Developing Occupational Well-being of Health Care Teachers in Estonia – participatory action research, 2021–2023
The purpose of this action research project is to describe and evaluate health care teachers’ occupational well-being, develop the occupational well-being by community based developmental intervention and assess the impact of developmental intervention on health care teachers’ occupational well-being in Estonia. This developmental intervention is expected to increase the occupational well-being activities at the individual and organizational level, reducing workload and promoting recovery from work. In the future, this intervention can be applied in different fields and levels of education.
This project is also part of a larger research entity of the University of Eastern Finland, Department of Nursing Science, titled Occupational Well-being in Education (OWE), which also includes Social and health care teachers’ occupational well-being in Finland -research and development project (2020-23). This is how this action research project implemented in Estonian, and its results and operating models also generate new information to the larger research entity.
Partners: University of Eastern Finland, Department of Nursing Science (leading) and University of Tartu, Department of Nursing Science in collaboration with Tartu Health Care College and Tallinn Health Care College.
University of Tartu, Department of Nursing Science
Conference presentations:
Vauhkonen, A., Azimirad, M., Pasanen, M., Salminen, L., Rinne, J., Kangasniemi, M., Kommusaar, J., Honkalampi, K., & Saaranen, T. (2024). Occupational well-being of social and health care teachers instrument – Development and psychometric properties. 7th European Regional Sigma Conference, 26.-28.6.2024, United Kingdom, Bournemouth.
Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Honkalampi, K., Solankallio-Vahteri, T., Kööp, K., Varik, M., Linde, S., Saaranen, T. (2024). Community-based Participatory Occupational Well-being Intervention for Educators (CBP-OWE) among health care educators in Finland and Estonia. FoHS Doctoral Researcher Symposium, 15.-16.5.2024, Finland, Kuopio.
Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Kangasniemi, M., Linde, S., Mikiver, M., Honkalampi, K., Saaranen, T. (2023). Occupational well-being developmental intervention among health care educators. 9th Sigma European PhD virtual connect conference. “Re-imagining nursing research in an uncertain world”, 22.11.2023.
Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Kangasniemi, M., Honkalampi, K., Mikiver, M., Linde, S., Salminen, L., & Saaranen, T. (2023). Participatory action research as an approach to develop occupational well-being of health care educators. RENE Symposium 2023. 5.10.2023, Finland, Helsinki.
Linde, S., Kangasniemi, M., Saaranen, T., Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J. (2023). Eesti tervishoiukõrgkoolide õppejõudude tööheaolu, töökoormus ja tööks vajalike ressursside tugi: läbilõikeuuring. (Occupational well-being, workload and support of resources needed for work for Estonian health care university teachers: a cross-sectional study). Scientific conference celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Kööp, K., Ernits, Ü., Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Mikiver, M., Saaranen, T. (2022). Development of the occupational well-being of health care teachers – action research in Tallinn health care college. Empowerment of Public Health, Health Care and Wellbeing – Education, Research, and
Practice. Tallinna.
Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Kangasniemi, M., Honkalampi, K., Mikiver, M., Linde, S., Saaranen, T. (2022). Occupational Well-being Development in Social and Health Care Education. Nordic Forum for Nurse Educators (NFNE 2022). Turku.
Kööp, K., Ernits, Ü., Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Mikiver, M., Saaranen, T. (2022). Development of the occupational well-being of health care teachers – action research in Tallinn health care college. Empowerment of Public Health, Health Care and Wellbeing – Education, Research, and
Practice. Tallinna.
Vauhkonen, A., Kommusaar, J., Kangasniemi, M., Honkalampi, K., Mikiver, M., Linde, S., Saaranen, T. (2022). Occupational Well-being Development in Social and Health Care Education. Nordic Forum for Nurse Educators (NFNE 2022). Turku.