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Growth from moss North Karelia´s Profile image

Growth from moss North Karelia

01.01.2024 - 31.05.2026
Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies


Main funder

Co-funded by EU + Regional Council of North Karelia Co-funded by EU + Regional Council of North Karelia

The project is funded by Just Transition Fund (JTF). The project is implemented by University of Eastern Finland.


The objective of the project is to establish a new methodology of sustainable cultivation of Sphagnum moss products that minimizes climate and water emissions and reaches carbon and nutrient sink function. The activities promote the protection and restoration of biodiversity in cultivation areas and peatland complexes where the cultivation is located. The project aims to develop new production by Sphagnum moss that can renew the economic activities of peat areas according to the principles of sustainable development. The project will pilot the Sphagnum cultivation and develop efficient practices for cultivation establishment, water management, and growth optimization. Additionally, the project will investigate the compatibility of other land use and production activities, like solar energy production, with Sphagnum cultivation and identify the best target areas for different uses. Developing efficient and sustainable cultivation methods for peat-free growth media production is essential for horticulture, with a great need for new alternatives to peat-based growing media. The project Kasvua sammalesta (Growth from moss) offers continuity with novel developments for use of peat areas and materials in businesses previously based on peat use.


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