Stina Hacklin
Digital Communications Specialist
Development Services, University Services
[email protected] | +358 50 412 3446
I work in the web services team of the Communications and Media Relations unit. We develop UEF’s key web services. My responsibilities in particular are developing and support services of the Drupal platform.
19/19 items-
Digitaalisten oppimisympäristöjen kehittämiskeskus: Roadmap
Hyypiä, Mareena; Leppänen, Ulla; Hacklin, Stina; Korhonen, Pauliina; Valtonen, Teemu; Hirsto, Laura. 2018. . . D4 Published development or research report or study -
Developing a cross-disciplinary framework for collaborative research in multi- and intercultural education
Dillon Patrick, Hacklin Stina, Kantelinen Ritva, Kokko Sirpa, Kröger Tarja, Simola Raisa, Valtonen Teemu, Vesisenaho Mikko. Teoksessa: Victor C.X. Wang(toim.) , 2014. Handbook of Research on Education and Technology in a Changing Society. s. 593-606. IGI Global A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Pre-service teachers' experiences of using social software applications for collaborative inquiry
Valtonen Teemu, Hacklin Stina, Kontkanen Sini, Hartikainen-Ahia Anu, Kärkkäinen Sirpa, Kukkonen Jari. 2013. Computers & Education. 69: 85-95 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Opettajaopiskelijoiden viikko venäläisessä kulttuurissa
Ritva Kantelinen & Stina Hacklin. 2012. Yliopistopedagogiikka. : - B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Perspectives on personal learning environments held by vocational students.
Valtonen Teemu, Hacklin Stina, Dillon Patrick, Vesisenaho Mikko, Kukkonen Jari, Hietanen Aija. 2012. Computers & Education. 58: 732-739 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experiences of linking schools' learning environments to students' personal online environments
Teemu Valtonen, Tiia Koponen, Mikko Vesisenaho,. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 2011. EARLI 2011. Book of abstracts and extended summaries. s. 985-987. A4 Conference proceedings -
Confronting the technological pedagogical knowledge of Finnish net generation student teachers.
Valtonen, T., Pöntinen, S., Kukkonen, J., Dillon, P., Väisänen, P., & Hacklin, S.. 2010. Technology, pedagogy and education. 19: 1-10 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Net Generation at social software: challenging assumptions, clarifying relationships and raising implications for learning
Valtonen Teemu, Dillon Patrick, Hacklin Stina, Väisänen Pertti. 2010. International journal of educational research. 49: 210-219 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Module 1: Framework and Concepts for Intercultural Professional Development
Rusanen, Timo; Turunen, Hannele; Hacklin Stina. 2009. . . Joensuun yliopisto D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Module 2: Intercultural Communication Competence
Kantelinen, Ritva, Hacklin Stina ja Rusanen, Timo. 2009. . . Joensuun yliopisto D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide