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Jussi  Karkkulainen

Jussi Karkkulainen

University Teacher

University Teacher

Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies

[email protected] | +358 50 323 2096

LL.D. Jussi Karkkulainen works as a university teacher in criminal and procedural law at UEF Law School. In addition, he has teaching responsibilities in the subject of forensic psychology and courses focusing on general working life skills of a lawyer. He is also a member of the Board of the Doctoral Programme in Law. In his doctoral dissertation Tavoitetahallisuus – Junamatka rikostunnusmerkistön olosuhteiden tahtomiseen he has examined intent based on the volition of the offender. His research focuses on critical and theoretical criminal law. He has also conducted research on sexual and hate crimes, legal problems related to sports, consideration of the release of life prisoners and questions of general jurisprudence.

In the academic year 2024–2025, Karkkulainen works as a teacher in the following courses:

  • Seminar on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law 5 ECTS
  • Master’s Thesis and Seminar, Criminal and Procedural Law 40 ECTS
  • Introduction to Criminal Law 5 ECTS
  • Basic Concepts of Criminal Law 5 ECTS
  • Transnational Criminal Law 5 ECTS
  • Assessment of evidence in criminal and civil cases 9 ECTS
  • Communication and interaction skills of a lawyer 5 ECTS
  • Law Project Work (Research Skills Workshop 3 ECTS)


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