Heli Peltola
Professor in Silvicultural Sciences
School of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 40 588 0005
The main research focus is on sustainable management and use of boreal forests for different ecosystem services, while considering the changing operating environment, multiple climatic risks to forests, and the need to adapt to, and mitigate, climate change.
Research groups
Forest Entomology Network 01.04.2024 -
Sustainable Forest Bioeconomy: American-Finnish C… 01.10.2021 -
Forest-Human-Machine Interplay - Building Resilie… 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2028
Forest ecosystem modelling 01.01.2018 -
250/250 items-
Responses of needle terpene concentrations and characteristics of resin canals to different warming treatments in Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings grown in a field experiment
Kivimäenpää, Minna; Virjamo, Virpi; Nissinen, Katri; Pikkarainen, Laura; Ghimire, Rajendra P.; Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta; Peltola, Heli. 2025. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 55: 1-9 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Volume growth responses of Scots pine and Norway spruce to nitrogen fertilization: quantitative synthesis of fertilization experiments in Finland
Jetsonen, Johanna; Laurén, Annamari; Peltola, Heli; Laurén, Katariina; Launiainen, Samuli; Palviainen, Marjo. 2025. Silva fennica. 59: . 24041 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Consistency of video and photo surveys in measuring attractiveness of forest stands managed with varying intensities
Silvennoinen, Harri; Pikkarainen, Laura; Nakola, Heini; Koivula, Matti; Tyrväinen, Liisa; Tikkanen, Jukka; Chambers, Philip; Peltola, Heli. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 23030 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effects of forest conservation and management on timber, ecosystem carbon, dead wood and habitat suitability area in a boreal forest under climate change
Pikkarainen, Laura; Strandman, Harri; Vento, Eerik; Petty, Aaron; Tikkanen, Olli Pekka; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Peltola, Heli. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 23045 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effects of forest management intensity and climate change severity on volume growth, timber yield, carbon stocks, and the amount of deadwood in Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch stands in boreal conditions
Petty, Aaron; Senko, Sergei; Strandman, Harri; Jyrkinen, Essi; Tikkanen, Olli-Pekka; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Peltola, Heli. 2024. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere. 54: 1032-1047 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effects of forest stand and landscape variables on Ips typographus damages in Finland’s nationwide
Pulgarin Díaz, John Alexander; Melin, Markus; Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, Päivi; Peltola, Heli; Tikkanen, Olli-Pekka. 2024. Itä-Suomen yliopisto abstract -
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on the ground vegetation cover and soil chemical properties in Scots pine and Norway spruce stands
Jetsonen, Johanna; Laurén, Annamari; Peltola, Heli; Muhonen, Olli; Nevalainen, Juha; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina; Männistö, Elisa; Kokkonen, Nicola; Palviainen, Marjo. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 23058 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Evaluation of the productivity and costs of excavator-based mechanized tree planting in Finland based on automated data collection
Kemppainen, Kalle; Kärhä, Kalle; Laitila, Juha; Sairanen, Antti; Kankaanhuhta, Ville; Viiri, Heli; Peltola, Heli. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: . 24047 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Extending the SUSI peatland simulator to include dissolved organic carbon formation, transport and biodegradation - Proper water management reduces lateral carbon fluxes and improves carbon balance
Palviainen, Marjo; Pumpanen, Jukka; Mosquera, Virginia; Hasselquist, Eliza Maher; Laudon, Hjalmar; Ostonen, Ivika; Kull, Ain; Wilson, Florence Renou; Peltomaa, Elina; Könönen, Mari; Launiainen, Samuli; Peltola, Heli; Ojala, Anne; Laurén, Annamari. 2024. Science of the total environment. 950: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Geographic variation in resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) to wind loading across different wind environments in Europe
Seipulis, Andris; Gardiner, Barry; Peltola, Heli; Nicoll, Bruce; Rust, Steffen; Matisons, Roberts; Elferts, Didzis; Krišāns, Oskars; Jansons, Aris. 2024. Forest ecology and management. 571: . 122237 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Relationship between stand and landscape attributes and Ips typographus salvage loggings in Finland
Pulgarin Diaz, John Alexander; Melin, Markus; Ylioja, Tiina; Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, Päivi; Peltola, Heli; Tikkanen, Olli-Pekka. 2024. Silva fennica. 58: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Significant increase in forest canopy mortality in boreal forests in Southeast Finland
Junttila, S; Blomqvist, M; Laukkanen, V; Heinaro, E; Polvivaara, A; O'Sullivan, H; Yrttimaa, T; Vastaranta, M; Peltola, H. 2024. Forest ecology and management. 565: . 122020 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Does expanding wood use in construction and textile markets contribute to climate change mitigation?
Hurmekoski, Elias; Kunttu, Janni; Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Peltola, Heli. 2023. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews. 174: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effects of thinning intensity and rotation length on albedo- and carbon stock-based radiative forcing in boreal Norway spruce stands
Kellomäki, Seppo; Strandman, Harri; Kirsikka-Aho, Sara; Kirschbaum, Miko UF; Peltola, Heli. 2023. Forestry. 96: 518-529 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Evaluation of a forest radiative transfer model using an extensive boreal forest inventory database
Gopalakrishnan, Ranjith; Korhonen, Lauri; Mõttus, Matti; Rautiainen, Miina; Hovi, Aarne; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Maltamo, Matti; Peltola, Heli; Packalen, Petteri. 2023. Science of remote sensing. 8: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Carbon Sequestration and Storage in European Forests
Kilpeläinen, Antti; Peltola, Heli. Teoksessa: Hetemäki, L; Kangas, J; Peltola, H(toim.) , 2022. Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change. s. 113-128. Springer B2 Book section -
Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management
Venäläinen, Ari; Ruosteenoja, Kimmo; Lehtonen, Ilari; Laapas, Mikko; Tikkanen, Olli-Pekka; Peltola, Heli. Teoksessa: Hetemäki, L; Kangas, J; Peltola, H(toim.) , 2022. Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change. s. 33-53. Springer B2 Book section -
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Finland
Peltola, Heli; Heinonen, Tero; Kangas, Jyrki; Venäläinen, Ari; Seppälä, Jyri; Hetemäki, Lauri. Teoksessa: Hetemäki, Lauri; Kangas, Jyrki; Peltola, Heli(toim.) , 2022. Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change. s. 183-195. Springer B2 Book section -
Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change
Hetemäki, Lauri; Kangas, Jyrki; Peltola, Heli. 2022. Managing Forest Ecosystems. . Springer D6 Edited professional book -
Ips typographus damages nationwide patterns and causes in Finland
Pulgarín, J A; Melin, M; Peltola, H: Tikkanen, O-P. 2022. IUFRO World Congress abstract -
Mitigating the risk of wind damage at the forest landscape level by using stand neighbourhood and terrain elevation information in forest planning
Ruotsalainen, Roope; Pukkala, Timo; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Packalen, Petteri; Peltola, Heli. 2022. Forestry. 2023; 96: 121-134 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Responses in growth and emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds in Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch seedlings to different warming treatments in a controlled field experiment
Pikkarainen, Laura; Nissinen, Katri; Ghimire, Rajendra Prasad; Kivimäenpää, Minna; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Virjamo, Virpi; Yu, Hao; Kirsikka-Aho, Sara; Salminen, Timo; Hirvonen, Jukka; Vahimaa, Timo; Luoranen, Jaana; Peltola, Heli. 2022. Science of the total environment. 821: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions
Hetemäki, Lauri; Kangas, Jyrki; Asikainen, Antti; Jänis, Janne; Seppälä, Jyri; Venäläinen, Ari; Peltola, Heli. Teoksessa: Hetemäki, Lauri; Kangas, Jyrki; Peltola, Heli(toim.) , 2022. Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change. s. 229-248. Springer B2 Book section -
Accumulation of phenolics and growth of dioecious Populus tremula (L.) seedlings over three growing seasons under elevated temperature and UVB radiation
Sobuj, Norul; Nissinen, Katri; Virjamo, Virpi; Salonen, Anneli; Sivadasan, Unnikrishnan; Randriamanana, Tendry; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta; Nybakken, Line; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Peltola, Heli. 2021. Plant physiology and biochemistry -
Early Field Performance of Small-Sized Silver Birch and Scots Pine Container Seedlings at Different Planting Depths
Pikkarainen, Laura; Luoranen, Jaana; Peltola, Heli. 2021. Forests -
Effects of different management options of Norway spruce on radiative forcing through changes in carbon stocks and albedo
Kellomaki, Seppo; Väisänen, Hannu; Kirschbaum, Miko UF; Kirsikka-Aho, Sara; Peltola, Heli. 2021. Forestry -
Climate change induces multiple risks to boreal forests and forestry in Finland: a literature review
Venäläinen, A; Lehtonen, I; Laapas, M; Ruosteenoja, K; Tikkanen, O-P; Viiri, H; Ikonen, V-P; Peltola, H. 2020. Global change biology -
Comparison of planting success in one-year-old spring, summer and autumn plantings of Norway spruce and Scots pine under boreal conditions
Pikkarainen, L; Luoranen, J; Kilpeläinen, A; Oijala, T; Peltola, H. 2020. Silva fennica -
Effects of using certain tree species in forest regeneration on regional wind damage risks in Finnish boreal forests under different CMIP5 projections
Ikonen, V-P; Kilpeläinen, A; Strandman, H; Asikainen, A; Venäläinen, A; Peltola, H. 2020. European journal of forest research -
Growth Responses of Boreal Scots Pine, Norway Spruce and Silver Birch Seedlings to Simulated Climate Warming over Three Growing Seasons in a Controlled Field Experiment
Nissinen, Katri; Virjamo, Virpi; Kilpeläinen, Antti; lkonen, Veli-Pekka; Pikkarainen, Laura; Ärväs, lida-Liina; Kirsikka-aho, Sara; Peltonen, Anna; Sobuj, Norul; Sivadasan, Unnikrishnan; Zhou, Xiao; Ge, Zhen-Ming; Salminen, Timo; Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta; Peltola, Heli. 2020. Forests -
Ilmastonmuutos lisää metsätuhojen riskejä Suomessa
Venäläinen, Ari; Lehtonen, Ilari; Laapas, Mikko; Ruosteenoja, Kimmo; Tikkanen, Olli-Pekka; Viiri, Heli; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Peltola, Heli. 2020. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Impact of structural changes in wood-using industries on net carbon emissions in Finland
Hurmekoski, E; Myllyviita, T; Seppälä, J; Heinonen, T; Kilpeläinen, A; Pukkala, T; Mattila, T; Hetemäki, L; Asikainen, A, Peltola, H. 2020. Journal of industrial ecology -
Modelling the habitat preference of two key Sphagnum species in a poor fen as controlled by capitulum water content
Gong, Jinnan; Reulet, Nigel; Frolking, Steve; Peltola, Heli; Laine, Anna M; Kokkonen, Nicola; Tuittila, Eeva-Stiina. 2020. Biogeosciences -
Multi-objective forestry increases the production of ecosystem services
Díaz-Yáñez, Olalla; Pukkala, Timo; Packalen, Petteri; Lexer, Manfred J; Peltola, Heli. 2020. Forestry -
Prediction of forest canopy fuel parameters in managed boreal forests using multispectral and unispectral airborne laser scanning data and aerial images
Maltamo, M; Räty, J; Korhonen, L; Kotivuori, E; Kukkonen, M; Peltola, H; Kangas, J; Packalen, P. 2020. European journal of remote sensing -
Radiative forcing of forest biomass production and use under different thinning regimes and initial age structures of a Norway spruce forest landscape
Baul, Tarit Kumar; Alam, Ashraful; Strandman, Harri; Seppälä, Jyri; Peltola, Heli; Kilpeläinen, Antti. 2020. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
The utility of fused airborne laser scanning and multispectral data for improved wind damage risk assessment over a managed forest landscape in Finland
Gopalakrishnan, Ranjith; Packalen, Petteri; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Räty, Janne; Venäläinen, Ari; Laapas, Mikko; Pirinen, Pentti; Peltola, Heli. 2020. Annals of forest science -
Duration Limits on Field Storage in Closed Cardboard Boxes before Planting of Norway Spruce and Scots Pine Container Seedlings in Different Planting Seasons
Luoranen, Jaana; Pikkarainen, Laura; Poteri, Marja; Peltola, Heli; Riikonen, Johanna. 2019. Forests -
Effect of increased wood harvesting and utilization on required greenhouse gas displacement factors of wood-based products and fuels
Seppälä, Jyri; Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Mattila, Tuomas; Myllyviita, Tanja; Asikainen, Antti; Peltola, Heli. 2019. Journal of environmental management -
Effects of even-aged and uneven-aged management on carbon dynamics and timber yield in boreal Norway spruce stands: A forest ecosystem model approach
Kellomäki, S; Strandman, H; Peltola, H. 2019. Forestry -
Effects of intensified silviculture on timber production and its economic profitability in boreal Norway spruce and Scots pine stands under changing climatic conditions
Routa, J; Kilpeläinen, A; Ikonen, V-P; Asikainen, A; Venäläinen, A.; Peltola, H. 2019. Forestry -
Multifunctional comparison of different management strategies in boreal forests
Díaz-Yáñez, O; Pukkala, T; Packalen, P; Peltola, H. 2019. Forestry -
Projected decrease in wintertime bearing capacity on different forest and soil types in Finland under a warming climate
Lehtonen, Ilari; Venäläinen, Ari; Kämäräinen, Matti; Asikainen, Antti; Laitila, Juha; Anttila, Perttu; Peltola, Heli. 2019. Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions -
Responses in growth and phenolics accumulation to lateral bud removal in male and female saplings of Populus tremula (L.) under simulated climate change
Sobuj, N; Virjamo, V; Nissinen, K; Sivadasan, U; Mehtätalo, L; Nybakken, L; Peltola, H; Julkunen-Tiitto, R. 2019. Science of the total environment -
The 10-Year Return Levels of Maximum Wind Speeds under Frozen and Unfrozen Soil Forest Conditions in Finland
Laapas, Mikko; Lehtonen, Ilari; Venalainen, Ari; Peltola, Heli M. 2019. Climate -
Climate Smart Forestry in Europe
Kauppi, Pekka; Hanewinkel, Marc; Lundmark, Tomas; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Peltola, Heli; Trasobares, Antoni; Hetemäki, Lauri. 2018. -
Development of height growth and frost hardiness for one-year-old Norway spruce seedlings in greenhouse conditions in response to elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration
Levkoev, Eino; Mehtätalo, Lauri; Luostarinen, Katri; Pulkkinen, Pertti; Zhigunov, Anatoly; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Silva fennica -
Does fungal endophyte inoculation affect the responses of aspen seedlings to carbon dioxide enrichment?
Randriamanana, Tendry R; Nissinen, Katri; Ovaskainen, Anu; Lavola, Anu; Peltola, Heli; Albrectsen, Benedicte; Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta. 2018. Fungal ecology -
Effect of wind damage on the habitat suitability of saproxylic species in a boreal forest landscape
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, Ane; Pukkala, Timo; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Journal of forestry research -
Effects of CMIP5 projections on volume growth, carbon stock and timber yield in managed scots pine, Norway Spruce and Silver Birch stands under Southern and northern boreal conditions
Alrahahleh, Laith; Kilpeläinen, Antti; Ikonen, Veli-Pekka; Strandman, Harri; Venäläinen, Ari; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Forests -
Effects of forest management and harvesting intensity on the timber supply from Finnish forests in a changing climate
Heinonen, Tero; Pukkala, Timo; Kellomäki, Seppo; Strandman, Harri; Asikainen, Antti; Venäläinen, Ari; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Effects of using certain tree species in forest regeneration on volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock of boreal forests in Finland under different CMIP5 projections
Alrahahleh, L; Kilpeläinen, A; Ikonen, V-P; Strandman, H; Asikainen, A; Venäläinen, A; Kaurola, J; Kangas, J; Peltola, H. 2018. European journal of forest research -
Evaluation of Salvage Logging Productivity and Costs in Windthrown Norway Spruce-Dominated Forests
Kärhä, Kalle; Anttonen, Tuomas; Poikela, Asko; Palander, Teijo; Lauren, Ari; Peltola, Heli; Nuutinen, Yrjö. 2018. Forests -
Improved germination conditions for Norway spruce somatic cotyledonary embryos increased survival and height growth of emblings
Tikkinen, Mikko; Varis, Saila; Peltola, Heli; Aronen, Tuija. 2018. Trees-structure and function -
Managing climatic risks of boreal forests in northern Europe
Venäläinen, A; Lehtonen, I; Kangas, J; Peltola, H. 2018. SCITECH Europa Quaterly -
Metsien on vastattava monenlaisiin tarpeisiin
Hetemäki, Lauri; Peltola Heli. 2018. HELSINGIN SANOMAT -
Modelling the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 exchange in a semiarid ecosystem with high plant-interspace heterogeneity
Gong, Jinnan; Wang, Ben; Jia, Xin; Feng, Wei; Zha, Tianshan; Kellomäki, Seppo; Peltola, Heli. 2018. BIOGEOSCIENCES -
Multi-scale dynamics and environmental controls on net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a temperate semiarid shrubland
Jia, X; Zha, T; Gong, J; Zhang, Y; Wu, B; Qin, S; Peltola, H. 2018. Agricultural and forest meteorology -
Temporal and Spatial Change in Diameter Growth of Boreal Scots Pine, Norway Spruce, and Birch under Recent-Generation (CMIP5) Global Climate Model Projections for the 21st Century
Kellomäki, Seppo; Strandman, Harri; Heinonen, Tero; Asikainen, Antti; Venäläinen, Ari; Peltola, Heli. 2018. Forests -
Climate Change Mitigation Potential in Boreal Forests: Impacts of Management, Harvest Intensity and Use of Forest Biomass to Substitute Fossil Resources
Baul Tarit Kumar, Alam Ashraful, Ikonen Antti, Strandman Harri, Asikainen Antti, Peltola Heli, Kilpeläinen Antti. 2017. Forests -
Differences in growth and wood density in clones and provenance hybrid clones of Norway spruce
Levkoev E, Kilpeläinen A, Luostarinen K, Pulkkinen P, Mehtätalo L, Ikonen V-P, Jaatinen R, Zhigunov A, Kangas J, Peltola H. 2017. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Effects of Initial Age Structure of Managed Norway Spruce Forest Area on Net Climate Impact of Using Forest Biomass for Energy
Kilpeläinen A, Strandman H, Grönholm T, Ikonen V-P, Torssonen P, Kellomäki S, Peltola H. 2017. Bioenergy research -
Effects of forest conservation and management on volume growth, harvested amount of timber, carbon stock, and amount of deadwood in Finnish boreal forests under changing climate
Alrahahleh L, Ikonen V-P, Kilpeläinen A, Torssonen P, Strandman H, Asikainen A, Kaurola J, Venäläinen A, Peltola H. 2017. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Effects of wood decay by Heterobasidion annosum on the vulnerability of Norway spruce stands to wind damage: a mechanistic modelling approach
Honkaniemi Juho, Lehtonen Mika, Väisänen Hannu, Peltola Heli. 2017. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Estimation of the high-spatial-resolution variability in extreme wind speeds for forestry applications
Venäläinen Ari, Laapas Mikko, Pirinen Pentti, Horttanainen Matti, Hyvönen Reijo, Junila Päivi, Hou Meiting, Peltola Heli M. 2017. Earth system dynamics -
Growing the bioeconomy
Kangas Jyrki, Peltola Heli. 2017. Pan European Networks: Science & Technology -
Norway spruce emblings as cutting donors for tree breeding and production
Tikkinen Mikko, Varis Saila, Peltola Heli, Aronen Tuija. 2017. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Regional risks of wind damage in boreal forests under changing management and climate projections
Ikonen V-P, Kilpeläinen A, Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A, Strandman H, Asikainen A, Venäläinen A, Kaurola J, Kangas J, Peltola H. 2017. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Relationships of wood anatomy with growth and wood density in three Norway spruce clones of Finnish origin
Luostarinen Katri, Pikkarainen Laura, Ikonen Veli-Pekka, Zubizarreta Gerendiain Ane, Pulkkinen Pertti, Peltola Heli. 2017. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Scenario analyses for the effects of harvesting intensity on development of forest resources, timber supply, carbon balance and biodiversity of Finnish forestry
Heinonen T, Pukkala T, Mehtätalo L, Asikainen A, Kangas J, Peltola H. 2017. Forest policy and economics -
Scenario analyses on the effects of fertilization, improved regeneration material, and ditch network maintenance on timber production of Finnish forests
Heinonen Tero, Pukkala Timo, Asikainen Asikainen, Peltola Heli. 2017. European journal of forest research -
Seasonal soil moisture and drought occurrence in Europe in CMIP5 projections for the 21st century
Ruosteenoja Kimmo, Markkanen Tiina, Venäläinen Ari, Räisänen Petri, Peltola Heli. 2017. Climate dynamics -
Soil moisture control of sap-flow response to biophysical factors in a desert-shrub species, Artemisia ordosica
Zha Tianshan, Qian Duo, Jia Xin, Bai Yujie, Tian Yun, Bourque Charles P-A, Ma Jingyong, Feng Wei, Wu Bin, Peltola Heli. 2017. BIOGEOSCIENCES -
Soil water regulates the control of photosynthesis on diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature in a desert shrubland
Wang Ben, Zha Tian Shan, Jia Xin, Gong Jin Nan, Bourque Charles, Feng Wei, Tian Yun, Wu Bin, Zhang Yu Qing, Peltola Heli. 2017. BIOGEOSCIENCES -
Carbon and water exchange over a temperate semi-arid shrubland during three years of contrasting precipitation and soil moisture patterns
Jia Xin, Zha Tianshan, Gong Jinnan, Wang Ben, Zhang Yuqing , Wu Bin, Qin Shugao, Peltola Heli. 2016. Agricultural and forest meteorology -
Diurnal Freeze-Thaw Cycles Modify Winter Soil Respiration in a Desert Shrub-Land Ecosystem
Liu Peng, Zha Tianshan, Jia Xin, Wang Ben, Guo Xiaonan, Zhang Yuqing, Wu Bin, Yang Qiang, Peltola Heli. 2016. Forests -
Diurnal response of effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry to irradiance as an indicator of photosynthetic acclimation to stressed environments revealed in a xerophytic species
Zha T-S, Wu YJ, Jia X, Zhang MY, Bai YJ, Liu P, Ma JY, Bourque CP-A, Peltola H. 2016. Ecological indicators -
Dynamics of Dew in a Cold Desert-Shrub Ecosystem and Its Abiotic Controls
Guo Xiaonan, Zha Tianshan, Jia Xin, Wu Bin, Feng Wei, Xie Jing, Gong Jinnan, Zhang Yuqing, Peltola Heli. 2016. Atmosphere -
Effects of intensive forest management on net climate impact of energy biomass utilisation from final felling of Norway spruce
Kilpeläinen Antti, Alam Ashraful, Torssonen Piritta, Ruusuvuori Hanna, Kellomäki Seppo, Peltola Heli. 2016. Biomass and bioenergy -
Effects of wind damage on the optimal management of boreal forests under current and changing climatic conditions
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain Ane, Pukkala Timo, Peltola Heli. 2016. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Heavy snow loads in Finnish forests respond regionally asymmetrically to projected climate change
Lehtonen Ilari, Kämäräinen Matti, Gregow Hilppa, Venäläinen Ari, Peltola Heli. 2016. Natural hazards and earth system sciences -
Increasing carbon sinks in European forests: effects of afforestation and changes in mean growing stock volume
Vilén T, Cienciala E, Schelhaas MJ, Verkerk P.J, Lindner M, Peltola H. 2016. Forestry -
Modeling the effects of plant-interspace heterogeneity on water-energy balances in a semiarid ecosystem
Gong Jinnan, Jia Xin, Zha Tianshan, Wang Ben, Kellomäki Seppo, Peltola Heli. 2016. Agricultural and forest meteorology -
Responses of eastern Chinese coastal salt marshes to sea-level rise combined with vegetative and sedimentary processes
Ge Zhen-Ming, Wang Heng, Cao Hao-Bin, Zhao Bin, Zhou Xiao, Peltola Heli, Cui Li-Fang, Li Xiu-Zhen, Zhang Li-Quan. 2016. Scientific reports -
Risk of large-scale fires in boreal forests of Finland under changing climate
Lehtonen I, Venäläinen A, Kämäräinen M, Peltola H, Gregow H. 2016. Natural hazards and earth system sciences -
Seasonal variation in ecosystem water use efficiency in an urban-forest reserve affected by periodic drought
Xiea Jing, Zha Tianshan, Zhou Caixian, Jia Xin, Yu Haiqun, Bai Yange, Chen Jiquan, Zhang Feng, Wang Ben, Bourque Charles P-A, Sun Ge, Ma Hong, Liu He, Peltola Heli. 2016. Agricultural and forest meteorology -
Spatiotemporal patterns of the gross primary production in the salt marshes with rapid community change: A coupled modeling approach
Ge Zhen-Ming, Guo Hai-Qiang, Zhao Bin, Zhang Chao, Peltola Heli, Zhang Li-Quan. 2016. Ecological modelling -
Adaptive, water-conserving strategies in Hedysarum mongolicum endemic to a desert shrubland ecosystem
Duo Qian, Tianshan Zha, Xin Jia, Bin Wu, Yuqing Zhang, Charles P. A. Bourque, Shugao Qin, Heli Peltola. 2015. Environmental earth sciences -
Do we need to adapt the choice of main boreal tree species in forest regeneration under the projected climate change?
Torssonen Piritta, Strandman Harri, Kellomäki Seppo, Kilpeläinen Antti, Jylhä Kirsti, Asikainen Antti, Peltola Heli. 2015. Forestry -
Effects of climate change and management on net climate impacts of production and utilization of energy biomass in Norway spruce with stable age-class distribution
Torssonen Piritta, Kilpeläinen Antti, Strandman Harri, Kellomäki Seppo, Jylhä Kirsti, Asikainen Antti, Peltola Heli. 2015. Global change biology bioenergy -
Effects of wood harvesting and utilisation policies on the carbon balance of forestry under changing climate: A Finnish case study
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain Ane, Pukkala Timo, Peltola Heli. 2015. Forest policy and economics -
Energy partitioning over a semi-arid shrubland in northern China
Jia X, Zha TS, Gong JN, Wu B, Zhang YQ, Qin SG, Chen GP, Feng W, Kellomäki S, Peltola H. 2015. Hydrological processes -
Institutional factors and opportunities for adapting European forest management to climate change
Bouriaud L, Marzano M, Lexer M, Nichiforel L, Reyer C, Temperli C, Peltola H, Elkin C, Duduman G, Taylor P, Bathgate S, Borges JG, Clerkx S, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Gracia C, Hengeveld G, Kellomäki S, Kostov G, Maroschek M, Muys B et al.. 2015. Regional environmental change -
Irregular precipitation events in control of seasonal variations in CO2 exchange in a cold desert-shrub ecosystem in northwest China
Jing Xie, Tianshan Zha, Xin Jia, Duo Qian, Bin Wu, Yuqing Zhang, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Jiquan Chen, Ge Sun, Heli Peltola. 2015. Journal of arid environments -
Leaf nitrogen is closely coupled to phenophases in a desert shrub ecosystem in China
Chen Zhi-Hao, Zha Tianshan, Jia Xin, Wu Yajuan, Wu Bin, Zhang Yuqing, Guo JianBin, Qin ShuGao, Chen Guopeng, Peltola Heli. 2015. Journal of arid environments -
Microtopographic variation in soil respiration and its controlling factors vary with plant phenophases in a desert-shrub ecosystem
Wang B, Zha TS, Jia X, Gong JN, Wu B, Bourque CPA, Zhang YQ, Qin SG, Chen GP, Peltola H. 2015. BIOGEOSCIENCES -
Net climate impacts of forest biomass production and utilization in managed boreal forests
Kilpeläinen Antti, Torssonen Piritta, Strandman Harri, Kellomäki Seppo, Asikainen Antti, Peltola Heli. 2015. Global change biology bioenergy -
Predicting tree damage in fragmented landscapes using a wind risk model coupled with an airflow model
Dupont Sylvain, Ikonen Veli-Pekka, Väisänen Hannu, Peltola Heli. 2015. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Biophysical controls on net ecosystem CO2 exchange over a semiarid shrubland in northwest China
Jia X, Zha TS, Wu B, Zhang YQ, Gong JN, Qin SG, Chen GP, Qian D, Kellomäki S, Peltola H. 2014. BIOGEOSCIENCES -
Bud set and autumn coloration of Larix sibirica and Larix gmelinii provenances in a field trial in southern Finland
Lukkarinen Antti, Ruotsalainen Seppo, Peltola Heli, NikkanenTeijo. 2014. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Comparison of the effects of symmetric and asymmetric temperature elevation and CO2 enrichment on yield and evapotranspiration of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Qiao Yunzhou, Liu Huiling, Kellomäki Seppo, Peltola Heli, Liu Yueyan, Dong Baodi, Shi Changhai, Zhang Huizhen, Zhang Chao, Gong Jinnan, Si Fuyan, Li Dongxiao, Zheng Xin, Liu Mengyu. 2014. Ecology and evolution -
Effects of climate change on optimised stand management in the boreal forests of central Finland
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A, Pukkala T, Kellomäki S, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Ikonen V-P, Peltola H. 2014. European journal of forest research -
The Response of Basal Area Growth of Scots Pine to Thinning: A Longitudinal Analysis of Tree-Specific Series Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Model
Mehtätalo Lauri, Peltola Heli, Kilpeläinen Antti, Ikonen Veli-Pekka. 2014. Forest science -
The role of climatic variability in controlling carbon and water budgets in a boreal Scots pine forest during ten growing season
Ge Zhen-Ming, Kellomäki Seppo, Zhou Xiao, Peltola Heli. 2014. Boreal environment research -
Adaptive management to climate change for Norway spruce forests along a regional gradient in Finland
Ge Z-M, Kellomäki S, Peltola H, Zhou X, Väisänen H. 2013. Climatic change -
Annual growth rhythm of Larix sibirica and Larix gmelinii provenances in a field trial in southern Finland
Lukkarinen A, Ruotsalainen S, Peltola H, NikkanenT. 2013. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Controls of evapotranspiration and CO2 fluxes from Scots pine by surface conductance and abiotic factors
Zha T, Li C, Kellomäki S, Peltola H, Wang K-Y, Zhang Y. 2013. PLoS ONE -
Mechanics of wind damage
Peltola H, Gardiner B, Nicoll B. 2013. What Science Can Tell Us -
The timber and energy biomass potential of intensively managed cloned Norway spruce stands
Routa J, Kellomäki S, Strandman H, Bergh J, Pulkkinen P, Peltola H. 2013. Global change biology bioenergy -
Acclimation of photosynthesis in a boreal grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) under different temperature, CO2, and soil water regimes
Ge Z-M, Zhou X, Kellomäki S, Zhang C, Peltola H, Martikainen PJ, Wang KY. 2012. Photosynthetica -
Carbon assimilation and allocation (13C labeling) in a boreal perennial grass (Phalaris arundinacea) subjected to elevated temperature and CO2 through a growing season
Ge Zhen-Ming, Zhou Xiao, Kellomäki Seppo, Biasi Christina, Wang Kai-Yun, Peltola Heli, Martikainen Pertti J. 2012. Environmental and Experimental Botany -
Effects of cambial age, clone and climatic factors on ring width and ring density in Norway spruce (Picea abies) in southeastern Finland
Ane Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, Jaume Gort-Oromi, Lauri Mehtätalo, Heli Peltola, Ari Venäläinen, Pertti Pulkkinen. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
Effects of management on biomass production in Norway spruce stands and carbon balance of bioenergy use
Pyörälä P, Kellomäki S, Peltola H. 2012. Forest ecology and management -
Exploring horizontal area-based metrics to discriminate the spatial pattern of trees and need for first thinning using airborne laser scanning
Inka Pippuri, Eveliina Kallio, Matti Maltamo, Heli Peltola ja Petteri Packelén. 2012. Forestry -
Factors affecting wind and snow damage of individual trees in a small management unit in Finland: assessment based on inventoried damage and mechanistic modelling
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A, Pellikka P, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Ikonen VP, Peltola H. 2012. Silva fennica -
Impacts of climate change on primary production and carbon sequestration of boreal Norway spruce forests: Finland as a model
Ge, Z-M., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Zhou, X., Väisänen, H., Strandman, H. 2012. Climatic change -
Impacts of intensive management and landscape structure on timber and energy wood production and net CO2 emissions from energy wood use of Norway spruce
Routa, J., Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H.. 2012. Bioenergy research -
Measured and modeled biomass growth in relation to photosynthesis acclimation of a bioenergy crop (Reed canary grass) under elevated temperature, CO2 enrichment and different water regimes
Ge Zhen-Ming, Zhou Xiao, Kellomäki Seppo, Peltola Heli, Biasi Christina, Shurpali Narasinha, Martikainen Pertti J, Wang Kai-Yun. 2012. Biomass and bioenergy -
Multi-objective environment chamber system for studying plant responses to climate change
Zhou Xiao, Ge Zhen-Ming, Kellomäki Seppo, Wang Kaiyun, Peltola Heli, Martikainen Pertti J., Lemettinen Matti, Hassinen Alpo, Ikonen Risto. 2012. Photosynthetica -
Quantifications of dendrochronological information from contrasting microdensitometric measuring circumstances of experimental wood samples
Helama, S., Bégin, Y., Vartiainen, M., Peltola, H., Kolström, T., Meriläinen, J. 2012. Applied radiation and isotopes -
Seasonal physiological responses and biomass growth in a bioenergy crop (Phalaris arundinacea L.) under elevated temperature and CO2, subjected to different water regimes in boreal conditions
Ge Zhen-Ming, Kellomäki Seppo, Zhou Xiao, Peltola Heli, Wang Kai-Yun, Martikainen Pertti J. 2012. Bioenergy research -
The effects of artificial soil frost on cambial activity and xylem formation in Norway spruce
Jyske Tuula, Manner Markku, Mäkinen Harri, Nöjd Pekka, Peltola Heli, Repo Tapani. 2012. Trees-structure and function -
The effects of gap size and age on natural regeneration of Picea mongolica in the semi-arid region of Northern China
Zhang, C., Zou, C-J, Peltola, H., Wang, K-Y., Xu, W-D.. 2012. New forests -
Wood decay caused by Heterobasidion parviporum in juvenile wood specimens from normal- and narrow-crowned Norway spruce
Puentes Rodriguez, Y., Morales, L., Willför, S., Pulkkinen, P., Peltola, H., Pappinen, A.. 2012. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Climate, canopy conductance and leaf area development controls on evapotranspiration in a boreal coniferous forest over a 10 year period: a united model assessment
Zhen-Ming Ge, Xiao Zhou, Seppo Kellomäki, Heli Peltola, Kai-Yun Wang.. 2011. Ecological modelling -
Combined occurrence of wind, snow loading and soil frost with implications for risks to forestry in Finland under the current and changing climatic conditions
Gregow Hilppa, Peltola Heli, Laapas Mikko, Saku Seppo, Venäläinen Ari. 2011. Silva fennica -
Consideration of strong winds, their directional distribution and snow loading in wind risk assessment related to landscape level forest planning.
Heinonen Tero, Pukkala Timo, Ikonen Veli-Pekka, Peltola, Heli, Gregow Hilppa & Venäläinen Ari. 2011. Forest ecology and management -
Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on leaf characteristics, photosynthesis and carbon storage in aboveground biomass of a boreal bioenergy crop (Phalaris arundinacea L.) under varying water regimes
Zhou Xiao, Ge Zheng-Ming, Kellomäki Seppo, Wang Kaiyun, Peltola Heli, Martikainen Pertti J.. 2011. Global change biology bioenergy -
Effects of forest management on the carbon dioxide emissions of wood energy in integrated production of timber and energy biomass
Routa Johanna, Kellomäki Seppo, Kilpeläinen Antti, Peltola Heli, Strandman Harri. 2011. Global change biology bioenergy -
Effects of spacing and genetic entry on radial growth and ring density development in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Jaume Gort-Oromi, Lauri Mehtätalo, Heli Peltola, Ane Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, Pertti Pulkkinen and Ari Venäläinen. 2011. Annals of forest science -
Effects of varying thinning regimes on carbon uptake, total stem wood growth and timber production in Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in southern Finland under the changing climate
Ge Zheng-Ming, Kellomäki Seppo, Peltola Heli, Zhou Xiao, Wang Kaiuyn, Väisänen Hannu. 2011. Annals of forest science -
Evaluation of carbon exchange in a boreal coniferous stand over a 10-year period: An integrated analysis based on ecosystem model simulations and eddy covariance measurements
Ge Zhen-Ming, Kellomäki Seppo, Zhou Xiao, Wang Kai-Yun, Peltola Heli. 2011. Agricultural and forest meteorology -
Impacts of changing climate on the productivity of Norway spruce dominant stands with a mixture of Scots pine and birch in relation to water availability in southern and northern Finland
Zhen-Ming Ge, Seppo Kellomäki, Heli Peltola, Xiao Zhou, Kai-Yun Wang, Hannu Väisänen. 2011. Tree physiology -
Impacts of thinning and fertilization on timber and energy wood production in Norway spruce and Scots pine: scenario analyses based on ecosystem model simulations
Routa Johanna, Kellomäki Seppo, Peltola Heli, Asikainen Antti. 2011. Forestry -
Responses of leaf photosynthesis, pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence within canopy position in a boreal grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) to elevated temperature and CO2 under varying water regimes
Ge Zhen-Ming, Zhou Xiao, Kellomäki Seppo, Wang Kai-Yun, Peltola Heli, Martikainen Pertti J.. 2011. Photosynthetica -
Effects of genetic entry and competition on above ground biomass production of Norway spruce grown in southern Finland
Kilpeläinen A, Routa J, Peltola H, Zubizarreta Gerendiain A, Pulkkinen P & Kellomäki S. 2010. Forest ecology and management -
Chapter 6. Management of forest ecosystems. In: Forest resources and sustainable management. Book 2.
Kellomäki, Seppo, Koski, Veikko, Niemelä, Pekka, Peltola, Heli, Pulkkinen, Pertti. 2009. Paper Engineers¿ Association (Paperi ja puu Oy) -
Differences in fibre properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) genetic entries grown at different spacing and sites
Gort, Jaume, Zubizarreta Gerendiain, Ane, Peltola, Heli, Pulkkinen, Pertti, Routa, Johanna, Jaatinen, Raimo. 2009. Silva fennica -
Differences in growth and wood density traits in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) genetic entries grown at different spacing and sites
Peltola, Heli, Gort, Jaume, Pulkkinen, Pertti, Zubizarreta Gerendiain, Ane, Karppinen, Jouni, Ikonen, Veli-Pekka. 2009. Silva fennica -
Differences in wood decay by Heterobasidion parviporum in cloned Norway spruce
Puentes Rodriquez, Yohama, Zubizarreta Gerendiain, Ane, Pappinen, Ari, Peltola, Heli, Pulkkinen, Pertti. 2009. Can. J. For. Res. -
Effects of genetic entry and competition by neigbouring trees on growth and properties of cloned Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, Ane, Peltola, Heli, Pulkkinen, Pertti & Kellomäki, Seppo. 2009. Annals of forest science -
Future Wood and Fibre Sources ¿ Case North Karelia in Eastern Finland
Nuutinen T, Kilpeläinen A, Hirvelä H, Härkönen K, Ikonen V-P., Lempinen R, Peltola H, Wilhelmsson L, Kellomäki S. 2009. Silva fennica -
Growth and wood property traits in narrow crowned Norway spruce (Picea abies f. pendula) clones grown in southern Finland
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, Ane, Peltola, Heli, Pulkkinen, Pertti. 2009. Silva fennica -
Integrated use of two dimensional airflow model Aquilon and mechanistic model HWIND for risk assessment of tree stands to wind damage
Peltola, Heli, Dupont, Sylvain, Ikonen, Veli-Pekka, Väisänen, Hannu, Venäläinen, Ari, Kellomäki, Seppo. 2009. Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg -
Integrating the risk of wind damage into forest planning
Heinonen, Tero, Pukkala, Timo, Ikonen, Veli-Pekka, Peltola, Heli, Venäläinen, Ari, Dupont, Sylvain. 2009. Forest ecology and management -
Sawn timber properties of Scots pine as affected by initial stand density, thinning and pruning: a simulation based approach
Ikonen, V-P., Kellomäki, S. & Peltola, H.. 2009. Silva fennica -
The effects of fragmentation on the susceptibility of a boreal forest ecosystem to wind damage
Zeng, Hongcheng, Peltola, Heli, Väisänen, Hannu and Kellomäki, Seppo. 2009. Forest ecology and management -
The growth rhythm and height growth of seedlings for Siberian (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) and Dahurian (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) larch provenances in greenhouse conditions
Lukkarinen, Antti, Ruotsalainen, Seppo, Nikkanen, Teijo, Peltola, Heli. 2009. Silva fennica -
A review of mechanistic modelling of wind damage risk to forests
Gardiner, B., Byrne, K., Hale, S., Kamimura, K., Mitchell S.J., Peltola, H., Ruel, J-C.. 2008. Forestry -
Analysing the effects of forest structure on carbon stocks and timber production under changing management and climate
Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Peltola, H., Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, A., Kellomäki, S.. 2008. Springer -
Designing a forested landscape in Finland under different climate scenarios
Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Lexer, M., Peltola, H., Kellomäki, S.. 2008. Springer -
Differences in fibre properties in cloned Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain, A., Peltola, H., Pulkkinen, P., Jaatinen, R., Pappinen, A.. 2008. Can. J. For. Res. -
Differences in growth and wood properties between narrow and normal crowned types of Norway spruce grown at narrow spacing in Southern Finland
Zubizarreta-Gerendiain A, Peltola H, Pulkkinen P, Ikonen V-P, Jaatinen R. 2008. Silva fennica -
Does climate change affect optimal planning solutions for multi-objective forest management?
Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Jäger, D., Lexer, M., Peltola, H., Briceño-Elizondo, E., Kellomäki, S.. 2008. Allgemaine Forst und Jagd Zeitung -
Implications and consequences
Kellomäki, S., Peltola, H., Ryyppö, A.. 2008. Causes and Consequences of Forest Growth Trends in Europe. European Forest Institute Research Report -
Kuusen taimikoiden inventointi ja taimikonhoidon kiireellisyyden määrittäminen laserkeilauksen ja metsäsuunnitelmatietojen avulla
Matti Närhi, Matti Maltamo, Petteri Packalén, Heli Peltola ja Janne Soimasuo. 2008. Metsätieteen aikakauskirja -
Modelling the distribution of wood properties along the stems of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) as affected by silvicultural management
Veli-Pekka Ikonen, Heli Peltola, Lars Wilhelmsson, Antti Kilpeläinen, Hannu Väisänen, Tuula Nuutinen, Seppo Kellomäki. 2008. Forest ecology and management -
Multi-criteria evaluation of multi-purpose stand treatment programmes for Finnish boreal forests under changing climate
Briceno-Elizondo, E., Jäger, D., Lexer, M., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Peltola, H., Kellomäki, S.. 2008. Ecological indicators -
X-ray microdensitometry applied to subfossil tree-rings: growth characteristics of ancient pines from the southern boreal forest zone in Finland at intra-annual to centennial time-scales
Helama, S., Vartiainen, M., Kolström, T., Peltola, H., Meriläinen, J.. 2008. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany -
A Gis-based decision support system for risk assessment of wind damage in forest management
Zeng Hongcheng;Talkkari Ari;Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Environmental Modelling & Software -
Application of ant colony optimization for the risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Zeng Hongcheng;Pukkala Timo;Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Silva fennica -
Changed thinning regimes may increase carbon stock under climate change: A case study from a Finnish boreal forest
Garcia-Gonzalo Jordi;Peltola Heli;Briceño-Elizondo Elemer;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Climatic change -
Differences in growth and wood property traits in cloned Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Zubizareta Gerendiain Ane;Peltola Heli;Pulkkinen Pertti;Jaatinen Raimo;Pappinen Ari;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Can. J. For. Res. -
Effects of climate change and management on timber yield in boreal forests, with economic implications: A case study
Garcia-Gonzalo Jordi;Peltola Heli;Briceño-Elizondo Elemer;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Ecological modelling -
Effects of early thinning regime and tree status on the radial growth and wood density of Scots pine
Peltola Heli;Kilpeläinen Antti;Sauvala Kari;Räisänen Tommi;Ikonen Veli-Pekka. 2007. Silva fennica -
Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on secondary compounds in needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Räisänen Tommi;Ryyppö Aija;Julkunen Riitta and Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Trees-structure and function -
Elevated temperature and CO2 concentration effects on xylem anatomy of Scots pine
Kilpeläinen Antti;Zubizarreta Gerendiain Ane;Luostarinen Katri;Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Tree physiology -
Impacts of forest landscape structure and management on timber production and carbon stocks in the boreal forest ecosystem under changing climate
Garcia-Gonzalo Jordi;Peltola Heli;Zubizarreta Gerendiain Ane;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Forest ecology and management -
Integration of process-based and empirical approaches for modelling of growth and wood and fibre properties in Scots pine, Norway spruce and Silver birch stands
Peltola;H.;Ikonen;V-P.;Kilpeläinen;A.;Väisänen;H.;Nuutinen;T.;Kellomäki;S.;Wilhelmsson;L. 2007. -
Interactive clear-cut regime selection for risk management of wind damage using reference point approach
Zeng Hongcheng;Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo. 2007. Ecological Informatics -
Introducing tree interactions in wind damage simulation
Schelhaas MartJan;Kramer K.;Peltola Heli;van der Werf D.C.;Wijdeven S.M.J. 2007. Ecological modelling -
Is a defoliated silver birch seedling able to overcompensate the growth under changing climate?
Liisa Huttunen;Pekka Niemelä;Heli Peltola;Susanne Heiska;Matti Rousi;Seppo Kellomäki. 2007. Environmental and Experimental Botany -
Sensitivity of managed boreal forests in Finland to climate change, with implications for adaptive management
Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;NuutinenTuula;Korhonen Kari T.;Strandman Harri. 2007. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B: biological sciences -
The use of heurestic optimization in risk management of wind damage in forest planning
Zeng Hongcheng;Pukkala Timo;Peltola Heli. 2007. Forest ecology and management -
Total component of carbon fluxes of a Scots pine ecosystem from chamber measurements and eddy covariance
Zha;T.;Xing Z.;Wang K.-Y.;Kellomäki Seppo;Barr A.G.. 2007. Annales of Botany -
Value-chain analysis for forest management, timber purschasing and timber sale decissions
Nuutinen Tuula;Moberg Lennart;Verkasalo Erkki;Peltola Heli. 2007. Katarina Tryck AB -
Carbon stocks and timber yield in two boreal forest ecosystems under current and changing climatic conditions subjected to varying management regimes
Briceno-Elizondo;E.;Garcia-Gonzalo;J.;Peltola;H.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Environmental science and policy -
Dynamics of daily height growth in Scots pine trees at elevated temperature and CO2
Kilpeläinen;A.;Peltola;H.;Rouvinen;I.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Trees-structure and function -
Impacts of long-term elevation of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and temperatue on the establisment, growth and mortality of boreal Scots pine branches
Volanen;V.;Peltola;H.;Rouvinen;I.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Scandinavian journal of forest research -
Mechanical stability of trees under static loads
Peltola;H.. 2006. American Journal of Botany -
Modelling the distribution of diameter growth along the stem in Scots pine
Ikonen;V-P.;Kellomäki;S.;Väisänen;H.;Peltola;H.. 2006. Trees-structure and function -
Modelling the response of tree growth to temperature and CO2 elevation as related to the fertility and current temperature sum of a site
Matala;J.;Ojansuu;R.;Peltola;H.;Raitio;H.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Ecological modelling -
Optimisation of Forest Management under Current and Changing Climate: a case study of a Finnish Management Unit
Garcia-Gonzalo;J.;Jäger;D.;Lexer;M.;Peltola;H.;Briceño-Elizondo;E.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. -
Regionally optimized forest management under changing climate
Nuutinen;T.;Matala;J.;Hirvelä;H.;Härkönen;K.;Ojansuu;R.;Peltola;H.;Väisänen;H.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Climatic change -
Sensitivity of growth of Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch to climate change and forest management in boreal conditions
Briceno-Elizondo;E.;Garcia-Gonzalo;J.;Peltola;H.;Matala;J.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Forest ecology and management -
Simulations of the influence of clear-cuttings on the risk of wind damage on a regional scale over a 20-year period
Zeng;H.;Peltola;H.;Talkkari;A.;Srandman;H.;Venäläinen;A.;Wang;K.;Kellomäki;S.. 2006. Canadian Journal Forest Research -
Adaptation of forest ecosystems, forests and forestry to climate change. FinAdapt Working Paper 4
Kellomäki;S.;Strandman;H.;Nuutinen;T.;Peltola;H.;Korhonen;K.. 2005. Finnish Environment Institute Mimographs -
Annual and seasonal variation in sap flow and conductance of pine trees grown in elevated carbon dioxide and temperature
Wang;K-Y;Kellomäki;S.;Zha;T;Peltola;H. 2005. Journal of Experimental Botany -
Chapter 1: Introduction
Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli. 2005. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Chapter 4: SilviStrat model evaluation exercises
Lindner Marcus;Lasch Petra;Badeck Franz;Prieto Beguiristain Paula;Junge Sebastian;Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Gracia Carlos;Sabate Santi;Jäger Dietmar;Lexer Manfred;Freeman Michael. 2005. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Chapter 7: Adaptive forest management at the scale of management units
Badeck Franz-W.;Fürstenau Cornelia;Lasch Petra;Suckow Felicitas;Peltola Heli;Garcia-Gonzalo Jordi;Briceno-Elizondo Elemer;Kellomäki Seppo;Lexer Manfred J.;Jäger Dietmar;Lindner Marcus;Thiel Daniel;Kaipainen Terhi;Lehikoinen Niina;Junge Sebastian;Feliu Joan. 2005. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Chapter 9: European mitigation and adaptation potentials: Conclusions and recommendations
Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Bauwens B.;Dekker M.;Mohren F.;Badeck Franz-W.;Gracia C.;Sánchez A.;Pla E.;Sabate S.;Lindner M.;Pussinen A.. 2005. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Dynamics of daily height growth in Scots pine trees at elevated temperature and CO2.
Kilpeläinen;A.;Peltola;H.;Rouvinen;I. and Kellomäki;S.. 2005. Trees-structure and function -
Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset metsäekosysteemin toimintaan ja rakenteseen sekä metsien hoitoon ja ainespuun tuotantoon
Peltola;H;Kellomäki;S. 2005. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset teollisuuden raaka-ainepohjaan nykytiedon valossa
Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli. 2005. Joensuun yliopisto, Metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Introducing effects of temperature and CO2 elevation on tree growth into a statistical growth and yield model
Matala;J.;Ojansuu;R.;Peltola;H.;Sievänen;R.;Kellomäki;S.. 2005. Ecological modelling -
Metsäpuiden kasvu ja ilmastonmuutos - männyn fysiologisia ja ekologisia vasteita kohoavaan ilman lämpötilaan ja hiilidioksidipitoisuuteen
Kellomäki;S;Peltola;H. 2005. Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja -
Scots pine responses to elevated temperature and carbon dioxide concentration: growth and wood properties
Kilpeläinen;A.;Peltola;H.;Ryyppö;A. and Kellomäki;S.. 2005. Tree physiology -
Value-chain analysis for forest management, timber purchasing and timber sale decissions
Nuutinen T.;Moberg L.;Verkasalo E. & Peltola H.. 2005. -
Component carbon fluxes and their contribution to ecosystem carbon exchange in a pine forest: an assessment based on eddy covariance measurements and an integrated model
Wang Kaiyun;Kellomäki Seppo;Zha Tiashan;Peltola Heli. 2004. Tree physiology -
Influence of clear-cutting on the risk of wind damage at forest edges
Honcheng Zeng;Heli Peltola;Ari Talkkari;Ari Venäläinen;Harri Strandman;Seppo Kellomäki and Kaiyun Wang. 2004. Forest ecology and management -
Regional assessment of climate change impact on forest production, carbon sequestration and biodiversity - A Finnish case study
Briceño-Elizondo;E.;Jäger;D.;Lexer;M.J.;Garcia-Gonzalo;J.;Peltola;H.;Väisänen;H.;Kellomäki;S.. 2004. -
Seasonal variation in energy and water fluxes in a pine forest: an analyses based on eddy covariance and an integrated model
Wang Kaiyun;Kellomäki Seppo;Zha Tiashan;Peltola Heli. 2004. Ecological modelling -
Simulations of the influence of forest management on wind climate on a regional scale
Ari Venäläinen;Hongcheng Zeng;Heli Peltola;Ari Talkkari;Harri Strandman;Kaiyun Wang and Seppo Kellomäki. 2004. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology -
Value-chain analysis for forest management, timber purschasing and timber sale decissions.
