Ismo Linnosmaa
Deputy Head of Department
I am a professor of health and social economics at University of Eastern Finland.
Department of Health and Social Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 478 5746
My current research concentrates on costs, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health and social services provided for old people, economics of ageing, and the markets for health and social care and pharmaceuticals.
Research groups
Food for Mind - Nutrition-focused group intervent… 01.01.2018 -
Health Economics Research Group 01.01.2022 -
House of Effectiveness 01.11.2018 -
PREcision promotion of positive mental WELLbeing … 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028
GuideGap: Guideline adherent prescribing and factors explaining deviations 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
Improving the effectiveness of well-being and health of older people in Kainuu Finished 02.01.2021 - 31.08.2022
MEDIFF: Evaluation of implementation strategies to promote rational use of medicines in older people Finished 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
SHARE-FI - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe-Finland 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
Center for Social and Health Care Effectiveness -project Finished 01.01.2021 - 30.09.2021
SustAgeable: Economic and social sustainability across time and space in an ageing society 01.10.2021 - 30.09.2027
Joint Action on CARdiovascular diseases and DIabetes in Europe 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027
1 itemsPublications
74/74 items-
Cost-effectiveness of a parenting program to reduce children’s behavioral problems among families receiving child protection services and other family support services – A randomized controlled trial
Rissanen, Elisa; Karjalainen, Piia; Kiviruusu, Olli; Kankaanpää, Eila; Aronen, Eeva T; Haula, Taru; Sääksvuori, Lauri; Vornanen, Riitta; Linnosmaa, Ismo. 2024. Children and youth services review. 158: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Do people's health, financial and social resources contribute to subjective wellbeing differently at the age of fifty than later in life?
Auvinen, Terhi; Linnosmaa, Ismo; Rijken, Mieke. 2024. Wellbeing, space and society. 7: . 100219 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Miten väestön ikääntyminen vaikuttaa sote-menoihin?
Linnosmaa, Ismo; Auvinen, Terhi. 2024. Talous ja yhteiskunta. 3: 28-35 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Quality of life outcomes for informal carers of long-term care service users in Austria, England and Finland
Linnosmaa, Ismo; Nguyen, Lien; Jokimäki, Hanna; Saloniki, Eirini-Christina; Malley, Juliette; Trukeschitz, Birgit; Hajji, Assma; Forder, Julien. 2024. Quality of life research. 33: 2477-2488 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Economics of Healthcare Provider Altruism
Galizzi, Matteo M; Godager, Geir; Li, Jing; Linnosmaa, Ismo; Tammi, Timo; Wiesen, Daniel. Teoksessa: Zimmerman, Klaus F(toim.) , 2023. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. s. 1-23. Springer A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Impact of the publication of the Finnish Meds75+ database on the use of potentially inappropriate medications in older persons
Hyttinen, Virva; Kortelainen, Lauri; Rantsi, Mervi; Jyrkkä, Johanna; Linnosmaa, Ismo. 2023. British journal of clinical pharmacology. 89: 3046-3055 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Promotive and preventive interventions for mental health and well-being in adult populations: a systematic umbrella review
Saijonkari, Maija; Paronen, Elsa; Lakka, Timo; Tolmunen, Tommi; Linnosmaa, Ismo; Lammintakanen, Johanna; Isotalo, Jenni; Rekola, Hanna; Mäki-Opas, Tomi. 2023. Frontiers in public health. 11: . 1201552 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Suomalaisen terveystaloustieteellisen tutkimuksen painopisteet
Forma, Leena; Hyttinen, Virva; Sääksvuori, Lauri; Linnosmaa, Ismo. 2023. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti. 60: 239-241 B1 Non-refereed journal articles -
Costs of multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analyses
Tran, Phuong Bich; Kazibwe, Joseph; Nikolaidis, Georgios F; Linnosmaa, Ismo; Rijken, Mieke; van Olmen, Josefien. 2022. Bmc medicine. 20: . 234 A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review -
Taloudellinen ja sosiaalinen kestävyys ikääntyvässä yhteiskunnassa
Zechner, Minna; Vaalavuo, Maria; Linnosmaa, Ismo; Kyyrä, Tomi; Kauppinen, Timo. 2022. Gerontologia. 36: 317-324 B1 Non-refereed journal articles