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Developing International Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development´s Profile image

Developing International Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development

Finished 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty


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The planning of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development started around 5 years ago. The University of Eastern Finland finances the establisment of a LLLSus program from 1 January to 31 December 2024. This is a story of the setting up stages of the program.

▪ Officially the programme started in August 2022 (15 study places, year 2023 20 places)
▪ Programme duration: 3 years / 180 ECTS credits
▪ Major subject studies (total 95 cp) & minor subject studies (60 cp), elective studies (25 cp )
▪ The programme is aimed at students with an international background & Finnish students,
who want to study their bachelor’s degree in English.

The Bachelor programme looks at education from the perspective of global education. Global education is a learnercentred approach to foster critical awareness of global challenges and a sustainable way of life. The key concepts are
lifelong learning and sustainable development. The degree programme is built to be integrated into the native Finnish
Bachelor’s programme. Finnish and international students study together some courses, which can also be completed in
various ways through distance learning. Some courses in the programme are based on project-based learning (PBL) or
service-learning, in which studying takes place in co-operation with working-life organisations, including planning,
implementing, and developing national and international projects supporting sustainable development and lifelong

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