Juulia Hietamäki
Doctoral Researcher
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 528 2409
Research groups
8/8 items-
Macro-level predictors of child removals: Do social welfare benefits and services reduce demand for children’s out of home placements?
Toikko, Timo; Gawel, Aleksandra; Hietamäki, Juulia; Häkkilä, Laura; Seppälä, Piia; Zhu, Ning. 2024. Children and youth services review. 160: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The threshold of child protection notifications is higher in municipalities with a high level of risk factors – Is this evidence of the inverse intervention law?
Seppälä, Piia; Zhu, Ning; Hietamäki, Juulia; Häkkilä, Laura; Gawel, Aleksandra; Toikko, Timo. 2024. Child abuse and neglect. 155: A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Family support services reduce the demand for emergency child removals at the community level
Hietamäki, Juulia; Seppälä, Piia; Häkkilä, Laura; Toikko, Timo. 2023. European journal of social work. 26: 1137-1151 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
The Quality of Child Protection Buffers the Need for Emergency Child Removals—An Analysis of the Finnish Child Protection System
Hietamäki, Juulia; Seppälä, Piia; Häkkilä, Laura; Toikko, Timo. 2023. Journal of social service research. 49: 285-594 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Toimeentulotuen kuntakohtainen vaihtelu
Häkkilä, Laura; Toikko, Timo; Hietamäki, Juulia. 2023. Tutkiva sosiaalityö. : 134-145 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Toimeentulotuki ja aikuissosiaalityö: Löytyykö keinoja toimeentulotuen tarpeen vähentämiseen?
Kivipelto, Minna; Elovainio, Mirka; Heinonen, Hanna-Mari; Hietamäki, Juulia; Jauhiainen, Signe; Korpela, Tuija; Sallinen, Heidi; Tanner, Niina; Teittinen, Antti; Toikko, Timo; Tolonen, Tarja. 2023. Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiön tutkimusjulkaisut. . Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiö D4 Published development or research report or study -
Family support services buffer the effect of child welfare notifications on child removals
Toikko, Timo; Seppälä, Piia; Häkkilä, Laura; Hietamäki, Juulia. 2022. Child and family social work. [First published: 08 September 2022]: 1-11 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Financial support for households and the demand for child protection services – a municipality-level analysis of income support for single-parent households and reimbursements for depression medicines
Häkkilä, Laura; Seppälä, Piia; Hietamäki, Juulia; Toikko, Timo. 2022. International journal of sociology and social policy. 42: 50-65 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research