Biodiversity now
Main funder

Biodiversity now - New skills to stimulate the green transition and maintain biodiversity is a joint project of the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the Center for Continuous Learning.
Maintaining biodiversity is a prerequisite for the well-being of the earth and people, sustainable development, and the green transition of society. Biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate due to factors such as unsustainable use of natural resources, changes in land and marine use, climate change, environmental pollution, and the spread of invasive species. The cross-cutting consideration of biodiversity must be part of all decision-making and activities of society, as well as climate issues. It is an important part of the sustainability transition, the EU Biodiversity Strategy, the Forest Strategy and the evolving EU taxonomy.
The aim of the project is to increase competence in taking biodiversity into account and understanding biodiversity loss at the individual, community and societal levels.
Target group is all sectors, ranging from early childhood education and care to universities, companies, business, industry, civil servants, and individual citizens. The courses are aimed at everyone interested in continuous learning and future occupations as well as higher education students from different fields and high school students. In the work package 2 the special target group is forest owners.
The project consists of the following work packages:
WP 1: Biodiversity.now course (2 ECTS)
The English-language Biodiversity.now course, created by the Biodiversity Education Network project, will be modified into the Finnish-language Biodiversiteetti.nyt course (MOOC). The content studied in the course deals with the biodiversity crisis and the concept of biodiversity, biodiversity loss and threats to biodiversity, biodiversity protection, as well as current issues and discussion on the theme of biodiversity. The course will also include a 3-credit project part.
TP 2: Training module for forest owners (10 ECTS)
The aim is to increase the professionalism, competence and responsibility of forest owners in ecological and economic issues related to forest biodiversity. A special target group is small forest owners. Those, who complete the module, will receive a digital Open Badge. As part of the training, a study trip to Lusto and Punkaharju Tree Species Park will be organized 4.10.2024.
WP 3: Interdisciplinary education module (10 ECTS)
Multidisciplinary course package linked to biodiversity loss for the the Sustainable Future study module, which will begin in autumn 2022. The package is suitable for degree students, Open University students, and high school students.
The project is funded by the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the largest programme under the EU’s Recovery Instrument (Next Generation EU). The funding has been granted by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The task of the service centre is to promote the development of the skills of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour, and to respond quickly to sudden structural changes in the labour market. The operations of the service centre are steered by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
JOTPA collects certain background information on the participants in the training it finances to carry out the evaluation, development, statistics and monitoring of training activities. In other words, those who have registered for studies will be sent a funder’s questionnaire to answer.
Contact persons
Tiina Pyrstöjärvi
Continuous Learning SpecialistCentre for Continuous Learning -
Lasse Reijonen
Academic Affairs SecretaryCentre for Continuous Learning -
Elina Oksanen
ProfessorDepartment of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology -
Krista Reiman
Student Affairs SecretaryCentre for Continuous Learning -
Tiina Ynnilä
Continuous Learning SpecialistCentre for Continuous Learning -
Oskari Ylikoski
University TeacherDepartment of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology