Historical developments in medical education
Contact persons
The research group has been founded in 2019 and its research topics are medical history, history of medical training, university history, and history of science.
Workshop 2019, Helsinki: Changing attitudes towards medical uncertainty at the research university from the 1880s
Workshop 2022, online: History of medicine within the medical humanities
31.8.2023 European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Biennial Conference
1.6.2023 Nordic Medical History Congress
29.11.2022 Suomen Lääketieteen Historian Seuran syysseminaari
21.10.2022 Historiantutkimuksen päivät
10.9.2021 European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Biennial Conference
Dhondt, Pieter, Aalto, Sari, Kleberg Hansen, Anne Katrine & Kontturi, Saara-Maija (eds.), Dealing with medical uncertainty in and through the history of medicine. Clio Medica: Studies in the History of Medicine and Health. Leiden: Brill 2024.
Dhondt, Pieter, Aalto, Sari, Kleberg Hansen, Anne Katrine & Kontturi, Saara-Maija, ”Introduction: Dealing with medical uncertainty in and through the history of medicine”. In: Dhondt, Pieter, Aalto, Sari, Kleberg Hansen, Anne Katrine & Kontturi, Saara-Maija (eds.), Dealing with medical uncertainty in and through the history of medicine. Clio Medica: Studies in the History of Medicine and Health. Leiden: Brill 2024.
Aalto, Sari, ”A humanistic addition to the medical curriculum? The history of medicine in Finnish medical education from the 1930s to the 1980s ”. In: Dhondt, Pieter, Aalto, Sari, Kleberg Hansen, Anne Katrine & Kontturi, Saara-Maija (eds.), Dealing with medical uncertainty in and through the history of medicine. Clio Medica: Studies in the History of Medicine and Health. Leiden: Brill 2024.
Dhondt, Pieter & Kontturi, Saara-Maija, ”Courses on the history of medicine as compensation for the increasing scientification of medical education”. In: Dhondt, Pieter, Aalto, Sari, Kleberg Hansen, Anne Katrine & Kontturi, Saara-Maija (eds.), Dealing with medical uncertainty in and through the history of medicine. Clio Medica: Studies in the History of Medicine and Health. Leiden: Brill 2024.
Aalto, Sari, “Finnish Medical Degrees: From Philosophy and Natural Sciences to Professional Expertise”, in: Bruno Belhoste, Thierry Kouamé, Boris Noguès and Emmanuelle Picard (eds.), Examens, grades et diplômes. La validation des compétences par les universités du XIIe siècle à nos jours (Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne 2023).
Nevalainen, Maarit, Aalto, Sari, Dhondt, Pieter, Kontturi, Saara-Maija & Moore, Sonja (2023), “Lääketieteen historian opetus voisi opettaa nuoria lääkäreitä sietämään epävarmuutta”. Duodecim 12/2023, 1050–51.
Aalto, Sari, Kandidaatti kunnanlääkärinä ja epävarmuuden kokemus. Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 120:3 (2022), 318-331.
Kontturi, Saara-Maija, “Suomen lääkärit 1749-1856 prosopografisessa analyysissa. Miten lääkäreitä lasketaan ja mitä laskemisella voidaan selvittää?”, in: Kalle Kananoja, Terveyshistoria : Näkökulmia ja lähestymistapoja keskiajalta nykypäivään (Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura 2022): 68-94.
Tolonen, Hanna, Sonja Moore, Dominik Lermen, a.o., “What is required to combine human biomonitoring and health surveys?”, International journal of hygiene and environmental health 242 (2022): article number 113964.
Bardez, Renaud, and Pieter Dhondt, “Ways of Knowing Medicine”, in: Joris Vandendriessche and Benoît Majerus (eds.), Medical Histories of Belgium. New narratives on health, care and citizenship in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Manchester: University Press 2021): 171-205.
Dhondt, Pieter, “Changing attitudes towards medical uncertainty in the training of physicians from the 1880s: Finland in a transnational perspective”, Hippokrates. Suomen Lääketieteen Historian Seuran vuosikirja 38 (2021): 133-148.
Kontturi Saara-Maija, “Läkande, botande och bilden av den kompetenta medicinaren i de finländska läkarnas årsberättelser 1769-1856”, Historisk tidskrift för Finland 105 (2020), no. 4: 497-516.
Kontturi, Saara-Maija, “The Birth of the Physician Profession: Physicians in Finland c. 1750-1850”, Hippokrates. Suomen Lääketieteen Historian Seuran vuosikirja 37 (2020): 71-86.
In progress:
Kontturi, Saara-Maija & Dhondt, Pieter, ”Medical uncertainty and the professional image of the late 19th and early 20th century physicians in Finland”. Article draft.
Kontturi, Saara-Maija & Dhondt, Pieter, ”At the Interface of Medicine and Religion. Pastoral Care and the Ideals of a Lutheran Physician in Finland from the Late 19th to the Early 20th Century”. Article draft.
Currently the group focuses on the project Changing Attitudes towards Medical Uncertainty in the Training of Physicians from the 1880s: Finland in a Transnational Perspective. In the project, funded by the Academy of Finland, we study medical uncertainty and attitudes towards it in medical practice and medical training from the 1880s to the 21st century. The historical analysis will shed light on how much room for uncertainty there has been in medical education and how it has been related to the circumstances in society. It can offer new solutions for approaching the subject even in medical education today.
7 items-
Finnish Medical Degrees: From Philosophy and Natural Sciences to Professional Expertise
Aalto, Sari. Teoksessa: Kouamé, Thierry; Belhoste, Bruno; Noguès, Boris; Picard Emmanuelle(toim.) , 2023. Examens, grades et diplômes. La validation des compètences par les universités du XIIe siècle à nos jours. s. 301-310. Éditions de la Sorbonne B3 Non-refereed conference proceedings -
Lääketieteen historian opetus voisi auttaa nuoria lääkäreitä sietämään epävarmuutta
Nevalainen, Maarit; Aalto, Sari; Dhondt, Pieter; Kontturi, Saara-Maija; Moore, Sonja. 2023. Duodecim. 139: 1050-1051 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Changing attitudes towards medical uncertainty in the training of physicians from the 1880s: Finland in a transnational perspective
Dhondt, Pieter. 2022. Hippokrates. 2021; 38: 133-148 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Kandidaatti kunnanlääkärinä ja epävarmuuden kokemus
Aalto, Sari. 2022. Historiallinen aikakauskirja. 120: 318-331 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Suomen lääkärit 1749-1856 prosopografisessa analyysissa. Miten lääkäreitä lasketaan ja mitä laskemisella voidaan selvittää?
Kontturi, Saara-Maija. Teoksessa: Kananoja, Kalle(toim.) , 2022. Terveyshistoria : Näkökulmia ja lähestymistapoja keskiajalta nykypäivään. s. 68-94. Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Läkande, botande och bilden av den kompetenta medicinaren i de finländska läkarnas årsberättelser 1769-1856
Kontturi, Saara-Maija. 2021. Historisk tidskrift för Finland. 2020; 105: 497-516 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Birth of the Physician Profession: Physicians in Finland c. 1750-1850
Kontturi, Saara-Maija. 2021. Hippokrates. 37: 71-86 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research