Sanna Mustasaari
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 476 6763
LL.D (title of Docent) Sanna Mustasaari is Associate Professor of family law at the civil law team and the Center of Law and Welfare, UEF Law School. She is a member of the leading group of the research community Borders, Mobilities and Cultural Encounters BOMOCULT | University of Eastern Finland. Her main research interests include family and inheritance law, transnational child welfare, intersections of religion and family law, human rights law, private international law, migration law, children’s rights, trans rights, relational legal theory, feminist legal theory, rights in context, and migration and transnationalism studies.
Research groups
Research and supervision
Associate Professor Mustasaari directs the research group Beyond Borders, Norms and Boxes (BBNB) and supervises the following PhD candidates: Rahma Hersi (How do Finnish Muslim Women Engage with Islamic Normativity in Their Professional Lives, UEF); Noora Kivioja (Studying the dynamics of transnational child welfare in Finland. The case of child returnees from conflict areas, University of Helsinki); Jarrah Kaisa Kollei (Who has the right to a good divorce? Rainbow people’s experiences of accessing rights, UEF); Kati Saurula (Coordination of services for children with neuropsychiatric symptoms and their families, UEF); and Fairuz Muthana (A multilayered theoretical anti-racist approach to honor based violence in Finland, University of Oulu).
Mustasaari’s recently completed research projects focus on transnational childhoods and children’s rights: Children Abroad: A Relational Analysis of Finnish Child Protection and Welfare in Transnational Contexts [CARELA], Research Council of Finland 2020-2024) adopted an interdisciplinary approach to study children’s rights to protection in various transnational settings. She was the PI of the NOS-HS exploratory workshop series Transnational Childhoods, Transnational Rights (https://uefconnect.uef.fi/en/group/nos-hs-workshop-series-transnational-childhoods-transnational-rights-nordic-responses-to-global-challenges-in-the-field-of-child-protection/ ) and led a subproject in a Consortium that focuses on cross-border child protection (SUOJATIE, 2022-2024). Mustasaari’s PhD “Rethinking recognition: Transnational families and belonging in law” (2017) studied the diverse forms of the legality and recognition of family relationships in different normative systems.
1 itemsPublications
20/20 items-
'We are here to put the past behind us': violence and welfare governmentality in Finnish family law
Mustasaari, Sanna. 2024. Journal of social welfare and family law. 46: 167-186 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cross-border child protection cases between Finland and Central-Eastern Europe including Russia
Mustasaari, Sanna. Teoksessa: Duden, Konrad; Wiedemann, Denise(toim.) , 2024. Changing families, changing family law in Europe. s. 195-216. Intersentia A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
KKO 2023:66 Kieltäytymisperusteet lapsen palauttamista koskevassa asiassa
Mustasaari, Sanna. Teoksessa: Hoffrén, Mia(toim.) , 2024. KKO:n ratkaisut kommentein II/2023. s. 131-145. Alma Talent B2 Book section -
KKO 2024:18 Asiavaltuus adoptioasian muutoksenhaussa
Mustasaari, Sanna. Teoksessa: Hoffrén, Mia(toim.) , 2024. KKO:n ratkaisut kommentein I/2024. s. 140-151. Alma Talent B2 Book section -
KKO 2024:33 Espanjassa tehdyn testamentin tiedoksiantoon sovellettava laki sekä laillisen tiedoksiannon edellytykset
Mustasaari, Sanna. Teoksessa: Hoffren, Mia(toim.) , 2024. KKO:n ratkaisut kommentein I/2024. s. 272-278. Alma Talent B2 Book section -
KKO 2024:8 Lapsen elatusta sijaishuollon aikana koskeva täytäntöönpanoriita
Mustasaari, Sanna. Teoksessa: Hoffrén, Mia(toim.) , 2024. KKO:n ratkaisut kommentein I/2024. s. 65-70. Alma Talent B2 Book section -
Lapsen etu oikeuslähteenä erityisesti riita- ja hakemusasioissa
Mustasaari, Sanna; Tolonen, Hannele. 2024. Lakimies. 122: 1082-1106 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Rights-based social work as a practice. The role of child welfare social work in the repatriations of Finnish children from the camps in north-eastern Syria
Kivioja, Noora; Mustasaari, Sanna. 2024. European journal of social work. [Epub ahead of print 31 May 2024]: 1-12 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bileet! Feministinen teoria, relationaalinen autonomia ja nuorten seksuaalioikeudet
Mustasaari, Sanna. Teoksessa: Tiensuu, Paul; Aalto-Heinilä, Maija; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna(toim.) , 2023. Itsemääräämisoikeus : Teoriasta käytäntöön. s. 209-231. Vastapaino A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Osituksen viivästyminen ja asumiskorvaus osituksessa
Kolehmainen, Antti; Mustasaari, Sanna. 2023. Defensor legis. 104: 410 - 429 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research