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Demography and Democracy – Healthy Ageing in a Digital World (HAIDI)´s Profile image

Demography and Democracy – Healthy Ageing in a Digital World (HAIDI)

22.08.2022 - 21.08.2025
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies


Main funder

Familjen Kamprads stiftelse

Other funders

Future Challenges in the Nordics

The project is funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation within the framework of the research programme Future Challenges in the Nordics.


In the HAIDI research project, the aim is to counteract health disparities and digital divides in the Nordic countries due to digitalisation and the ageing populations. The project builds on multi-methodology and comparative analysis and consists of three sub studies. First, the project will critically investigate the digitalisation media discourse  in three Nordic countries (DK, SWE and FIN). Second, in each three country we will interview citizens aged 75 and above to explore their uses and non-uses of digital technology:  what kind of digital (and non-digital) health information /services they turn to in their everyday life, what kind of devices and software they are familiar with, and feel confident using. Third, we will interview professionals in municipal home care and in nursing homes settings to gain knowledge on opportunities as well as constraints of using digital technology in the interaction with their clients.

The project is hosted by Lund University.

More information (in Swedish):

In English: Future Challenges in the Nordics/Projects/HAIDI


  • Lund University

    Helena Sandberg

    Associate professor in Media and communication studies, Department of Communication and Media (KOM), Lund University, affiliated Professor at the School of Health and Welfare, Halmstad University, Sweden.

  • University of Southern Denmark

    Anette Grønning

    Associate professor in Media studies, Department for the Study of Culture, USD


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