Main funder

Describe in this text more about the funding and list other funders.
Contact persons
Write to this Group description field a short, general introduction of the research group or project (maximum length 2,500 characters). The aim of the description is to attract the reader’s interest in the topic.
In the introduction, you can, for example, explain
- what the research group or project are researching,
- the objectives of the research and
- its relevance to society.
Do not describe your collaborators in this section, they have their own section. The research methods used in the research group or project should be added as keywords or more comprehensible descriptions using a customizable content structure.
You can format text
You can also format text, i.e. add subheadings, lists, text links, etc.
A Finland of forests and peatlands is a carbon sink
For half a century, Finland's forest resources have grown steadily... -
eTwinning provides student teachers with future skills
Unique linguistic expertise offered by the Master’s programme in Clinical Linguistics
The European Master's in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL) combines...
Objectives of the project
A Text section has been added at the beginning to give the whole a title and, if necessary, to add an introductory text. As an example, a video has been added after the text section, which could summarize the project idea.
Then, using the Accordion section, you can divide the areas of the project into their own entities. Accordions allow for a concise presentation, making it easy to give an overall picture with good headlines.
Donec fringilla tristique tellus vel bibendum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin non condimentum risus.
Vestibulum gravida congue tortor nec dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean cursus ipsum et lectus dapibus scelerisque. Proin arcu nisl, bibendum ut turpis ac, efficitur efficitur quam.
Donec ac enim dapibus, rutrum ipsum id, ornare dui. Aliquam ultricies arcu quis erat posuere elementum. Fusce nec urna sapien.
Maecenas aliquet et erat nec finibus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque non suscipit libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in elit lorem. Nulla quis lacus et arcu aliquet porta a vitae nisi. Sed vel urna diam. Nunc et quam urna. Ut sollicitudin ultrices ex, ac fringilla nunc dapibus id. Phasellus a pretium sem, eget blandit eros.
Nulla sem metus, sagittis eu enim vel, dignissim auctor velit. Duis ac lacinia sapien. Donec vel ullamcorper lorem. Sed ac nunc diam. Maecenas eget sollicitudin nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in elit lorem. Nulla quis lacus et arcu aliquet porta a vitae nisi. Sed vel urna diam. Nunc et quam urna. Ut sollicitudin ultrices ex, ac fringilla nunc dapibus id.
Phasellus a pretium sem, eget blandit eros. Nulla sem metus, sagittis eu enim vel, digniss
Request to participate in the study
The beginning of the research invitation has been implemented using a text section. You can add an introductory text and open what entities have been included in the accordions. Below are some example headlines.
In addition, depending on the study, the following may be described, for example:
- arrival instructions
- processing of personal data
- disclosure of information from the research register
- handling of research material
- what happens to participant’s personal information at the end of the research
- research results, for example, in the form of publications.
The duration of the study is six weeks.
This section would describe what happens in the study from the participant’s perspective, such as the duration, what procedures are expected from the participants, how and to what extent they might affect their lives, etc.
If diagrams are used, the same information must also be provided in the text.
This section would describe what kind of individuals are being sought for the study and the voluntary nature of participation. It would outline any restrictions or requirements defined for the participants. Additionally, it would describe how participant’s eligibility is ensured, etc.
In addition to contact persons, here can also be general contact information if, for example, there is a service email or phone number from which participant can ask for more information.
When a person’s details is added, a link to the person’s UEF Connect page can be added.
Here would be opened which organizations and people will implement the study, as well as those in charge.
Stakeholder cooperation
Here also a Text section has been added at the beginning to give the whole a title and, if necessary, to add an introductory text.
Donec fringilla tristique tellus vel bibendum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin non condimentum risus. Vestibulum gravida congue tortor nec dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean cursus ipsum et lectus dapibus scelerisque. Proin arcu nisl, bibendum ut turpis ac, efficitur efficitur quam.
Curabitur congue ex eros, nec viverra ante pulvinar et. Donec vehicula laoreet ligula. Praesent et ornare dui, a maximus dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent imperdiet lectus sit amet tellus aliquet faucibus.
Contact persons
Members of the project (added)
Petra Isotalo
Digital Communications SpecialistDevelopment Services, University Services -
Jenni Huurinainen
Digital Communications SpecialistDevelopment Services, University Services