Erkki Pesonen
Deputy Head of Department
University Lecturer
senior lecturer, vice head of school of computing, Kuopio campus, Novapolis G
School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 40 355 2562
I teach basic computer science courses and programming. I use modern learning environments, flipped classroom and student analytics. I’m vice head of School of Computing at Kuopio campus and my study issues are on my responsibilities. I’m also member of UEF Board.
16/16 items-
Totuudenmukainen työaikasuunnitelma - pelkkää fiktiota?
Pesonen Erkki, Toikkanen Jarkko. 2016. Acatiimi. 18: 30-33 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Understanding initial undergraduate expectations and identity in computing studies
Kinnunen Päivi, Butler Matthew, Morgan Michael, Nylen Aletta, Peters Anne-Kathrin, Sinclair Jane, Kalvala Sara, Pesonen Erkki. 2016. European journal of engineering education. 2018; 43: 201-218 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Challenges of teaching and learning in first-year engineering studies - Teachers' observations
Pietikäinen PS, Kinnunen P, Pesonen E. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2014. Proceedings of SEFI 2014: Educating Engineers for Global Competitiveness. s. 1-7. SEFI A4 Conference proceedings -
Getting to know computer science freshmen
Kinnunen Päivi, Marttila-Kontio Maija, Pesonen Erkki. Teoksessa: -(toim.) , 2013. Proceedings of the 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research. s. 59-66. ACM A4 Conference proceedings -
Pedagogista yhteistyötä tietojenkäsittelytieteen opetuksen kehittämisessä
Pesonen E, Lammi S, Räsänen P, Ritvanen U, Haapaniemi T. 2007. Peda-forum. 14: 7-9 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Tätä ei saa jättää tähän Kuopion yliopiston TieVie-alumnitoiminta
Huotari N, Levänen K, Pesonen E, Rissanen T. Teoksessa: Peurasaari M(toim.) , 2007. Tuhat ja yksi tarinaa - TieVie-verkoston seitsemän vuotta. s. 185-190. Suomen virtuaaliyliopisto D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
A diagnostic score for children with suspected appendicitis
Lintula H, Pesonen E, Kokki H, Vanamo K, Eskelinen M. 2005. Langenbecks archives of surgery. 390: 164-170 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Diagnosis of acute appendicitis in two databases. Evaluation of different neighborhoods with a LVQ neural networks
Pesonen E, Ohmann C, Eskelinen M, Juhola M. 1998. Methods of information in medicine. 37: 59-63 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Studies on the Experimental Construction of a Neural Network-Based Decision Support System for Acute Abdominal Pain
Pesonen E. 1998. Kuopion yliopiston julkaisuja C. Luonnontieteet ja ympäristötieteet G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) -
Treatment of missing data values in a neural network based decision support system for acute abdominal pain
Pesonen E, Eskelinen M, Juhola M. 1998. Artificial intelligence in medicine. 13: 139-146 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research