Handbook for large-group simulations
This project is funded by University of Eastern Finland’s year 2023 teaching development fund.
Contact persons
Juha Pajari
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Terhi Saaranen
ProfessorDepartment of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences
The purpose of this project was to create an electronic handbook for large-group simulations, collaborating with partners from different organizations. With this handbook, future interprofessional large-group simulations can be planned, executed and evaluated. By utilizing and sharing past experiences of large-group simulations team, handbook provide concrete instructions for designing interprofessional large-group simulations. This handbook is then offered to teaching and education planners in different units of University of Eastern Finland, collaborators, and other working partners.
The designing, execution and evaluation process of this project utilized student-oriented, research based and working life-oriented approach, utilizing simultaneously the ideology of constant learning.
This handbook was generated in electronic environment both in Finnish and in English (will be published in English in spring 2024). The handbook is freely obtainable and thus benefited by everyone.
Contact persons
Juha Pajari
Doctoral ResearcherDepartment of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences -
Terhi Saaranen
ProfessorDepartment of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Sciences
Other group members
Janne Nevalainen, TtM-opiskelija, UEF, Hoitotieteen laitos (terveystieteiden opettajankoulutus)