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Heidi  Hyytinen

Heidi Hyytinen


Professor of University Pedagogy PhD, Docent of University Pedagogy

School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Philosophical Faculty

[email protected] | +358 50 462 7870

I work as a professor of university pedagogy. My areas of expertise include teaching and learning in higher education and higher education transitions, with emphasis on generic skills (such as critical thinking and argumentation) and performance-based assessment. My expertise also extends to self-regulation in learning and academic writing. I lead and co-lead several research projects in higher education while actively mentoring the next generation of scholars through doctoral supervision. My main projects are KAPPAS2 (Assessment of Undergraduate Students’ Generic Skills in Finland) project, READY (Ready for working life) project, and PIONEERED (Pioneering Policies and Practices Tackling Educational Inequalities in Europe, Horizon 2020) project.


Publications and research activities 2010-2024

More information on my research and other academic activities before UEF can be found here.


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