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Elisa  Tiilikainen

Elisa Tiilikainen

Associate Professor

Associate Professor (Social Work)

Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected] | +358 50 413 4680

I am a social scientist interested in issues related to ageing and later life. Currently I work as an Associate Professor in Social Work at the Department of Social Sciences. My work includes work with research projects and teaching around questions related to social gerontology and gerontological social work. At the moment I am leading a four-year research project on old-age social inclusion in home care (SOLDEX) and a four-year research project on older men’s driving cessation (DRIVEX). In addition I am leading a workpackage on digital health technologies and services of older adults (75+) as part of a Nordic collaboration project (HAIDI). My research team consists of post doctoral and doctoral researcher and I am involved in several multidisciplinary programs and networks.

In my PhD I examined loneliness from a life course perspective identifying different pathways behind loneliness in later life and exploring how loneliness changes in time. I have also examined experiences of loneliness from the perspective of people living with aphasia and older migrant women. My studies have highlighted the multidimensional and dynamic nature of loneliness and its individual meanings in relation to different life events and transitions. In my studies I have used mostly qualitative methodologies, but I’m interested in finding ways to combine different methods, especially from longitudinal perspectives.


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