Elisa Tiilikainen
Associate Professor
Associate Professor (Social Work)
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 413 4680
I am a social scientist interested in issues related to ageing and later life. Currently I work as an Associate Professor in Social Work at the Department of Social Sciences. My work includes work with research projects and teaching around questions related to social gerontology and gerontological social work. At the moment I am leading a four-year research project on old-age social inclusion in home care (SOLDEX) and a four-year research project on older men’s driving cessation (DRIVEX). In addition I am leading a workpackage on digital health technologies and services of older adults (75+) as part of a Nordic collaboration project (HAIDI). My research team consists of post doctoral and doctoral researcher and I am involved in several multidisciplinary programs and networks.
In my PhD I examined loneliness from a life course perspective identifying different pathways behind loneliness in later life and exploring how loneliness changes in time. I have also examined experiences of loneliness from the perspective of people living with aphasia and older migrant women. My studies have highlighted the multidimensional and dynamic nature of loneliness and its individual meanings in relation to different life events and transitions. In my studies I have used mostly qualitative methodologies, but I’m interested in finding ways to combine different methods, especially from longitudinal perspectives.
Research groups
Ageing and elder care research group
The neighboring networks of the older city dwelle… Finished 01.03.2020 - 31.12.2022
Interprofessional interaction in professional pro…
Neuro-Ethics and Law Research Team 01.08.2020 -
Social work research and education team 01.08.2023 -
House of Effectiveness 01.11.2018 -
On the other side of the license? - A biographical and action research on driving cessation and related life change support for older men 01.01.2025 - 31.08.2028
CAIDE - Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia Finished 01.01.1998 - 31.12.2022
Demography and Democracy – Healthy Ageing in a Digital World (HAIDI) 22.08.2022 - 21.08.2025
GERIT - gerontological social work and complex needs of older adults Finished 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022
Improving the effectiveness of well-being and health of older people in Kainuu Finished 02.01.2021 - 31.08.2022
Neuro-Innovation 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2026
PROMEQ Finished 01.08.2016 - 31.12.2021
Old-age social exclusion in home care - prevalence, meanings & intervention (SOLDEX) 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025
Shadows in Paradise? Rights of People with Dementia in a Welfare State 01.01.2022 - 31.05.2032
64/64 items-
Complex needs and ethical dilemmas—Care managers processing older clients to gerontological social work
Kinni, Riitta‐Liisa; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. International journal of social welfare. 33: 1033-1043 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Early-life circumstances and late life loneliness trajectories among Finnish older adults
Tiilikainen, Elisa; Aartsen, Marja; Kraav, Siiri-Liisi. 2024. Bmc geriatrics. 24: . 459 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
From Restricted Resources to Ethical Burden - Former Home Care Workers’ Reasons for Leaving Their Jobs
Ring, Marjo; Ristolainen, Hanna; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. Journal of applied gerontology. 43: 1111-1119 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ikääntyvien tuen tarpeiden tunnistaminen ja niihin vastaaminen etsivässä vanhustyössä
Ruotsalainen, Suvi; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. Gerontologia. 38: 243-259 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Interventiotutkimuksen toteuttaminen sosiaalipalveluissa
Ristolainen, Hanna; Isoniemi, Henna; Moisio, Meri; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. Janus: sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti. 32: 218-225 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Kotihoito on jo nykyisellään riittämätöntä – ikääntyvien palveluista säästäminen lisää inhimillisiä kustannuksia
Tiilikainen, Elisa; Ristolainen, Hanna. 2024. Puheenvuoroja - Itä-Suomen yliopiston toimijoiden puheenvuoroblogi. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Monimerkityksellinen yksinäisyys koskettaa erityisesti elämän muutoskohdissa
Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. Hyvä selkä. 4: 12-13 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Navigating Social Services from the Perspective of Finnish Older Adults with Complex Needs: An Examination of Different Dimensions of Access
Peiponen, Jenna; Tiilikainen, Elisa; Kinni, Riitta-Liisa; Rissanen, Sari. 2024. Journal of social service research. [Published online: 12 Aug 2024]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Patterns of Multidimensional Social Exclusion Among Older Home Care Services Recipients
Ristolainen, Hanna; Van Regenmortel, Sofie; De Donder, Liesbeth; Vercauteren, Toon; Lehtiö, Johanna; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. Journals of gerontology series b: psychological sciences and social sciences. 79: . gbae118 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Social exclusion among older people receiving formal home care services in Finland: prevalence and associated factors
Ristolainen, Hanna; Forma, Leena; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2024. International journal of care and caring. [Epub ahead of print 4 Sept 2024]: 1-26 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research