Nuutinen;T.;Moberg;L. Verkasalo;E.;Peltola;H.. 2004. Suomen Akatemia -
Comparison of a physiological model and a statistical model for prediction of growth and yield in boreal forests
Matala J. Hynynen J.;Miina J.;Ojansuu R.;Peltola H.;Sievänen R.;Väisänen H.;Kellomäki S.. 2003. Ecological modelling -
Linking tree stem properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) to sawn timber properties through simulated sawing
Ikonen V-P.;Kellomäki S.;Peltola H.. 2003. Forest ecology and management -
Modelling the short-term effects of climate change on the productivity of selected tree species in Nordic countries
Johan Bergh;Michael Freeman;Bjarni Sigurdsson;Seppo Kellomäki;Kaisa Laitinen;Sini Niinistö;Heli Peltola;Sune Linder. 2003. Forest ecology and management -
Wood properties of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) grown at elevated temperature and carbon dioxide concentration
Kilpeläinen A.;Peltola H.;Ryyppö A.;Sauvala K.;Laitinen K.;Kellomäki S.. 2003. Tree physiology -
Climate change impacts on the dynamics of the functioning and structure of boreal forests, with implications for the sustainability of forest production and carbon sequestration
Kellomäki;S.;Hynynen;J.;Kärkkäinen;L.;Matala;J.;Miina;J.;Nuutinen;T.;Ojansuu;R.;Peltola;H.;Sievänen;R.. 2002. -
Detection of wood density by using a DOE sensor
Silvennoinen;R.;palviainen;J.;Kellomäki;S.;Peltola;H.;Sauvala;K.. 2002. Wood Science and Technology -
Detection of wood density by using a DOE sensor
Raimo Silvennoinen;Jari Palviainen;Seppo Kellomäki;Heli Peltola and Kari Sauvala. 2002. Wood Sci. Technol. -
Diameter growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) grown at elevated temperature and CO2 under boreal conditions
Peltola Heli;Kilpeläinen Antti;Kellomäki Seppo. 2002. Tree physiology -
Effect of early thinning on the diameter growth distribution along the stem of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Peltola;H.;Miina;J.;Rouvinen;I.;Kellomäki;S.. 2002. Silva fennica -
Effect of forest management on wood quality. Metsien käsittelyn vaikutus puun laatuun
Saranpää;P.;Vapaavuori;E.;Peltola;H.. 2002. -
Evaluation of six process-based forest growth models using eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes at six forest sites in Europe
Kramer;K. Leinonen;I.;Bartelink;H.H.;Berbigier;P.;Borghetti;M.;Bernhofer;Ch.;Cienciala;E.;Dohlman;A.J.;Froer;O.;Gracia;C.A.;Granier;A.;Grünwald;T.;Hari;P.;Jans;W.;Kellomäki;S.;Loustau;D.;Magnani;F.;Markkanen;T.;Matteucci;G.;Mohren;G.M.J.;Moors;E.;Nissinen;A.;Peltola;H.;Sabaté;S.;Sanchez;A.;Sontag;M.;Valentini;R. Vesala;T.. 2002. Global change biology -
Density of foliage mass and area in the boreal forest cover in Finland, with applications to the estimation of monoterpene and isoprene emissions
Kellomäki;S.;Rouvinen;I.;Peltola;H.;Strandman;H.. 2001. Atmospheric environment -
Impact of global warming on the tree species composition of boreal forests in Finland and effects on emissions of isoprenoids
Kellomäki;S.;Rouvinen;I.;Peltola;H.;Strandman;H.;Steinbrecher;R.. 2001. Global change biology -
The impact of climate change on soil frost under snow cover in a forested landscape
Venäläinen;A.;Tuomenvirta H.;Heikinheimo;M.;Kellomäki;S.;Peltola;H.;Strandman;H.;Väisänen;H. 2001. Climate Research -
Timber industry
Kellomäki;S.;Kouki;J.;Niemelä;P.;Peltola;H.. 2001. Encylopedia of Biodiversity -
Comparison of two models for predicting the critical wind speeds required to damage coniferous trees
Gardiner;B. A.;Peltola;H.;Kellomäki;S.. 2000. Ecological modelling -
Effect of forest management on wood quality (Metsien käsittelyn vaikutus puuaineen ominaisuuksiin)
Saranpää Pekka;Vapaavuori Elina;Peltola Heli. 2000. Suomen Akatemia -
Integration of component models from tree, stand and regional levels to assess the risk of wind damage at forest margins
Talkkari Ari;Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo;Strandman Harri. 2000. Forest ecology and management -
Introduction - Wind and other abiotic risks to forests
Peltola Heli;Gardiner Barry;Kellomäki Seppo;Kolström Taneli;Lässig Reinhard;Moore John;Quine Christopher;Ruel JeanClaude. 2000. Forest ecology and management -
Mechanical stability of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch: analysis of tree pulling experiments in Finland
Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo;Hassinen Alpo;Granander Markku. 2000. Forest ecology and management -
Männyn kasvun ja rakenteen mallintaminen - puuaineen materiaaliominaisuudet
Ikonen Veli-Pekka;kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Kolström Taneli. 2000. Tiedonantoja/ Joensuun yliopisto, metsätieteellinen tiedekunta -
Spectral correlation of optical data with wood density
Palviainen Jari;Silvennoinen Raimo;Persyn O;Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Sauvala Kari. 2000. -
Wind and other abiotic risks to forests
Peltola Heli;Gardiner Barry;Kellomäki Seppo;Kolström Taneli;Lässig Reinhard;Moore John;Quine Christopher;Ruel JeanClaude (eds). 2000. Forest ecology and management -
A DOE sensor in detection of wood density
Palviainen Jari;Silvennoinen Raimo;Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Sauvala Kari. 1999. Joensuun Yliopisto -
A mechanistic model for assessing the risk of wind and snow damage to single trees and stands of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch
Peltola;H.;Kellomäki;S.;Väisänen;H.;Ikonen;V-P.. 1999. Canadian journal of forest research-revue canadienne de recherche forestiere -
Bridging a gap between a gap model and a physiological model in calculation the effect of temperature on forest growth in boreal conditions
Talkkari;A.;Kellomäki;S.;Peltola;H.. 1999. Forest ecology and management -
Detection of wood density by a diffractive optics based sensor
Silvennoinen Raimo;Palviainen Jari;Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Sauvala Kari. 1999. SPIE -
Effect of Forest Management on wood quality
Saranpää Pekka;Vapaavuori Elina;Peltola Heli. 1999. Suomen Akatemia -
Effects of early thinning on stem properties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Peltola H;Kellomäki S;Lipitsäinen S. 1999. INRA-Nancy -
Model computations on the impact of climatic change on the windthrow risk of trees
Peltola Heli;Kellomäki Seppo;Väisänen Hannu. 1999. Climate Change -
Modelling long-term responses to rising CO2 and temperature
Broadmeadow Mark;Kellomäki Seppo;McMurtrie Ross;Medlyn Belinda;Randle Tim;Bergh Johan;Dewar Roderick;Jeffreys Mark;Linder Sune;Peltola Heli;Väisänen Hannu. 1999. ECOCRAFT Project -
Modelling the risk of snow damage to forests under short-term snow loading
Päätalo;M-L.;Peltola;H.;Kellomäki;S.. 1999. Forest ecology and management -
Modelling the structural growth and timber quality of Scots pine related to silvicultural management
Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli;Ikonen Veli-Pekka. 1999. INRA-Nancy -
Modelling the structural growth of Scots pine with implications for wood quality
Seppo Kellomäki, Veli-Pekka Ikonen, Heli Peltola, Taneli Kolström. 1999. Ecological modelling -
Modelling the structural growth of Scots pine with implications for wood quality
Kellomäki Seppo;Ikonen Veli-Pekka;Peltola Heli;Kolström Taneli. 1999. Ecological Modelling -
Silvicultural strategies in forest management to optimise yield and growth while minimising the risk of wind and snow damage
Kellomäki Seppo;Peltola Heli. 1999. International series on advances in Ecological sciences -
A Prism-based system for monitoring the swaying of trees under wind loading
Hassinen;A.;Lemettinen;M.;Peltola;H.;Kellomäki;S.;Gardiner;B.. 1998. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology -
IUFRO '98 Conference on Wind and other abiotic risks to forests
Peltola;H.. 1998. -
Silvicultural strategies for predicting damage to forests from wind, fire and snow: integrating tree, site and stand properties with geographical information systems and regional environmental models to evaluate options for forest management - Final
Kellomäki;S. & Peltola;H.. 1998. - -
Silvicultural strategies for predicting damage to forests from wind, fire and snow: integrating tree, site and stand properties with geographical information systems and regional environmental models to evaluate options for forest management: Consoli
Kellomäki;S & Peltola;H. 1998. -
Silvicultural strategies for predicting damage to forests from wind, fire and snow: integrating tree, site and stand properties with geographical information systems and regional environmental models to evaluate options for forest management: Exploit
Kellomäki;S. & Peltola;H.. 1998. - -
Silvicultural strategies for predicting damage to forests from wind, fire and snow: integrating tree, site and stand properties with geographical information systems and regional environmental models to evaluate options for forest management: Final R
Kellomäki;S. & Peltola;H.. 1998. - -
Wind and other abiotic risks to forests
Peltola;H. 1998. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Papers -
Factors affecting snow damage of trees with particular reference to European conditions
Nykänen M-L.;Peltola Heli;Quine;C;Kellomäki Seppo;Broadgate M.. 1997. Silva fennica -
Model computations on the critical combination of snow loading and windspeed for snow damage of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch sp. At stand edge
Peltola;Heli;Nykänen;M\-\-L. & Kellomäki;Seppo. 1997. Forest ecology and management