Elina Siltanen
University Lecturer
University Lecturer, English Language and Culture
School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty
[email protected] | +358 50 491 1465
I work as University Lecturer of English Language and Culture from August 1, 2023.
I also worked at UEF in 2020-2021.
My research focuses on contemporary American experimental poetry. I am currently doing research under the title Affective Border-Crossings: Reading for Human-Nature-Culture Connections in Anglophone Literatures. My previous project Difficult Relations: Reading for Emotion in Recent American Experimental Poetry was funded by the Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation, the Kone Foundation and the Emil Aaltonen Foundation. This project was conducted at the Department of English, University of Turku. In the project, I wrote several articles. My monograph, Experimentalism as Reciprocal Communication in Contemporary American Experimental Poetry: John Ashbery, Lyn Hejinian, Ron Silliman, was published by John Benjamins in 2016.
At the University of Eastern Finland, I teach anglophone and particularly American literature and academic writing in English Language and Culture. I have completed the full pedagogical qualification for university teachers (60 credits).
Previously, I have worked as a researcher and in substitute teaching positions at the Department of English, University of Turku, Lund University, and at Luleå University of Technology. I have a double doctoral degree/PhD from the University of Turku and Luleå University of Technology (2014).
More information available on my website http://www.elinasilta.com.
My full list of publications is available here https://elinasilta.com/academic-publications/.
3/3 items-
Ambivalent Laughter: Conceptual Poetry's Humor and Metamodernism
Siltanen, Elina. Teoksessa: Ministro, Bruno; Guimarães, João Paulo(toim.) , 2024. Conceptual Writing, Experimental Poetry and Humour. s. 11-26. Instituto de literatura comparada Margarida Losa A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Arvio: Maailman muutosten hallitsematon vyöry
Siltanen, Elina. 2024. Kiiltomato. : . E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
"My Hard-Earned (Sámi) Identity": The Hard Work of Uncomfortable Reading
Kokkola, Lydia; Siltanen, Elina. 2021. Scandinavian studies. 93: 216-240 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research