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Center of Law and Welfare´s Profile image

Center of Law and Welfare

Research group
01.01.2018 -
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies


We emphasize multidisclipnary research and work closely with both national and international researchers and institutions who are active in promoting and researching welfare and welfare services in general.

We focus on the rights that have a connection to the well-being of an individual at all stages of the life cycle. For example, we are interested in the different legal aspects of welfare services; how they are defined, organized, produced and supervised.

Law and Welfare is not a separate field of law; it refers to the entirety of legal research that focuses on the regulation of – for example – income support, social welfare and physical and mental health.






Senior Lecturers

Senior Researchers and Postdoctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers

Research and Teaching Assistants