Ilkka Jormanainen
University Lecturer
I am working as a senior researcher at the educational technology research group at the School of...
School of Computing, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 375 7289
My major research fields are computational thinking, educational data mining, educational robotics, learning environments, technology education in K-12 settings, as well as ICT for development. I’m currently supervising four PhD research work in these fields, and teaching some of the related courses at the School of Computing. I was recently leading “ICT for Education in Eritrea” project, funded by Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the HEI-ICI capacity building program. I have been involved in several EU initiatives, for example CONSTRUIT! and TACCLE3 (Erasmus+ KA2), as well as in eCraft2Learn H2020 projects. I have been playing an active role in development of the annual SciFest science and technology festival at Joensuu. I was also leading the festival for three years at the beginning of 2010s. I have gained teaching, research, and project administration experience from several international collaboration initiatives from number of European and African countries, for example Eritrea, South Africa, Nepal, Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique.
Research groups
77/77 items-
Co-designing to develop computational thinking skills in Nigeria K-12 using scratch
Sunday, Amos Oyelere; Agbo, Friday Joseph; Suhonen, Jarkko; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Tukiainen, Markku. 2025. Education and information technologies. [Epub ahead of print 3 Feb 2025]: 1-41 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Exploring the Dynamics of Scaffolding in K-12 ML/AI Education: Insights from a Machine Learning Workshop
Jormanainen, Ilkka; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Kahila, Juho; Tedre, Matti. Teoksessa: Altinay, Zehra; Chang, Maiga; Kuo, Rita; Tlili, Ahmed(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2024. s. 210-212. IEEE A4 Conference proceedings -
Intensive Robotics Course Projects Improve Higher Education Students’ Intrinsic Motivation and Learning Outcomes
Jormanainen, Ilkka; Yigzaw, Samuel; Tukiainen, Markku. Teoksessa: Balogh, Richard; Obdržálek, David; Fislake, Martin(toim.) , 2024. Robotics in Education: Proceedings of the RiE 2024 Conference. s. 29-41. Springer A4 Conference proceedings -
Pedagogical framework for cultivating children's data agency and creative abilities in the age of AI
Kahila, Juho; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti; Arkko, Eetu; Lin, Anssi; Pope, Nicolas; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Valtonen, Teemu. 2024. Informatics in education. 23: 323-360 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Positive Customer Experience is Enhanced by Effective Agile Practices
Piiroinen, Riina; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Tukiainen, Markku. Teoksessa: Hyrynsalmi, Sami; Münch, Jürgen; Smolander, Kari; Melegati, Jorge(toim.) , 2024. Software Business: 14th International Conference, ICSOB 2023 Lahti, Finland, November 27–29, 2023 Proceedings. s. 386-399. Springer A4 Conference proceedings -
ROBOSTEAMSEN Project - Training SEN Teachers to Use Robotics for Fostering STEAM and Develop Computational Thinking
Conde, Miguel A; Rodriguez-Sedano, Francisco J; Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco J; Goncalves, Jose; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Anzanello, Andrea; Alves, Jonny Filipe Ribeiro; Hernandez, Raquel Fernandez; Ailincai, Alina Andreia. Teoksessa: Conde, Miguel Ángel; Rodrigues, Maria do Rosário; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José(toim.) , 2024. 2024 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE). s. 1-6. IEEE A4 Conference proceedings -
Co-creating digital art with generative AI in K-9 education: Socio-material insights
Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti; Jormanainen, Ilkka. 2023. International journal of education through art. 19: 405-423 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Computing Education Research in Finland
Malmi, Lauri; Hellas, Arto; Ihantola, Petri; Isomöttönen, Ville; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Kilamo, Terhi; Knutas, Antti; Korhonen, Ari; Laakso, Mikko-Jussi; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Poranen, Timo; Salakoski, Tapio; Suhonen, Jarkko. Teoksessa: Apiola, Mikko; López-Pernas, Sonsoles; Saqr, Mohammed(toim.) , 2023. Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research : A Global Perspective. s. 335-372. Springer A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Generation AI: AI Education for the Security Mindset (GenAI)
Kahila, Juho; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Pope, Nicolas; Vartiainen, Henriikka; Tedre, Matti. 2023. Association for the advancement of computing in education abstract -
Integrating Secondary School and Primary School Learners to Grasp Robotics in Namibia Through Collaborative Learning
Shipepe, Annastasia; Uwu-Khaeb, Lannie; Ruwodo, David Vuyerwa; Jormanainen, Ilkka; Sutinen, Erkki. Teoksessa: Balogh, Richard; Obdržálek, David; Christoforou, Eftychios(toim.) , 2023. Robotics in Education: Proceedings of the RiE 2023 Conference. s. 65-77. Springer A4 Conference proceedings