Ilkka Harvima
Professor, Emeritus
Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
Research groups
144/144 items-
Challenging treatment of keloid scars: a case report
Harvima, Rauno J.; Harvima, Ilkka T.. 2024. European journal of dermatology. 34: 432-434 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Diagnostic challenge of an untypical cutaneous drug reaction from modafinil
Harvima, Rauno J; Heiskanen-Kosma, Tarja; Arvonen, Miika; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2024. Clinical case reports. 12: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Expression of mast cell tryptase and immunoglobulin E is increased in cutaneous photodamage: implications for carcinogenesis
Korhonen, Jenni; Siiskonen, Hanna; Haimakainen, Salla; Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2024. Journal of dermatological treatment. 35: . 2307488 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Increased expression of complement C3c, iC3b, and cells containing CD11b or CD14 in experimentally induced psoriatic lesion
Rahkola, Dina; Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2024. Clinical and experimental immunology. 216: 252-261 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Isotretinoiinin nuorelle miehelle aiheuttama gynekomastia
Harvima, Rauno J; Laaksonen, David E; Lonka, Minna; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2024. Duodecim. 140: 513 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Rare presentation of 6q16.3 microdeletion syndrome with severe upper limb reduction defects and duodenal atresia
Harvima Rauno J; Heiskanen-Kosma, Tarja; Arvonen, Miika; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2024. Clinical case reports. 12: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Screening for Calcifying Nanoparticles in Dermatological Diseases
Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T; Kajander, K Maria; Naukkarinen, Anita; Kajander, E Olavi. 2024. American journal of clinical and medical research. 4: . 158 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Spectrum of malignant and premalignant skin lesions in 505 adult subjects at risk of skin cancers
Nevakivi, Reetta; Siiskonen, Hanna; Haimakainen, Salla; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2024. Bmc cancer. 24: . 338 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Successful Treatment of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis during Pregnancy by Cyclosporin and Etanercept: Own Experience and Review of Literature
Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T,. 2024. Annals of dermatological research. 8: 004-006 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Tobacco smoking is associated with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma but not with basal cell carcinoma or melanoma in adult subjects at risk of skin cancer: A cross-sectional study
Uotila, Ilmari; Siiskonen, Hanna; Haimakainen, Salla; Harvima, Ilkka. 2024. Tobacco induced diseases. 22: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Corticotropin‐releasing hormone receptor‐1 is increased in mast cells in psoriasis and actinic keratosis, but not markedly in keratinocyte skin carcinomas
Haimakainen, Salla; Harvima, Ilkka T.. 2023. Experimental dermatology. 32: 1794-1804 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
FoxP3-Positive Cells and Their Contacts with Mast Cells Are Highly Increased in Basal Cell Carcinoma
Kaukinen, Antti P; Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2023. International archives of allergy and immunology. 2024; 185: 167-169 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Gynecomastia in a Young Male Caused by lsotretinoin : A Case Report
Harvima, Rauno J.; Laaksonen, David E.; Lonka, Minna; Harvima, Ilkka T.. 2023. Journal of clinical case reports. 13: B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Patients with a history of atopy have fewer cutaneous melanomas than those without atopy: a cross-sectional study in 496 patients at risk of skin cancers
Komulainen, Jenni; Siiskonen, Hanna; Haimakainen, Salla; Kanasuo, Emilia; Harvima, Rauno J.; Harvima, Ilkka T.. 2023. Melanoma research. 33: 218-229 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The prognostic and predictive role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (FoxP3 + and CD8 +) and tumor-associated macrophages in early HER2 + breast cancer
Jääskeläinen, Minna M; Tiainen, Satu; Siiskonen, Hanna; Ahtiainen, Maarit; Kuopio, Teijo; Rönkä, Aino; Kettunen, Tiia; Hämäläinen, Kirsi; Rilla, Kirsi; Harvima, Ilkka; Mannermaa, Arto; Auvinen, Päivi. 2023. Breast cancer research and treatment. 201: 183-192 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Vaikean penisilliiniallergian epätavallinen kehittyminen
Harvima, Rauno; Harvima, Ilkka. 2023. Lääkärilehti. 78: 721-724 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Case: Unexpected development of severe penicillin allergy and review of literature
Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2022. Clinical case reports. 10: . e05248 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Erythema Multiforme in a Patient with Reactive Arthritis: Usefulness of Lymphocyte Stimulation Test for Detection of Sulfasalazine Hypersensitivity in a Case Report
Harvima, Rauno; Harvima, Ilkka. 2022. Journal of clinical case reports. 12: 1-3 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Malignant and in situ subtypes of melanoma are associated with basal and squamous cell carcinoma and its precancerous lesions
Suhonen, Ville; Siiskonen, Hanna; Suni, Maunu; Rummukainen, Jaana; Mannermaa, Arto; Harvima, Ilkka T.. 2022. European journal of dermatology. 32: 187-194 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell chymase is in contact with melanoma cells in vivo and it detaches melanoma cells from the substratum in vitro
Siiskonen, Hanna; Harvima, Ilkka T.. 2022. Translational cancer research. 11: 4315-4325 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pinoresinol stimulates keratinocyte proliferation and downregulates TNF‐α secretion in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: An experimental in vitro study
Haapakorva, Elias; Raunio, Hannu; von Wright, Atte; Harvima, Ilkka. 2022. Health science reports. 2023; 6: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Regular use of vitamin D supplement is associated with fewer melanoma cases compared to non-use: a cross-sectional study in 498 adult subjects at risk of skin cancers
Kanasuo, Emilia; Siiskonen, Hanna; Haimakainen, Salla; Komulainen, Jenni; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2022. Melanoma research. 2023; 33: 126-135 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sequential Increase in Complement Factor I, iC3b, and Cells Expressing CD11b or CD14 in Cutaneous Vasculitis
Rahkola, Dina; Lipitsä, Tiina; Siiskonen, Hanna; Naukkarinen, Anita; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2022. Analytical cellular pathology. 2022: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Survival from cutaneous malignant melanoma is improving, but is it because of a trend in decreasing melanoma thickness or the advent of new ‘revolutionary’ therapeutics?
Harvima, Ilkka T.; Harvima, Rauno J.. 2022. British journal of dermatology. 187: 6-7 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
The Use of Lymphocyte Stimulation Test in Severe Nabumetone-Induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A Case Report
Harvima, Rauno J; Harvima, Ilkka T; Poso, Antti; Rysä , Jaana; Ojala, Raimo . 2022. Journal of clinical case reports. 12: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Association of Elevated Serum Tryptase with Cutaneous Photodamage and Skin Cancers
Komulainen, Jenni; Siiskonen, Hanna; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2021. International archives of allergy and immunology. 182: 1135-1142 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Erythrasma Capitis and Diffuse Hair Loss with Patches and Eczema-a Rare but Underdiagnozed Entity?
Harvima, Rauno; Harvima, Ilkka. 2021. Annals of case reports. 6: B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
High regional mortality due to malignant melanoma in Eastern Finland may be explained by the increase in aggressive melanoma types
Suhonen, Ville; Rummukainen, Jaana; Siiskonen, Hanna; Mannermaa, Arto; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2021. Bmc cancer. 21: 1155 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast Cells in Human Cutaneous Neurofibromas: Density, Subtypes, and Association with Clinical Features in Neurofibromatosis 1
Kallionpää, Roope A.; Ahramo, Kaisa; Martikkala, Eija; Fazeli, Elnaz; Haapaniemi, Pekka; Rokka, Anne; Leivo, Ilmo; Harvima, Ilkka T.; Peltonen, Juha; Peltonen, Sirkku. 2021. Dermatology. 2022; 238: 329-339 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Sisters with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Successful Treatment with Biologics
Harvima, Rauno; Harvima, Ilkka. 2021. Journal of case reports in medicine. 10: 21-23 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Akuutti urtikaria
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 114. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Allergiseen reaktioon osallistuvat solut
Virtanen, Tuomas; Savolainen, Johannes; Harvima, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 37-43. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Allergiset sairaudet ja astma
Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes. 2020. . . Kustannus Oy Duodecim D6 Edited professional book -
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 118-120. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Ihotestit allergiadiagnostiikassa
Harvima, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 68. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Harvima, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 48-50. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Harvima, Ilkka. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 34-35. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Krooninen indusoituva urtikaria
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 116-118. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Krooninen spontaani urtikaria
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 114-116. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Kroonisen urtikarian hoito
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 121-124. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Successful treatment of iatrogenically developed cutaneous calcification by tetracycline in Labrador retriever
Harvima, RJ; Halonen, P; Pirinen, E; Kolehmainen-Harvima, KS; Harvima, IT. 2020. Animal husbandry, dairy and veterinary science. 4: 1-4 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Urtikaria ja sen ilmeneminen
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 112-113. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Urtikariaa muistuttavia ihoraktioita aiheuttavat taudit
Harvima, Ilkka; Ackermann, Leena. Teoksessa: Mäkelä, Mika; Harvima, Ilkka; Kauppi, Paula; Ralli, Pia; Savolainen, Johannes(toim.) , 2020. Allergiset sairaudet ja astma. s. 120-121. Kustannus Oy Duodecim D2 Article in a professional book (incl. an introduction by the editor) -
Mast Cells Are a Marked Source for Complement C3 Products That Associate with Increased CD11b-Positive Cells in Keratinocyte Skin Carcinomas
Rahkola, Dina; Laitala, Joel; Siiskonen, Hanna; Pelkonen, Jukka; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2019. Cancer investigation. 37: 73-84 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast Cells and Sensory Nerves Contribute to Neurogenic Inflammation and Pruritus in Chronic Skin Inflammation
Siiskonen, Hanna; Harvima, Ilkka. 2019. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. 13: 422 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Mast cell chymase degrades fibrinogen and fibrin
Lipitsä, T; Siiskonen, H; Naukkarinen, A; Harvima, IT. 2019. British journal of dermatology. 181: 296-303 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Accuracy and reliability of a hand-held in vivo skin indentation device to assess skin elasticity
Virén, T; Iivarinen, JT; Sarin, JK; Harvima, I; Mayrovitz, HN. 2018. International journal of cosmetic science. 40: 134-140 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Increase in FoxP3-positive Cells and Their Contacts with Mast Cells in Köbner-negative Patients with Psoriasis after Tape-stripping
Suttle, Mireille-Maria; Ritanen, Riikka-Liisa; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2018. Acta dermato-venereologica. 2019; 99: 103-104 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell-neural interactions contribute to pain and itch
Gupta, Kalpna; Harvima, Ilkka T. 2018. Immunological reviews. 282: 168-187 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
CD40 Ligand Is Increased in Mast Cells in Psoriasis and Actinic Keratosis but Less So in Epithelial Skin Carcinomas
Haimakainen S, Kaukinen AP, Suttle M-M, Pelkonen J, Harvima IT. 2017. Cancer investigation. 35: 143-151 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Immunoreactivity to CYP24A1, but not vitamin D receptor, is increased in mast cells of keratinocyte skin cancers
Kaukinen Antti, Siiskonen Harri, Pelkonen Jukka, Harvima Ilkka T. 2017. European journal of dermatology. 27: 590-598 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Melanooman riskitekijät
Siiskonen Hanna, Harvima Ilkka. 2017. Lääkärilehti. 72: 1563-1569 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Complement C3 is expressed by mast cells in cutaneous vasculitis and is degraded by chymase
Lipitsä T, Naukkarinen A, Laitala J, Harvima IT. 2016. Archives of dermatological research. [first online 27 July 2017]: 1-10 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Immediate Wheal Reactivity to Autologous Sweat in Atopic Dermatitis Is Associated with Clinical Severity, Serum Total and Specific IgE and Sweat Tryptase Activity
Ilves T, Virolainen A, Harvima IT. 2016. International archives of allergy and immunology. 170: 84-91 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Increased mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation is associated with the clinical response in major depressive disorder in women: A follow-up study
Elomaa Antti-Pekka, Viinamäki Heimo, Harvima Ilkka T, Koivumaa-Honkanen, Honkalampi Kirsi, Valkonen-Korhonen Minna, Lehti Soili M. 2016. Psychiatry research. 239: 220-221 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kansallinen ihosyöpäohjelma tarvitaan nyt
Harvima Ilkka, Kähäri Veli-Matti, Ranki Annamari, Snellman Erna, Tasanen-Määttä Kaisa. 2016. Lääkärilehti. 71: 462-463 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Epidermal Expression of Filaggrin/Profilaggrin Is Decreased in Atopic Dermatitis: Reverse Association With Mast Cell Tryptase and IL-6 but Not With Clinical Severity
Ilves Tiina, Tiitu Virpi, Suttle Mireille-Maria, Saarinen Jari Vilho, Harvima Ilkka Tapani. 2015. Dermatitis. 26: 260-267 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Low numbers of tryptase+ and chymase+ mast cells associated with reduced survival and advanced tumor stage in melanoma
Siiskonen Hanna, Poukka Mari, Bykachev Andrey, Tyynelä-Korhonen Kristiina, Sironen Reijo, Pasonen-Seppänen Sanna, Harvima Ilkka T. 2015. Melanoma research. [epub ahead of print 27 July 2015]: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell chymase in experimentally induced psoriasis
Suttle Mireille-Maria, Harvima Ilkka T. 2015. Journal of dermatology. 2016; 43: 693-696 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell tryptase and chymase in the progress of cutaneous vasculitis
Lipitsä Tiina, Naukkarinen Anita, Harvima Ilkka T. 2015. Archives of dermatological research. 307: 917-924 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cells express CYP27A1 and CYP27B1 in epithelial skin cancers and psoriasis
Kaukinen Antti, Pelkoonen Jukka, Harvima Ilkka T. 2015. European journal of dermatology. [epub ahead of print]: - A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Decrease in Chymase Activity is Associated with Increase in IL-6 Expression in Mast Cells in Atopic Dermatitis
Ilves T, Harvima I. 2014. Acta dermato-venereologica. Epub: -- A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experimentally Induced Psoriatic Lesions Associate with Rapid but Transient Decrease in Interleukin-33 Immunostaining in Epidermis
Suttle MM, Enoksson M, Zoltowska A, Chatterjee M, Nilsson G, Harvima IT. 2014. Acta dermato-venereologica. 95: 536-541 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Increased Numbers of Tryptase-Positive Mast Cells in the Healthy and Sun-Protected Skin of Tobacco Smokers
Kaukinen A, Fitzgibbon A, Oikarinen A, Hinkkanen L, Viinikanoja M, Harvima IT. 2014. Dermatology. 229: 353-358 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Molecular targets on mast cells and basophils for novel therapies
Harvima Ilkka T, Levi-Schaffer Francesca, Draber Petr, Friedman Sheli, Polakovicova Iva, Gibbs Bernhard F, Blank Ulrich, Nilsson Gunnar, Maurer Marcus. 2014. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 134: 530-544 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Reduced serum adiponectin levels in alexithymia
Honkalampi K, Viinamäki H, Niskanen L, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Valkonen-Korhonen M, Elomaa AP, Harvima I, Herzig KH, Lehto SM. 2014. Neuroimmunomodulation. 21: 234-239 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Anti-apoptotic bfl-1 is the major effector in activation-induced human mast cell survival
Ekoff M, Lyberg K, Krajewska M, Arvidsson M, Rak S, Reed JC, Harvima I, Nilsson G. 2012. PLoS ONE. 7: e39117; 1-7 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Elevated levels of serum IL-5 are associated with an increased likelihood of major depressive disorder
Elomaa A-P, Niskanen L, Herzig K-H, Viinamäki H, Hintikka J, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Honkalampi K, Valkonen-Korhonen M, Harvima I, Lehto SM. 2012. Bmc psychiatry. 12: 2 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Experimentally induced psoriatic lesion associates with interleukin (IL)-6 in mast cells and appearance of dermal cells expressing IL-33 and IL-6 receptor
Suttle, M.-M; Nilsson, G; Snellman, E; Harvima IT. 2012. Clinical and experimental immunology. 169: 311-319 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Glukokortikoidien yhteys masennuksen syntyyn ja oirekuvaan
Viinamäki, Heimo; Lehto, Soili M.; Palvimo, Jorma J., Harvima, Ilkka; Valkonen-Korhonen, Minna; Koivumaa-Honkanen, Heli; Hintikka, Jukka; Honkalampi, Kirsi ja Niskanen Leo. 2012. Duodecim. 128: 1022-1029 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
OX40 ligand and OX40 are increased in atopic dermatitis lesions but do not correlate with clinical severity
Ilves T, Harvima I. 2012. Journal of the european academy of dermatology and venereology. 2012: 1-9 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Stress, the neuroendocrine system and mast cells: current understanding of their role in psoriasis
Harvima I, Nilsson G. 2012. Expert review of clinical immunology. 8: 235-241 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell chymase is present in uterine cervical carcinoma and it detaches viable and growing cervical squamous carcinoma cells from substratum in vitro
Diaconu Nicolae-Costin, Rummukainen Jaana, Naukkarinen Anita, Mättö Mikko, Harvima Rauno J, Pelkonen Jukka, Harvima Ilkka T.. 2011. Archives of dermatological research. 303: 499-512 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cells as regulators of skin inflammation and immunity
Harvima IT, Nilsson G. 2011. Acta dermato-venereologica. 91: 644-650 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Increased mast cell expression of PAR-2 in skin inflammatory diseases and release of IL-8 upon PAR-2 activation
da Silva Carvalho RF, Nilsson G & Harvima IT. 2010. Experimental dermatology. 19: 117-122 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Role of mast cells and sensory nerves in skin inflammation
I.T. Harvima, G. Nilsson, A. Naukkarinen. 2010. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIA. 145: 195-204 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
The BH3-Mimetic ABT-737 Induces Mast Cell Apoptosis In Vitro and In Vivo: Potential for Therapeutics
Mats Karlberg, Maria Ekoff, David C.S. Huang, Paula Mustonen, Ilkka T. Harvima & Gunnar Nilsson. 2010. Journal of immunology. 185: 2555-2562 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Human mast cells adhere to and migrate on epithelial and vascular basement membrane laminins LM-332 and LM-511 via alpha(3)beta(1) integrin
Sime W, Lunderius-Andersson C, Enoksson M, Rousselle P, Tryggvason K, Nilsson G, Harvima I, Patarroyo M. 2009. Journal of immunology. 183: 4657-4665 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cervical squamous carcinoma cells are resistant to the combined action of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and histamine whereas normal keratinocytes undergo cytolysis
Diaconu N-C, Rummukainen J, Mättö M, Naukkarinen A, Harvima RJ, Pelkonen J, Harvima IT. 2008. Bmc cancer. 8: [15, art. 46] A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Induction of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in keratinocytes by histamine
Harvima IT. 2008. Journal of investigative dermatology. 128: 2748-50 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Is there a role for mast cells in psoriasis?
Harvima IT, Nilsson G, Suttle MM, Naukkarinen A. 2008. Archives of dermatological research. 300: 461-78 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Expression of 15-lipoxygenase type-1 in human mast cells
Gulliksson M, Brunnström A, Johannesson M, Backman L, Nilsson G, Harvima I, Dahlén B, Kumlin M, Claesson HE. 2007. Biochimica et biophysica acta: international journal of biochemistry and biophysics. 1771: 1156-1165 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Histamine, but not leukotriene C4, is an essential mediator in cold urticaria wheals
Nuutinen P, Harvima IT, Ackermann L. 2007. Acta dermato-venereologica. 87: 9-13 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Increase in CD30 ligand/CD153 and TNF-alpha expressing mast cells in basal cell carcinoma
Diaconu NC, Kaminska R, Naukkarinen A, Harvima RJ, Nilsson G, Harvima IT. 2007. Cancer immunology immunotherapy. 56: 1407-1415 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Juvenile-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis with infantile CNL1 mutation and palmitoyl-protein thioesterase deficiency
Kälviäinen R, Eriksson K, Losekoot M, Sorri I, Harvima I, Santavuori P, Järvelä I, Autti T, Vanninen R, Salmenperä T, van Diggelen OP. 2007. European journal of neurology. 14: 369-372 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The increase in tryptase- and chymase-positive mast cells is associated with partial inactivation of chymase and increase in protease inhibitors in basal cell carcinoma
Diacony NC, Kaminska R, Naukkarinen A, Harvima R, Harvima I. 2007. Journal of the european academy of dermatology and venereology. 21: 908-915 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Hyaluronic acid inhibits the adherence and growth of monolayer keratinocytes but does not affect the growth of keratinocyte epithelium
Harvima IT, Heikura H, Hyttinen M, Naukkarinen A. 2006. Archives of dermatological research. 298: 207-219 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell CD30 ligand is upregulated in cutaneus inflammation and mediates degranulation-independent chemokine secretion
Fischer M, Harvima IT, Carvalho RFS, Möller C, Naukkarinen A, Enblad G, Nilsson G. 2006. Journal of clinical investigation. 116: 2748-2756 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
CC chemokine receptors CCR1 and CCR4 are expressed on airway mast cells in allergic asthma
Amin K, Janson C, Harvima I, Venge P, Nilsson G. 2005. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 116: 1383-386 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Effect of temporin A modifications on its cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity
Mäntylä T, Sirola H, Kansanen E, Korjamo T, Lankinen H, Lappalainen K, Välimaa AL, Harvima I, Närvänen A. 2005. Apmis. 113: 497-505 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitis
Callaway J, Schwab U, Harvima I, Halonen P, Mykkänen O, Hyvönen P, Järvinen T. 2005. Journal of dermatological treatment. 16: 87-94 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cell tryptase and chymase in chronic leg ulcers: chymase is potentially destructive to epithelium and is contolled by proteinase inhibitors
Huttunen M, Harvima IT. 2005. British journal of dermatology. 152: 1149-1160 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Study of innervation, sensory neuropeptides, and serotonin in murine contact allergic skin
El-Nour H, Lundeberg L, Boman A, Beck O, Harvima IT, Theodorsson E, Nordlind K. 2005. Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology. 27: 67-76 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Heparin modulates the growth and adherence and augments the gowth-inhibitory action of TNF-alpha on cultured human keratinocytes
Harvima IT, Lappalainen K, Hirvonen MR, Matto M, Kivinen PK, Hyttinen M, Pelkonen J, Naukkarinen A. 2004. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 92: 372-386 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The production of collagen and the activity of mast-cell chymase increase in human skin after irridation therapy
Riekki R, Harvima IT, Jukkola A, Risteli J, Oikarinen A. 2004. Experimental dermatology. 13: 364-71 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
A closed unventilated chamber for the measurement of transepidermal water loss
Nuutinen J, Alanen E, Autio P, Lahtinen M-R, Harvima I, Lahtinen T. 2003. Skin research and technology. 9: 85-89 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bergeyella zoohelcum septicaemia of a patient suffering from severe skin infection
Kivinen PK, Lahtinen M-R, Ruotsalainen E, Harvima IT, Katila M-L. 2003. Acta dermato-venereologica -
Mast cell survival and apoptosis in organ-cultured human skin
Kivinen PK, Nilsson G, Naukkarinen A, Harvima IT. 2003. Experimental dermatology. 12: 53-60 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cells, nerves and neuropeptides in atopic dermatitis and nummular eczema
Järvikallio A, Harvima IT, Naukkarinen A. 2003. Archives of dermatological research. 295: 2-7 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Retinoic acid inhibits in vitro development of mast cells but has no marked effect on mature human skin tryptase- and chymase-positive mast cells
Hjertson M, Kivinen PK, Dimberg L, Nilsson K, Harvima IT, Nilsson G. 2003. Journal of investigative dermatology. 120: 239-245 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Water loss through the lip, nail, eyelid skin, scalp skin, and axillary skin measured with a closed-chamber evaporation principle
Nuutinen J, Harvima I, Lahtinen M-R, Lahtinen T. 2003. British journal of dermatology. 148: 839-841 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Transient production of stem cell factor in dermal cells but increasing expression of Kit receptor in mast cells during normal wound healing
Huttunen M, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2002. Archives of dermatological research. 294: 324-330 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Inhibition of keratinocyte growth in cell culture and whole skin culture by mast cell mediators
Huttunen M, Hyttinen M, Nilsson G, Butterfield JH, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2001. Experimental dermatology. 10: 184-192 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Interleukin-4-posituve mast cells are highly associated with the extent of immediate allergic wheal reaction in the skin
Saarinen JV, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT, Naukkarinen A. 2001. Allergy. 56: 58-64 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kroonisten säärihaavojen hoito edellyttää yhteistyötä ja tehokkaita menetelmiä
Harvima I. 2001. NOVARTIS NEWS. 1: 32-34 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Mast cells express functional CD30 ligand and are the predominant CD30L-positive cells in Hodgkin's disease
Molin D, Fischer M, Xiang Z, Larsson U, Harvima I, Venge P, Nilsson K, Sundstrom C, Enblad G, Nilsson G. 2001. British journal of haematology. 114: 616-623 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Modulation of the immediate allergic wheal reaction in the skin by drugs inhibiting the effects on leukotriene C4 and prostaglandin D2
Saarinen JV, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2001. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 57: 1-4 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Release of soluble tryptase but only minor amounts of chymase activity from cutaneous mast cells
