Biosphere North Savo : Utilization of biomass and biorefining techniques for novel industrial products -development project
Main funder
Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo

The project is funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The project is implemented by Savonia University of Applied Sciences (coordinator), University of Eastern Finland and Natural Resources Institute Finland
In Northern Savo focused RDI actions have been planned and different stakeholders have joined in the networks especially during the last three years 2016-2019. The aim of this project is to continue concrete development focused on selected development spearheads based on the action plans together with companies (>20), 3 educational and research organizations and 6 other partners. These spearheads are a) thermal and/or biologic treatment of biomass to liquids, gases and solid products and their further refining, b) circular fertilizer/solid improvement products by utilizing local industrial side streams and above mentioned processing techniques and expertise, and c) clarifying the critical issues required for wide utilization by using literature, testing and experiments (functionality, cost efficiency, safety and environmental issues). The tasks are combined in three workpackages. The outcome of the project will include at least 4 circular fertilizer mixtures and at least 4 other product prototypes such as composites which are manufactured from the side streams of industrial partners in Northern Savo and tested for functionality in applications. Based on the results all the relevant factors are collected to the final report to be commercially utilized in Northern Savo and even wider in Finland.
The project will enhance and speed up RDI actions in the companies. The expertise of companies is developed significantly e.g. related to functionality of these kind of products, their safety and environmental issues.
Horizontal aims are considered especially to fulfill sustainable development principles. The project is strenghtening local bioeconomy and reduces the dependence on fossil fuels and raw materials and improves self-sufficiency and maintenance reliability. Meanwhile circular economy aims are supported. Furthermore, the project helps consumers/endusers to better realize the impacts of their choices.
Senior Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Kimmo Laitinen
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology -
Isa Lyijynen
Project ResearcherDepartment of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology -
Umme Santona
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology -
Noora Jokinen
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology