Hannu Räty
Professor, Emeritus
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty
194/194 items-
Is older entrepreneurship being silenced? A policy analysis of Finnish government programmes
Kupiainen, Paula; Komulainen, Katri; Eriksson, Päivi; Räty, Hannu. 2023. Entrepreneurship and regional development. 35: 746-761 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Moraalisen uran ja institutionaalisen minän rakentuminen yliopisto-opintojen alkuvaiheessa
Koivisto, Hanna; Komulainen, Katri; Räty, Hannu. 2023. Aikuiskasvatus. 43: 70-82 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Using conversation analysis to identify unresponsiveness in peer interactions in inclusive groups
Kilpiä, Anni; Dindar, Katja; Kärnä, Eija; Räty, Hannu; Kämäräinen, Anniina; Suero Montero, Calkin. 2023. Journal of interactional research in communication disorders. 14: 386-407 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koulunkäynninohjaajan vastaamattomuus autismikirjon oppilaan sosiaalisiin aloitteisiin
Kilpiä, Anni; Kärnä, Eija; Dindar, Katja; Räty, Hannu. 2022. Kasvatus. 53: 375-390 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Ability self makes a difference - University students' perceptions of employability and entrepreneurship
Kasanen, Kati; Räty, Hannu. Teoksessa: Eriksson, Päivi; Hytti, Ulla; Komulainen, Kati; Montonen, Tero; Siivonen, Päivi(toim.) , 2021. New Movements in Academic Entrepreneurship. s. 164-180. Edward Elgar A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
"How to Give a Killer Pitch?" Performances of Entrepreneurial Narratives as Identity Models in Higher Education
Komulainen, Katri; Siivonen, Päivi; Kasanen, Kati; Räty, Hannu. 2020. Entrepreneurship education and pedagogy. 3: 214-235 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kouluun vai palvelujen äärelle? - Kuinka fuksit positioivat itsensä yliopistoon
Koivisto, Hanna; Komulainen, Katri; Räty, Hannu. 2020. Kasvatus ja aika. 14: 20-42 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Löytyykö akateemiselta kykyjä ja oikeaa asennetta?
Räty, Hannu; Kasanen, Kati. Teoksessa: Aromaa, Eeva; Kasanen, Kati; Peura, Kirsi(toim.) , 2020. Toivoa, tunteita ja epätietoisuutta - näkövinkkeleitä yrittäjyyteen yliopistoissa. s. 22-23. Itä-Suomen yliopisto D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Being stable and getting along with others: perceived ability expectations and employability among Finnish university students
Räty, Hannu; Kozlinska, Inna; Kasanen, Kati; Siivonen, Päivi; Komulainen, Katri; Hytti, Ulla. 2019. Social psychology of education. 22: 757-773 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Perceived employability and ability self among Finnish university students
Räty, Hannu; Hytti, Ulla; Kasanen, Kati; Komulainen, Katri; Siivonen, Päivi; Kozlinska, Inna. 2019. European journal of psychology of education. [Epub ahead of print 22 Nov 2019]: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Students' achievement motivation in Finnish and Chinese higher education and its relation to perceived teaching-learning environments
Hernesniemi, E; Räty, H; Kasanen, K; Cheng, X; Hong, J; Kuittinen, M. 2019. Scandinavian journal of psychology. 2020; 61: 204-217 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
University students' perceptions of their abilities relate to their entrepreneurial intent
Räty, H; Komulainen, K; Hytti, U; Kasanen, K; Siivonen, P; Kozlinska, I. 2019. Journal of applied research in higher education. 11: 897-909 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
High Support Need and Minimally Verbal Children with Autism Playing a Preference Based Computer Game: A Pilot Eye-Tracking Study of Four Individual's Attendance to Eyes
Korhonen, Vesa; Räty, Hannu; Kärnä, Eija. 2018. International journal of special education. 33: 212-228 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Relationships between Cognition and Activities of Daily Living in Alzheimer's Disease During a 5-Year Follow-Up: ALSOVA Study
Saari, Toni; Hallikainen, Ilona; Hänninen, Tuomo; Räty, Hannu; Koivisto, Anne. 2018. Journal of Alzheimer's disease. 64: 269-279 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
University students' perceptions of their 'ability selves' and employability: a pilot study
Räty, Hannu; Komulainen, Katri; Halvérson, Carita; Nieminen, Anna; Korhonen, Maija. 2018. Nordic journal of studies in educational policy. 4: 1-10 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Burnout among Finnish and Chinese university students
Hernesniemi Elina, Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati, Cheng Xuejiao, Hong Jianzhong, Kuittinen Matti. 2017. Scandinavian journal of psychology. 58: 400-408 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effort, Ability, or Difficulties? Parents' and Teachers' Explanations of the Malleability of Children's Competences
Rautiainen Riitta, Raty Hannu, Kasanen Kati. 2017. Journal of educational and developmental psychology. 7: 146-154 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Essentialism and social representations of intelligence
Räty Hannu, Mononen Noora, Pykäläinen Elina. 2017. Social Psychology of Education. 20: 915-927 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kastajaisista kostajaisiin - etnografinen tutkimus uuden opiskelijan vastaanotosta yliopistoyhteisöön
Koivisto Hanna, Komulainen Katri, Räty Hannu, Vanhalakka-Ruoho Marjatta. 2017. Nuorisotutkimus. : 22-37 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Perception of Workload and its Relation to Perceived Teaching and Learning Environments among Finnish and Chinese University Students
Hernesniemi Elina, Raty Hannu, Kasanen Kati, Cheng Xuejiao, Hong Jianzhong, Kuittinen Matti. 2017. International journal of higher education. 6: 42-55 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A pilot study: a computer game-based assessment of visual perspective taking of four children with autism with high support needs
Korhonen Vesa, Räty Hannu, Kärnä Eija. 2016. Scandinavian journal of disability research. [epub ahead of print 11 May 2016]: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Educational optimism among parents: A pilot study
Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati. 2016. Educational Studies. 42: 446-449 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Finnish parents' attitudes toward entrepreneurship education
Räty Hannu, Korhonen Maija, Kasanen Kati, Komulanen Katri, Rautiainen Riitta, Siivonen Päivi. 2016. Social Psychology of Education. 19: 385-401 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Is children's intelligence malleable? Parental perspectives on implicit theories of intelligence
Rautiainen Riitta, Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati. 2016. Nordic psychology. [Epub ahead of print 19 Feb 2016]: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Suomenkielisen MAAS-mittarin psykometrinen rakenne ja yhteydet persoonallisuuspiirteisiin sekä hyvinvointiin
Naukkarinen Suvi, Karkkola Petri, Kuittinen Matti, Räty Hannu. 2016. Psykologia. 51: 343-359 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The factor structure and reliability of the short form of the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire in a Finnish adolescent athlete sample
Haapea Ilkka, Haverinen Kaisa, Honkalampi Kirsi, Kuittinen Matti, Räty Hannu. 2016. International journal of sport and exercise psychology. 2018; 16: 488-504 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Becoming a Graduate Professional Psychologist: In What Ways are Professional Competences Perceived
Kuittinen Matti, Räty Hannu. 2015. International journal of psychological studies. 7: 18-30 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Do `good students' make better entrepreneurs than `bad learners'? Ninth-grade pupils' perceptions of entrepreneurial abilities within the school's discursive practices
Korhonen Maija, Komulainen Katri, Räty Hannu, Mattanen Johanna, Hirva Laura. 2015. European educational research journal. : A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Do parents' and teachers' views of children's educational resilience matter?
Rautiainen Riitta, Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati. 2015. Educational Studies. 41: 471-475 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kun mikään ei riitä: akateeminen kykyminuus puntarissa
Komulainen Katri, Kärkkäinen Maija, Korhonen Maija, Räty Hannu, Siivonen Päivi, Kasanen Kati, Rautiainen Riitta. Teoksessa: Brunila Kristiina, Onnismaa Jussi, Pasanen Heikki(toim.) , 2015. Koko elämä töihin: koulutus tietokykykapitalismissa. s. 147-170. Vastapaino A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Salvation or a Broken Promise? Two Adult Graduates' Social Positioning in Education and Working Life
Siivonen Päivi, Komulainen Katri, Räty Hannu, Korhonen Maija, Kasanen Kati, Rautiainen Riitta. 2015. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 2016; 60: 110-125 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Visual perspective taking game for lower functioning children with autism: a case study
Korhonen Vesa, Eija Kärnä, Hannu Räty. 2015. Perception -
A 9-year study of thee academically and vocationally educated parents' perceptions of their children's general abilities
Räty Hannu. 2014. Journal for educational research online. 6: 3-20 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Asiakkaiden kuvaukset ongelmistaan ennen ja jälkeen tietoisuuspohjaisen kognitiivisen terapian
Forsell Marjut, Laakso Juhani, Saarenheimo Marja, Räty Hannu, Honkalampi Kirsi. 2014. Psykologia. 49: 96-112 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Autism spectrum disorder and impaired joint attention: A review of joint attention research from the past decade
Korhonen Vesa, Kärnä Eija, Räty Hannu. 2014. Nordic psychology. 66: 1-14 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Debating educability: diverging social representations of abilities in Finnish educational discourse
Räty Hannu. 2014. Social Psychology of Education. 17: 457-469 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Do mothers and fathers perceive their child's academic potential in a similar way?
Rautiainen Riitta, Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati. 2014. Educational Studies. 40: 533-536 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Educational resilience from parental perspective
Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati, Rautiainen Riitta. 2014. Journal of educational and developmental psychology. 5: 1-9 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mistä puhutaan, kun puhutaan älykkyydestä?
Räty Hannu, Kasanen Kati. Teoksessa: L. Myyry, S. Ahola, M. Ahokas & I. Sakki(toim.) , 2014. Arkiajattelu, tieto ja oikeudenmukaisuus. s. 33-52. Helsingin yliopisto A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Notions of intelligence and social-educational identity
Räty Hannu. 2014. Educational Studies. 41: 1-3 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Obrazy umnykh lyudey u ​ ​ rossiyskikh i finskikh shkol'nikov
Raty, H . , Komulainen K . , Skorokhodova N. & Kolesnikov V.N. 2013. Voprosy psikhologii. 100: 25-34 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents as demanding tax-payers? Finnish findings
Räty, H. & Kasanen, K.. 2013. Educational Studies. 39: x-x A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' perceptions of their child's academic competencies construe their educational reality: Findings from a 9-year longitudinal study
Räty, H. & Kasanen, K.. 2013. Journal of applied social psychology. 43: 1110-1119 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Professional competences of young psychologists: the dimensions of self-rated competence domains and their variation in the early years of the psychologist's career
Kuittinen Matti, Meriläinen Matti, Räty Hannu. 2013. European journal of psychology of education. 28: Published online: 11 April 2013 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
"We parents were actually more nervous about the change": How parents experience their child's schooling in upper primary school
Räty H, Ruokolainen S, Kasanen K. 2012. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 56: 229-242 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Changing discourses of employability: From the meritocratic to the enterprise discourse of abilities? A review of the current and emerging research on abilities.
Komulainen, Katri, Räty, Hannu, Korhonen, Maija, Siivonen, Päivi, Kärkkäinen, Riitta ja Kasanen,Kati. Teoksessa: Tolonen, Tarja, Palmu, Tarja, Lappalainen, Sirpa ja Kurki Tuuli(toim.) , 2012. Cultural practices and transitions in education. s. 72-84. Nuorisotutkimusseura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Intention in school choice among Finnish parents
Räty, H.. 2012. Educational Studies. 38: 1-4 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
On entrepreneurship, in a different voice? Finnish entrepreneurship education and pupils' critical narratives of the entrepreneur
Komulainen, Katri, Korhonen, Maija ja Räty Hannu. 2012. International journal of qualitative studies in education. : 1-17 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Opettajien tulkinnat yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tavoitteista diskursiivisena kamppailuna
Korhonen Maija, Komulainen Katri, Räty Hannu. 2012. Kasvatus ja aika. 6: 6-22 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Portraying intelligence: children's drawings of intelligent men and women in Finnish and Russian Karelia
Räty, H., Komulainen, K., Paajanen, T., Markkanen, M., Skorokhodova, N., & Kolesnikov, V.. 2012. Educational Studies. 38: 1-14 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Social representations of educability in Finland: 20 years of continuity and change
Räty H, Komulainen K Hirva L. 2012. Social Psychology of Education. : 395-409 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Students' individual and collective efficacy: joining together two sets of beliefs for understanding academic understanding
Pina-Neves S, Faria L, Räty H. 2012. European journal of psychology of education. 27: 1-20 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
"Not Everyone is Cut Out to be the Entrepreneur Type": How Finnish School Teachers Construct the Meaning of Entrepreneurship Education and the Related Abilities of the Pupils
Korhonen Maija, Komulainen Katri, Räty Hannu. 2011. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 56: 1-19 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
"We the parents were actually more nervous about the change" -- How parents experience their child's schooling in upper primary school
Räty, Hannu, Ruokolainen, Suvi, & Kasanen, Kati. 2011. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 55: 1-13 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Are parents' adacemic gender stereotypes and changes in them related to their perceptions of their child's mathematical competence?
Räty, H., & Kärkkäinen, R.. 2011. Educational Studies. 37: 371-374 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bringing up global or local citizens? Pupils' narratives of spatial selves in Finnish entrepreneurship education
Korhonen, M., Komulainen, K. & Räty, H.. 2011. Young. 19: 45-67 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Group psychoeducation for long-term offender patients with schizophrenia: An exploratory randomized controlled trial
Aho-Mustonen Kati, Tiihonen Jari, Repo-Tiihonen Eila, Ryynänen Olli-Pekka, Miettinen Raili & Räty Hannu. 2011. Criminal behaviour and mental health. 21: 163-176 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parent's perceptions of the malleability of their child's academic competencies.
Kärkkäinen, R., Räty, H., & Kasanen, K.. 2011. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 55: 213-224 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' explanations of a child's mathematical performance in relation to mathematical competence
Räty, H., & Kärkkäinen, R.. 2011. Social behavior and personality. 39: 22-26 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' perceptions of the malleability of their child's academic competencies
Kärkkäinen, R., Räty, H., & Kasanen, K.. 2011. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 55: 213-224 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Past in the present: the way parents remember their own school years relates to the way they participate in their child's schooling and remember his/her school years
Räty, Hannu. 2011. Social Psychology of Education. 14: 347-360 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Talent or effort? Parents' explanations of their children's mathematical performance in relation to mathematical competence
Räty, H. & Kärkkäinen, R. 2011. Social behavior and personality. 39: 691-700 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A picture is worth a thousand words: a comparison of pupils' images of intelligence in Finnish and Russian Karelia
Räty Hannu, Komulainen Katri, Skorokhodova Nina, Kolesnikov Vadim & Hämäläinen Anna. 2010. Social Psychology of Education. 13: DOI: 10.1007/s11218-1010-9137-8 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A seven-year follow-up study on parents' expectations of their child's further education
Räty, Hannu & Kasanen, Kati. 2010. Journal of applied social psychology. 40: 2711-2735 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A seven-year follow-up study on parents' expectations of their child's further education.
Räty, H. & Kasanen, K.. 2010. Journal of applied social psychology. 40: 2711-2735 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Are parents' academic gender stereotypes and changes in them related to their perceptions of the child's mathematical competencies
Räty, Hannu & Kärkkäinen, Riitta. 2010. Educational Studies. 36: DOI:10.1080/0355698.2010.506344 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Do parents' causal attributions for success and failure of their child'd verbal competence relate to their assessment of the child's competence in the mother tongue?
Räty, Hannu. 2010. Journal for educational research online. 2: 87-97 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Do parents' own school memories contribute to their satisfaction with their child's school?
Räty, Hannu. 2010. Educational Studies. 36: 581-584 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Educational transitions: Social class and gender in family dialogues and joint action
Vanhalakka-Ruoho, M., Koski, L. & Räty, H.. 2010. -
How are children's perceptions of the malleability of their academic competencies related to their teachers' and parents' views?
Kärkkäinen, R., Räty, H., & Kasanen, K.. 2010. Social Psychology of Education. Published online first, 17 May 2010: DOI 10.007/s11218-010-9126-y A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
How are children's perceptions of the malleability of their academic competencies related to their teachers' and parents' views?
Kärkkäinen, R., Räty, H., & Kasanen, K.. 2010. Social Psychology of Education. 13: 557-573 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kenestä on yrittäjäksi? Mukaan ottavat ja erottelevat yrittäjämäisen oppilaan tulkinnat peruskoulun opettajilla
Korhonen, M., Komulainen, K. & Räty, H.. Teoksessa: Komulainen, K., Keskitalo-Foley, S., Korhonen, M. & Lappalainen, S.(toim.) , 2010. Yrittäjyyskasvatus hallintana. s. 37-71. Vastapaino A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Menestystä, kilpailu, tasa-arvoa. Vanhempien sosiaaliset tulkinnat koulun yrittäjyyskasvatuksesta
Räty, H., Komulainen, K. & Korhonen, M.. Teoksessa: Komulainen, K., Keskitalo-Foley, S., Korhonen, M. & Lappalainen, S.(toim.) , 2010. Yrittäjyyskasvatus hallintana. s. 100-123. Vastapaino A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Motives for participation, initial expectations, and satisfaction with group psychoeducation among forensic patients with schizophrenia
Aho-Mustonen Kati, Miettinen Raili, Räty Hannu. 2010. International journal of forensic mental health. 9: 226-236 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' and teachers' views of the child's academic potential
Kärkkäinen, Riitta & Räty, Hannu. 2010. Educational Studies. 36: 229-232 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
School's out: a comprehensive follow-up study on parents' perceptions of their child's school
Räty, Hannu. 2010. European journal of psychology of education. 25: 493-506. DOI: 10.1007/s/10212-010-0028-3 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
To be or not to be? Pupils' explanations of the malleability of their academic competencies
Räty Hannu, Kärkkäinen Riitta & Kasanen Kati. 2010. Educational Research. 52: 247-261 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Elementary school pupils' evaluations of the malleability of their academic abilities
Kasanen, Kati, Räty, Hannu and Eklund, Anna-Leena. 2009. Educational Research. 51: 27-38 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experienced long-term benefits of group psychoeducation among forensic and challenging non-forensic patients with schizophrenia
Aho-Mustonen, K., Miettinen, R., Räty, H. & Timonen, T.. 2009. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. : 51-63 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' participation in their child's schooling
Räty, Hannu, Kasanen, Kati ja Laine, Noora. 2009. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 53: 277-293 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' participation in their child's schooling.
Räty, H., Kasanen, K., & Laine, N.. 2009. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 53: 277-293 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' perceptions of their child's resilience and competencies
Riitta Kärkkäinen, Hannu Räty, Kati Kasanen. 2009. European journal of psychology of education. 24: 405-419 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' perceptions of their child's resilience and competencies.
Kärkkäinen, R., Räty, H.. & Kasanen, K.. 2009. European journal of psychology of education. 24: 405-419 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Risk-taking abilities for everyone? Finnish entrepreneurship education and the enterprising selves imagined by pupils
Komulainen, Katri, Korhonen, Maija, Räty, Hannu. 2009. Gender and education. 21: 631-649 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
"Do the very best you can": The third-grade class test
Kasanen;K.;& Räty;H.. 2008. Social Psychology of Education. 11: 193-208 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Children's notions' of the malleability of their academic competencies
Riitta Kärkkäinen, Hannu Räty & Kati Kasanen. 2008. Social Psychology of Education. 11: 445-458 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Elämä ei ole mitään ilman riskin ottamista? Nuorten kuvittelemat eriarvoiset yrittäjäminät.
Komulainen;Katri;Räty;Hannu & Korhonen;Maija. Teoksessa: Tarja Tolonen (toim.)(toim.) , 2008. Yhteiskuntaluokka ja sukupuoli.. s. 175-197. Vastapaino B2 Book section -
Group psychoeducation for forensic and dangerous non-forensic long-term patients with schizophrenia. A pilot study.
Aho-Mustonen, Kati, Miettinen, Raili, Koivisto, Hanna, Timonen, Tero, Räty, Hannu. 2008. The European Journal of Psychiatry. 22: 84-92 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Työhön liittyvät arvot ja kyvykkyystulkinnat nuorten yrittäjyystarinoissa
Korhonen, Maija, Komulainen, Katri ja Räty, Hannu. 2008. Työelämän tutkimus. : 159-172 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cross-cultural validation of the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire (ESCQ)
Faria;L.;Lima Santos;N.;Taksic;V.;Raty;H.;Molander;B.;Jansson;J.;Avsec;A.;Extremena;N.;Fernadez-Berrocal;P. & Toyota;H.. 2007. Psicologia. 20: 95-127 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Gendered views of ability in parents' perceptions of their children's academic competencies
Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2007. Sex Roles. 56: 117-124 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' own school recollections influence their perception of the functioning of their child's school
Räty;H.. 2007. European journal of psychology of education. 22: 389-400 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' perceptions of their children's schools: findings from a five-year longitudinal study
Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2007. Educational Studies. 33: 339-351 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Common-sense descriptions of depression as social representations
Räty;Hannu;Ikonen;Seija & Honkalampi;Kirsi. 2006. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 52: 259-271 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hulluudesta itsehallintaan. Uuden historian näkökulmia psyykkisiin ilmiöihin ja ammattikäytäntöihin
Komulainen;K.;Räty;H. & Silvonen;J (toim.). 2006. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Johdanto: Psykologian historian kahdet kasvot.
Katri Komulainen;Hannu Räty & Jussi Silvonen. Teoksessa: Katri Komulainen;Hannu Räty & Jussi Silvonen(toim.) , 2006. Hulluudesta itsehallintaan. Uuden historian näkökulmia psyykkisiin ilmiöihin ja ammattikäytäntöihin.. s. 5-9. Joensuun yliopisto B2 Book section -
School subjects as social categorisations
Räty;H.;Kasanen;K. & Kärkkäinen;R.. 2006. Social Psychology of Education. 9: 5-25 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Three years later: A follow-up study of parents' assessments of their children's competencies
Räty;H.;Kasanen;K. & Honkalampi;K.. 2006. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 36: 2079-2099 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What comes after compulsory education? A follow-up study on parental expectations of their child's future education
Räty;H.. 2006. Educational Studies. 32: 1-16 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Gendered conceptions of ability in parents' perception of their child's academic competencies
Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2005. -
Lapsen ensimmäiset kouluvuodet - seuranta vanhempien tyytyväisyydestä sekä myönteisinä ja kielteisinä muistamista asioista
Räty;H.;Sivonen;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2005. Kasvatus. 36: 113-125 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mitä lapsemme osaa? Vanhemmat arvioivat ensimmäisiä kouluvuosia
Hannu Räty. Teoksessa: Reeta Mietola;Elina Lahelma;SirpaLappalainen & Tarja Palmu (toim.)(toim.) , 2005. Kohtaamisia kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen kentillä. Erontekoja ja yhdessä tekemistä. s. 109-124. Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen Seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Perceived emotional competence and self concept
Räty;H.. 2005. -
School subjects as social representations
Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2005. -
Social representations of educability
Räty;Hannu & Snellman;Leila. Teoksessa: Antikainen;Ari (Ed.)(toim.) , 2005. Transforming a Learning Society. The Case of Finland.. s. 53-71. Peter Lang AG B2 Book section -
Vanhemmat antavat lapsensa koululle hyvän arvosanan
Sivonen;H.;Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2005. Ostiensis. Tiedettä ja tutkimusta Joensuun yliopistosta. 5B: 10-13 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Älliä vai ei? Vanhemmat hahmottavat lapsensa koulunkäyntiä
Räty;Hannu. Teoksessa: Koski;L. & Sabour;M.(toim.) , 2005. Koulutuksen ja kulttuurin merkitystä etsimässä. s. 81-98. Joensuu University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
A measure of parents' assessments of their children's abilities
Räty;H.. 2004. Psychological Reports. 95: 957-963 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Children's notions of the malleability of their academic ability in the mother tongue and mathematics
Räty;H.;Kasanen;K.;Kiiskinen;J.;Nykky;M. & Atjonen;P.. 2004. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 48: 413-426 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kuntoutuminen masennusta sairastavilla kuntoutustutkimusasiakkailla
Silvennoinen;A.;Honkalampi;K. & Räty;H.. 2004. Psykologia. 39: 284-290 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Learning intelligence - Children's choice of the best pupils in the mother tongue and mathematics
Räty;H.;Kasanen;K.;Kiiskinen;J. & Nykky;M.. 2004. Social behavior and personality. 32: 301-310 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' satisfaction with their child's first year of school
Hannu Räty;Piia Jaukka & Kati Kasanen. 2004. Social Psychology of Education. 7: 463-479 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Social representations of intelligence
Hannu Räty & Leila Snellman. Teoksessa: Ari Antikainen (Ed.)(toim.) , 2004. Transforming a Learning Society: The Case of Finland. s. . Peter Lang A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Vanhemmat antavat lapsensa peruskoululle hyvän arvosanan
Sivonen;H.;Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. 2004. Ostiensis. Tiedettä ja tutkimusta Joensuun yliopistosta. 2004: 10-13 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
At the threshold of school: Parental assessments of the competencies of their preschool-aged children
Räty;Hannu. 2003. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 33: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koulu muistoissa - ja asenteissa
Räty;Hannu. 2003. Kasvatus. 34: 130-138 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Learning the class test
Kasanen;K.;Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 2003. European journal of psychology of education. 18: 43-58 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The significance of parents' evaluations of their own school for their educational attitudes
Räty;H.. 2003. Social Psychology of Education. 6: 43-60 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Älykkyyskäsitykset jäsentävät koulua ja sen uudistuksia
Hannu Räty. 2003. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. 68: 308-309 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
"You be sure now to be honest in your assessment" Teaching and learning self-assessment
Kasanen;K. & Räty;H.. 2002. Social Psychology of Education. 5: 313-328 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Miksi tutkia ihmisten käsityksiä?
Räty;Hannu. 2002. -
Parents' explanations of their child's performance in mathematics and reading: A replication and extension of Yee and Eccles
Räty;H.;Vänskä;J.;Kasanen;K. & Kärkkäinen;R.. 2002. Sex Roles. 46: 115-122 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' explanations of their child's performance in mathematics and reading: A replication of Yee and Eccles
Räty;H.;Vänskä;J.;Kasanen;K.;& Kärkkäinen;R.. 2002. Sex Roles. 46: 115-122 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What makes one able? - The formation of pupils' conceptions of academic ability
Räty;H.;Kasanen;K. & Snellman;L.. 2002. European journal of psychology of education. 10: 121-135 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
What makes one able? The formation of children's conception of academic ability
Räty;H.;Kasanen;K. & Snellman;L.. 2002. International journal of early years education. 10: 121-135 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Älykkyyden kummituksen sosiaalipsykologiaa
Räty;H.. 2002. Psykologia. 37: 385-391 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koulu muistoissa ja asenteissa
Räty;Hannu. 2001. -
Koulun kynnyksellä ja koulussa. Mitä eri tavoilla koulutetut vanhemmat ajattelevat tyttöjensä ja poikiensa osaamisesta ja kyvyistä.
Räty;H. & Kasanen;K.. Teoksessa: A. Jauhiainen;Rinne & J. Tähtinen(toim.) , 2001. Koulutuspolitiikka ja ylikansalliset mallit. s. 227-242. Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen Seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Lusikasta haarukaksi - koulun ja koulutuksen sosiaalipsykologian näkökulmia
Räty;H.. 2001. Psykologia. 36: 343-347 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Seating order as a symbolic arrangement
Kasanen;K.;Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 2001. European journal of psychology of education. 16: 207-220 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koulun kynnyksellä - Miten vanhemmat arvioivat koulun aloittavan lapsensa kyvykkyyttä
Räty;Hannu. 2000. -
Kykytulkintojen merkitys ja muovautuminen koulussa
Räty;H.;Snellman;L. & Kasanen;K.. Teoksessa: Raivola;R. (toim.)(toim.) , 2000. Vaikuttavuutta koulutukseen. Suomen Akatemian koulutuksen vaikuttavuusohjelman tuloksia. s. 255-265. Edita A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Miten lasta arvioida? vanhempien käsityksiä lapsensa kouluarvioinnista
Räty;H.;Snellman;L.;Leinonen;T. & Maksimainen;A.. 2000. Kasvatus. 31: 332-338 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Vanhempien käsityksiä lapsensa kouluarvioinnista
Hannu Räty;Leila Snellman;Tuulia Leinonen & Aila Maksimainen. 2000. -
Children's conceptions of ability and their changes during the first school year
Räty;H.;Snellman;L. & Kasanen;K.. 1999. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 43: 249-258 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Children's representations of ability and their changes during the first school year
Räty;H.;Snellman;L.;& Kasanen;K.. 1999. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 43: 249-258 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Education, gender and educational goals
Räty;H.. 1999. Psychological Reports. 84: 610 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' assessments of their children's abilities
Räty;H.;Snellman;L. & Vainikainen;A.. 1999. European journal of psychology of education. 14: 423-437 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Szkola i inteligencja: rozwazania socjopsyhogicne
Räty H;Snellman L. 1999. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny. : 73-82 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Social representations of educability
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1998. Social Psychology of Education. 1: 359-373 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Tunne älysi, käy koulua
Snellman;L. & Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Malin;A. & Männikkö;K. (toim.)(toim.) , 1998. Älykkyys, valoa ja varjoja. s. 82-89. Atena A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Children's images of an intelligent person
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1997. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. 12: 773-784 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
On the social fabric of intelligence
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1997. Papers on Social Representations. 4: 177-185 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Opettajat ja peruskoulun uudistaminen
Räty;H.;Snellman;L.;Kontio;M. & Kähkönen;H.. 1997. Kasvatus. 28: 429-438 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Parents' views on the comprehensive school and its development
Räty;H.;Snellman;L.;Mäntysaari-Hetekorpi;H. & Vornanen;A.. 1996. Scandinavian journal of educational research. 40: 203-215 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Common-sense conceptions of intelligence as social representations: A study of parents', teachers' and students' views
Snellman;L. & Räty;H.. 1995. European journal of psychology of education. 10: 273-287 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The real thing - intelligence as a social concept
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. Teoksessa: Haaparanta;L.;Hyvönen;E.;Seppänen;J. & Silvonen;J. (toim.)(toim.) , 1995. Älyn ulottuvuudet ja oppihistoria. s. . Suomen Tekoälyseura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Vanhempien tyytyväisyys peruskoulun toimintaan ja koulunuudistuksia koskevat asenteet
Räty;H.;Snellman;L.;Mäntysaari-Hetekorpi;H & Vornanen;A.. 1995. Kasvatus. 26: 250-260 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Älyllisen kyvyn määrittely ja oppilasarviointi
Räty;H.;Pölönen;K.;Pölönen;P. & Snellman;L.. 1995. Psykologia. 30: 179-185 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Yksilöllisyys koulussa - luontaista lahjakkuutta? eli koulutuspolitiikan simsalabim
Räty;H.;Snellman;L.;Honkalampi;K. & Vornanen;A.. 1994. Psykologia. 25: 70-75 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Crossroads between mind, society and culture
Perho;H.;Räty;H. & Sinisalo;P.. 1993. . . Joensuu University Press C1 Book -
Kuvia älykkyydestä
Räty;H.. 1993. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
On the social representations of educability
Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Perho;H.;Räty;H. & Sinisalo;P (toim.)(toim.) , 1993. Crossroads between mind, sociaty and culture. s. . Joensuu University Press B2 Book section -
Public views on intelligence: A Finnish study
Räty;H.;Snellman;L. & Vornanen;A.. 1993. Psychological Reports. 72: 59-65 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sosiaalisia representaatioita Ravellossa
Pirttilä-Backan;A-M.;Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1993. Psykologia. 28: 370-372 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Does sex make any difference? Common-sense conceptions of intelligence
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1992. Social behavior and personality. 20: 23-34 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Intelligence at school: A social.psychological analysis of a multifaced concept
Snellman;L. & Räty;H.. 1992. Nordisk Pedagogik. 2: 89-95 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Making the unfamiliar familiar. Some notes on the ctiticism of the theory of social representations
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1992. Ongoing Production on Social Representations. 1: 3-14 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
On social knowledge and context: Comments on Echabarria and Gonzales