Kivinen PK, Kaminska R, Naukkarinen A, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2001. Experimental dermatology. 10: 246-255 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The release of histamine is associated with the inactivation of mast cell chymase during immediate allergic wheal reaction in the skin
Saarinen JV, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2001. Clinical and experimental allergy. 31: 593-601 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Alterations in mast cells showing tryptase and chymase activity in epithelializatingand chronic wounds
Huttunen M, Aalto M-L, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2000. Experimental dermatology. 9: 258-265 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Bee venom induces high histamine or high leukotriene C4 release in skin of sensitized beekeepers
Annila I, Saarinen JV, Nieminen MM, Moilanen E, Hahtola P, Harvima IT. 2000. Journal of investigational allergology and clinical immunology. 10: 223-228 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Histamine and LTC4 in stinging nettle-induced urticaria
Taskila K, Saarinen JV, Harvima IT, Harvima RJ. 2000. Allergy. 55: 679-680 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kun tutkija yrittää julkaista tutkimuksensa... Kokeneiden tutkijoiden näkökulmia käsikirjoituksen tarjoamisesta tieteelliseen lehteen
Harvima R, Harvima I. 2000. LÄÄKÄRISANOMAT. : 31 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Lääkkeiden käytön ja ihoreaktioiden kuvauksen sekä kirjaamisen tärkeys myöhemmälle diagnostiikalle
Harvima R, Laukkanen A, Harvima I, Mattila R, Hollmén A. 2000. Lääkärilehti. 55: 2195-2196 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Release of histamine and leukotriene C4 in immendiate allergic wheal reaction as measured with microdialysis techinique
Saarinen JV, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 2000. Archives of dermatological research. 292: 333-340 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The chemokine receptor CXCR4 is expressed within the mast cell lineage and its ligand stromal cell-derived factor-1alfa acts as a mast cell chemotaxin
Juremalm M, Hjertson M, Olsson N, Harvima I, Nilsson K, Nilsson G. 2000. European journal of immunology. 30: 3614-3622 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Cultured allogeneic skin cells are effective in the treatment of chronic diabetic leg and foot ulcers
Harvima IT, Virnes S, Kauppinen L, Huttunen M, Kivinen P, Niskanen L, Horsmanheimo M. 1999. Acta dermato-venereologica. 79: 217-220 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Decreased chymase activity is associated with increased levels of protease inhibitors in mast cells of psoriatic lesions
Harvima IT, Haapanen L, Ackermann L, Naukkarinen A, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M. 1999. Acta dermato-venereologica. 79: 98-104 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Focal dermal-epidermal separation and fibronectin cleavage in basement membrane by human mast cell tryptase
Kaminska R, Helisalmi P, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 1999. Journal of investigative dermatology. 113: 567-573 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Identification and characterization of multiple forms of tryptase from human mast cells
Harvima RJ, Harvima IT, Dull D, Dunder UK, Schwartz LB. 1999. Archives of dermatological research. 291: 73-80 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cells in developing subepidermal bullous diseases: emphasis on tryptase, chymase and protease inhibitors
Kaminska R, Naukkarinen A, Glinski W, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 1999. Acta dermato-venereologica. 79: 351-355 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cells in psoriatic skin are strongly positive for interferon-gamma
Ackermann L, Harvima IT, Pelkonen J, Ritamäki-Salo V, Naukkarinen A, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M. 1999. British journal of dermatology. 140: 624-633 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Papillary hypertrophy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva during contact lens wear: a 4-month study with ethyl-6-O-decanoyl-glucoside
Vaahtoranta-Lehtonen HH, Lehtonen OP, Harvima I, Peltola O, Nikoskelainen E. 1999. CLAO JOURNAL. 25: 105-108 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Pyoderma gangraenosumin paikallishoito kromoglikaattiliuoksella
Harvima RJ, Hollmén A, Mattila R, Kaipiainen-Seppänen O, Harvima IT, Kaminska R, Laukkanen A, Räsänen L, Horsmanheimo M. 1999. Duodecim. 115: 2085-2090 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Quantitative digital image analysis applied to demonstrate the stratified distribution of involucrin in organ cultured human skin
