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Parables as Persuasive Narratives´s Profile image

Parables as Persuasive Narratives

20.09.2019 - 01.12.2030
School of Theology, Philosophical Faculty


Main funder

Recearch Council

Other funders

University of Eastern Finland

Research Council of Finland, University of Eastern Finland.
Our values and action are shaped by narratives. The parables of Jesus belong to the most influential of them. But the interpretations are contradictory, as we do not know how they function.


Parables as Participatory Rhetoric (PaPRe)

Why do people tell parables? Why are influential thinkers like Jesus of Nazareth and Aesop primarily remembered for these seemingly simple narratives? How do these narratives function, particularly when shared with opponents, and what implications might they have for contemporary rhetoric? Our project addresses these fundamental questions through innovative methodology. The research recognizes that human cognition and value systems are substantially influenced by narratives, particularly parables, rather than purely theoretical reasoning. While cultural evolution has transformed Jesus’s parables into doctrinal statements and Greek fables into children’s literature, this project seeks to recover their original persuasive function.

The findings hold significant implications for both academic scholarship and practical applications, potentially transforming biblical studies and Christian faith, as one third of Jesus’s sayings are parables. Moreover, the project will provide insights into modern persuasive communication and contribute to addressing e.g. religious antagonism, through alternative interpretations of traditionally contentious texts.


  • Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

  • University of Toronto

  • Protestant Theological University, The Netherlands



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