Grigory Gurin
University Teacher
School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty | +358 50 442 2296
5/5 items-
Predicative constructions with lexical repetitions in East Slavic languages: Roots and causes
Kopotev, Mikhail; Gurin, Grigory; Markasova, Elena. Teoksessa: Kopotev, Mikhail; Kwon, Kyongjoon(toim.) , 2024. Constructions with Lexical Repetitions in East Slavic. s. 35-70. Mouton De Gruyter A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
A procedure for evaluating degree of conventionality of metaphor expressions: from intuition to operational criteria
Gurin Grigory, Belikova Alexandra. Teoksessa: A. Je. Kibrik, V. I. Belikov, I. M. Boguslavski, B. V. Dobrov, D. O. Dobrovolski, L. M. Zaharov(toim.) , 2012. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. s. 187-197. RGGU / Russian State University for the Humanities Press A4 Conference proceedings -
Metodika ocenki konvencional'nosti metaforiceskih vyrazenij: ot intuitivistskih kriteriev k operacional'nym
Belikova Alexandra, Gurin Grigory. 2012. Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University / Ucenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosuniversiteta /Seriiaa Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki.. : 44-50 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
С о в р е м е н н ы й р у с с к и й л и т е р а т у р н ы й я з ы к : п р а к т и к у м д л я б а к
G. Gurin, E. Elkina, A. Dundukova, I. Ivanova, A. Kotov, S. Machulskaja, Z. Mineeva, N. Patroeva, N. Fomina. 2011. . . Petrozavodsk State University D5 Textbook, professional manual or guide -
Sintaksiceskaa razmetka v korpuse tekstov po russkoj publicistike 19 veka "SMALT" (The syntactic markup in the corpus of Russian journalistic texts of XIX century "SMALT")
A. Rogov & G. Gurin & A. Kotov. 2010. Problemy komputernoi lingvistiki. 4, 2010: 263-272 B1 Non-refereed journal articles