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1992. Papers on Social Representations. 2: 126-128 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Some furhet notes: replies to Ibanez, Potter and Billig
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1992. Ongoing Production on Social Representations. 1: 27-28 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Sosiaalisten representaatioiden teoria ja sosiaalipsykologian nykykenttä
Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Häyrynen;Y.-P. & Räty;H. (toim.)(toim.) , 1991. Psykologian monet särmät. s. 69-77. B2 Book section -
Älykkyyden sosiaaliset representaatiot ja koulu
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1991. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Älykästä ihmistä etsimässä
Räty;H.. 1991. Psykologia. 26: 388-393 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A world without mental illness: Concepts of mental health and mental illness among a student group
Räty;H.. 1990. Social Behaviour. 5: 315-326 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Eurooppalaista keskustelua sosiaalisten representaatioiden teoriasta
Räty;H. & Snellman;L.. 1990. Psykologia. 25: 196-202 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Tutkimus sydänsairauden implisiittisistä selityksistä
Räty;H.. 1990. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti. 27: 354-362 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Epätavallinen elämäntapa
Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Laaksonen;P. & Piela;U. (toim.)(toim.) , 1989. Hullun kirjoissa. Näkökulmia suomalaiseen kylähulluuteen. s. 71-76. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Maailman ilman sotaa
Räty;H.. 1989. Rauhantutkimus. 1: 61-72 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mielisairauden syyselityksistä
Räty;H.. 1988. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologia, Keskustelualotteita. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Mielisairaus, mielenterveysongelma ja tavallinen sairaus
Räty;H.. 1988. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologia, Keskustelualotteita. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Asenne minäkuvauksena
Räty;H.. 1987. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Optimistinen ja pessimistinen asenne
Räty;H.. 1987. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Tutkimus mielisairauteen asennoitumisesta
Räty;H.. 1987. Psykologia. 22: 330-333 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Uhri vai uhka. Tutkimus mielisairauteen asennoitumisesta
Räty;H.. 1987. Joensuun yliopiston yhteiskuntatieteellisiä julkaisuja -
Emotional reactions to illness: A one-year follow-up of cerebro-vascular disease patients
Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Niemi;J. & Koivuselkä-Sallinen;P. (Eds.)(toim.) , 1986. Joensuu Papers in Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistics. s. 3-20. A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Implisiittinen psykopatologian teoria ja mielisairaaksi määrittelemisen kynnys
Räty;H.. 1986. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Maailma ilman mielisairautta
Räty;H.. 1986. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Mielisairas - uhri ja uhka
Räty;H.. 1985. Mielenterveys. : 5-8 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Pitääkö aina kulkea tudistus taskussa? Ns. Pieksämäen tapaukseen liittyvän yleisökirjoittelun tarkastelua
Räty;H.. 1985. PsykologiUutiset. : 16-19 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Aidon ja epäaidon ongelmasta
Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Räty;H & Wahlström;R. (toim.)(toim.) , 1984. Opit ja ongelmat. s. 91-95. B2 Book section -
Aivohalvauspotilaiden elämäntilanteesta ja koetuista oireista 2-3 vuotta sairastumisen jälkeen
Hänninen;R.;Kuikka;P. & Räty;H.. 1984. Joensuun yliopisto, Psykologian tutkimuksia. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Asenteen sosiaalipsykologiseen käsitteeseen
Räty;H.. 1983. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Kliinisen työn kehittäminen on vaikeaa mutta se kannattaa
Hänninen;R.;Kuikka;P. & Räty;H.. 1983. Psykologia. 18: 134-136 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Rehabilitation of aphasia - A case analysis demonstrating methods based on A.R. Luria's work
Hänninen;R.;Kuikka;P. & Räty;H.. Teoksessa: Hänninen;R.;Kuikka;P.;Niemi;J. & Räty;H. (Eds.)(toim.) , 1983. Joensuu Papers in Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistics. s. 39-47. B2 Book section -
Tutkimus mielisairauteen liittyvistä asenteista, sosiaalisesta kommunikaatiosta ja mielenhäiriöiden implisiittisestä kuvausjärjestelmästä
Räty;H.. 1983. G3 Licentiate thesis -
Uuteen mielenterveyden kuvaan
Räty;H.. 1983. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti. 20: 60-71 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Asennetutkimuksen unohdettu historia
Räty;H.. 1982. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Mielenterveyden häiriöt Pohjois-Karjalassa
Kuikka;P.;Räty;H. & Sinkkonen;M.. 1982. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita. . E2 Popularised monograph -
Mielenterveyden sosiaalinen kuva ja valistus
Räty;H.. 1982. Mielenterveys. : 13-16 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Mielenterveystyöntekijän potilaskuva
Räty;H.. 1982. PsykologiUutiset. : 22-26 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Neuropsychological investigation and rehabilitation of stroke patients
Häyrynen;Y.-P.;Räty;H.;Saariluoma;P.;Salmi;K.;Hänninen;R.;Kuikka;P. & Pietarinen;S.. Teoksessa: (toim.) , 1982. Publications of the Finnish-Soviet Committee on Scientific-Technological Cooperation. s. 403-417. B2 Book section -
Tutkimus kehitysalueläänistä: taantuva maaseutu kasaa mielenterveysongelmia
Räty;H.;Sinkkonen;M. & Kuikka;P.. 1982. Mielenterveys. : 13-16 E1 Popularised article, newspaper article -
Hulluuden ja mielenterveyden käsitteet pohjoiskarjalaisten keskuudessa
Häyrynen;Y.-P.;Räty;H.;Martiskainen;S. & Ruuskanen;R.. Teoksessa: Hägglund;T.-B.;Pylkkänen;K;Katajamäki;M. & Taipale;V.(toim.) , 1981. Luoda vai lyödä. s. 169-189. Gummerus A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Mielenterveys sanomalehdessä
Räty;H.. 1981. Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan selosteita. . E2 Popularised monograph