Kivinen PK, Hyttinen M, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 1999. Archives of dermatological research. 291: 217-223 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Suction blister formation in skin after acute and repeated mast cell degranulation
Kaminska R, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M, Harvima IT. 1999. Acta dermato-venereologica. 79: 191-194 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Diabeetikon jalkahaavaumien uudet aktiivisemmat hoitomuodot
Harvima I. 1998. DIABETES JA LÄÄKÄRI. : 8-16 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Mast cells of psoriatic and atopic dermatitis skin are positive for TNF-alpha and their degranulation is associated with expression of ICAM-1 in the epidermis
Ackermann L, Harvima IT. 1998. Archives of dermatological research. 290: 353-359 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B inhibits the production of interleukin-4 in a human mast-cell line HMC-1
Ackermann L, Pelkonen J, Harvima IT. 1998. Immunology. 94: 247-252 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Quantitative analysis of tryptase and chymase containing mast cells in benign and malignant breast lesions
Kankkunen J-P, Harvima IT, Naukkarinen A. 1997. International journal of cancer. 72: 385-388 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Quantitative analysis of tryptase- and chymase-containing mast cells in atopic dermatitis and nummular eczema
Järvikallio A, Naukkarinen A, Harvima IT, Aalto M-L, Horsmanheimo M. 1997. British journal of dermatology. 136: 871-877 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Alterations in mast cell proteinases and protease inhibitors in the progress of cutaneous herpes zoster infection
Kaminska R, Harvima IT, Naukkarinen A, Nilsson G, Horsmanheimo M. 1996. Journal of pathology. 180: 434-440 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Association of psychic stress with clinical severity and symptoms of psoriatic patients
Harvima RJ, Viinamäki H, Harvima IT, Naukkarinen A, Savolainen L, Aalto M-L, Horsmanheimo M. 1996. Acta dermato-venereologica. 76: 467-471 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Histamine and leukotriene C4 release in cutaneous mosquito-bite reactions
Horsmanheimo L, Harvima IT, Harvima RJ, Brummer-Korvenkontio H, Francois G, Reunala T. 1996. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 98: 408-411 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Histamine release in skin monitored with the mikrodialysis technique does not correlate with the weal size induced by cow allergen
Horsmanheimo L, Harvima IT, Harvima RJ, Ylönen J, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M. 1996. British journal of dermatology. 134: 94-100 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Kun nuori nainen valittaa tukan lähtöä
Harvima R, Harvima I. 1996. Lääkärilehti. 51: 1799-1801 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Neuropeptide- and capsaicin-induced histamine release in skin monitored with the microdialysis technique
Huttunen M, Harvima IT, Ackermann L, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M. 1996. Acta dermato-venereologica. 76: 205-209 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Palovammojen hoito
Härmä M, Ruokonen E, Harvima I, Takala J. 1996. Duodecim. 112: 1455-1462 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Quantitative histochemical analysis of mast cells and sensory nerves in psoriatic skin
Naukkarinen A, Järvikallio A, Lakkakorpi J, Harvima IT, Harvima RJ, Horsmanheimo M. 1996. Journal of pathology. 180: 200-205 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Stem cell factor-dependent human cord blood derived mast cells express alpha- and beta-tryptase, heparin and chondroitin sulphate
Nilsson G, Blom T, Harvima I, Kusche-Gullberg M, Nilsson K, Hellman L. 1996. Immunology. 88: 308-314 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Demonstration of tryptase in bovine cutaneous and tumor mast cells
Welle MM, Proske SM, Harvima IT, Schechter NM. 1995. Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. 43: 1139-1144 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Skin tryptase: Features and expression in human dermatological disorders
Harvima IT, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M. Teoksessa: Caughey GH(toim.) , 1995. Mast Cell Proteases in Immunology and Biology. s. 25-46. Marcel Dekker A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Mast cell proteinases and cytokines in skin inflammation
Harvima IT, Horsmanheimo L, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M. 1994. Archives of dermatological research. 287: 61-67 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mast cells are one major source of interleukin-4 in atopic dermatitis
Horsmanheimo L, Harvima IT, Järvikallio A, Harvima RJ, Naukkarinen A, Horsmanheimo M. 1994. British journal of dermatology. 131: 348-353 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research