Joonas Kosonen
Doctoral Researcher
Department of Technical Physics, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
[email protected] | +358 50 341 5875
One of the hallmarks of osteoarthritis progression is cartilage degeneration, which is partly driven by cartilage cells. However, the mechanisms triggering the cell-driven cartilage degeneration and tissue adaptation are poorly understood. Thus, in my Phd work we investigate how different cell-level mechanisms contribute to the cartilage degradation and osteoarthritis progression in injured cartilage.
To provide insight to the cartilage degradation mechanisms, we implement computational models to assess cell-driven cartilage degeneration after biomechanical (excessive loading triggered degradation) and biochemical (pro-inflammatory cytokine, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), triggered degradation) stimulus. As shown by previous experiments, these factors may cause cell death, oxidative stress, and cell damage, promoting cartilage proteoglycan (PG) degeneration. These degenerative factors will be simulated first with tissue-level models. With the new numerical model, we are also going to assess potential intervention strategies to mitigate cell death and cartilage degradation as well as potential tissue recovery. The model is going to be calibrated against new in vitro biological experiments.
Finally, the new cell-driven tissue-level degradation model will be augmented into the joint-level models of articular cartilage to estimate patients’ cartilage health. Improved joint-level models could supplement the current models by providing novel tools to better estimate cartilage adaptation as well as avail development of new intervention strategies.
Research groups
6/6 items-
Positive effects of acute N-acetylcysteine treatment simulated by an in silico model with overloading induced cell damage and recovery mechanisms
Kosonen, Joonas; Eskelinen, Atte; Orozco, Gustavo; Goetz, Jessica; Coleman, Mitchell; Grodzinsky, Alan; Anderson, Donald; Tanska, Petri; Korhonen, Rami. 2024. Annual meeting of the orthopaedic research society abstract -
Injury-related cell death and proteoglycan loss in articular cartilage: Numerical model combining necrosis, reactive oxygen species, and inflammatory cytokines
Kosonen, Joonas P.; Eskelinen, Atte S. A; Orozco, Gustavo A.; Nieminen, Petteri; Anderson, Donald D; Grodzinsky, Alan J; Korhonen, Rami K; Tanska, Petri. 2023. PLoS computational biology. 19: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokine activity results in proteoglycan content recovery in a computational model of injured articular cartilage implementing cytokines and reactive oxygen species
Kosonen, Joonas; Eskelinen, Atte; Orozco, Gustavo; Anderson, Donald; Grodzinsky, Alan; Tanska, Petri; Korhonen, Rami. 2022. Orthopaedic Research Society abstract -
A mechanobiological model combining inflammation and biomechanical stimulus to predict cell death and subsequent proteoglycan loss in articular cartilage after traumatic injury
Kosonen JP, Eskelinen ASA, Orozco GA, Nieminen P, Grodzinsky AJ, Korhonen RK, Tanska P. 2021. -
Shear strain and inflammation-induced fixed charge density loss in the knee joint cartilage following ACL injury and reconstruction: A computational study
Orozco, Gustavo A; Eskelinen, Atte SA; Kosonen, Joonas P; Tanaka, Matthew S; Yang, Mingrui; Link, Thomas M; Ma, Benjamin; Li, Xiaojuan; Grodzinsky, Alan J; Korhonen, Rami K; Tanska, Petri. 2021. Journal of orthopaedic research. [Epub ahead of print 17 Sept 2021]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Mechanobiological model combining inflammation and abnormal mechanical loading predicts local cartilage degeneration around lesion
Kosonen JP, Eskelinen ASA, Orozco GA, Tanska P, Yang M, Tanaka MS, Ma B, Li X, Grodzinsky AJ, Korhonen RK. 2020.