellular matrix than the extracellular matrix in early post-traumatic osteoarthritis
Ojanen, SP; Finnilä, MAJ; Reunamo, AE; Ronkainen, AP; Mikkonen, S; Herzog, W; Saarakkala, S; Korhonen, RK. 2018. PLoS ONE. 13: e0196203 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Alterations in structural macromolecules and chondrocyte deformations in lapine retropatellar cartilage 9 weeks after anterior cruciate ligament transection
Han SK, Ronkainen AP, Saarakkala S, Rieppo L, Herzog W, Korhonen RK. 2017. Journal of orthopaedic research. 2018; 36: 342-350 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Early in situ changes in chondrocyte biomechanical responses due to a partial meniscectomy in the lateral compartment of the mature rabbit knee joint
Fick JM, Ronkainen AP, Madden R, Sawatsky A, Tiitu V, Herzog W, Korhonen RK. 2016. Journal of biomechanics. 49: 4057-4064 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Site-specific cell-tissue interactions in rabbit knee joint articular cartilage
Ronkainen AP, Fick JM, Herzog W, Korhonen RK. 2016. Journal of biomechanics. 49: 2882-2890 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Site-dependent biomechanical responses of chondrocytes in the rabbit knee joint
Fick JM, Ronkainen A, Herzog W, Korhonen RK. 2015. Journal of biomechanics. 48: 4010-4019 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research