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Saimaa ringed seal research´s Profile image

Saimaa ringed seal research

Research group
01.01.2006 -
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology


The Saimaa ringed seal research project at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) provides the scientific basis for the conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal population. The research group investigates ringed seal biology, estimate different risk factors, and develops new methods for conservation and monitoring. Research results have direct applications in conservation of the Saimaa ringed seal. By-catch mortality, changing environment (especially climate change), viability of the population, and development of new methods are key elements in different research projects. Current research issues include behavioral ecology, genetics and population modeling. In addition, the Saimaa ringed seal research maintains the Saimaa ringed seal tissue bank for current and future research and educational needs.



  • Metsähallitus

  • WWF Finland



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