Kaarina Mönkkönen
Senior University Lecturer
Docent, social work, inter-professional interaction
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
[email protected] | +358 50 577 0941
I am involved in several research groups that study interaction between people, multi-professional teaching and collaboration. Multidisciplinary teaching and research offer me a possibility to develop my own perspectives beyond my own area of science. Dialogue is a central concept that has directed my research ever since my own doctoral dissertation. Dialogue also offers an important tool for understanding social and health care work and multiprofessional work. Another central concept that directs my work is impactful interaction. This implies that it is not enough that we collaborate, but that our collaboration has results. I have also researched people’s experiences of value and meaning, which we have also published on in 2023 in a book ‘Arvoa ja arvottomuuta’ loosely translated ‘Value and Valuelessness’ (Mönkkönen, Tapani & Kokkonen). We also published a book ‘Työyhteisötaidot digiajassa’ loosely translated ‘Work Community Skills in the Digital Age’ (Mönkkönen & Roos), where we contemplate what work community skills mean in the changed world of work. I
In collaboration with the University of Namibia we have released an educational video on early intervention in family violence. The video was launched in Namibia on 14 August 2024. UEF and the University of Namibia launch an educational video on early intervention in family violence | University of Eastern Finland The video highlights Finnish and Namibian approaches to addressing family violence and is intended for social workers, social work students and other professionals involved in family violence intervention. https://youtu.be/TRkKnNCT_w8
I mainly teach in multidisciplinary courses, where students from different fields study multi-professional collaboration. I also lead theses seminars and supervise doctoral dissertations.
Research groups
Worth and worthlessness 01.01.2019 -
Interprofessional loearning 02.09.2017 -
Interprofessional interaction in professional pro…
Social work research and education team 01.08.2023 -
40/40 items-
Monialaisen identiteetin rakentuminen oppimisessa
Miettinen, Anna; Kekoni, Taru; Mönkkönen, Kaarina. Teoksessa: Ritala-Koskinen, Aino; Räsänen, Jenni-Mari; Salo, Arttu(toim.) , 2025. Sosiaalityö ja sote-integraatio. s. 261-287. Tampere University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Pienryhmäsimulaatiot moniammatillisen vuorovaikutuksen oppimisessa
Mönkkönen, Kaarina; Koponen, Jonna; Kekoni, Taru; Kallinen, Kati; Salmi, Anne. 2024. Kasvatus. 55: 47-62 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Vuorovaikutus työelämässä: Kuinka edistää yhteistyötaitoja
Kekoni, Taru; Mönkkönen, Kaarina; Hyvärinen, Marja-Leena; Pakarinen, Eine. 2024. . . Gaudeamus C1 Book -
What matters in low-threshold collaboration? Perceptions of interprofessional collaboration between education and social and healthcare professionals in Finnish primary schools
Timperi, Tiina; Vornanen, Riitta H.; Kasanen, Kati; Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2024. Journal of interprofessional care. 38: 544-552 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Arvoa ja arvottomuutta: Arvokkuuden ja merkityksellisyyden kokemukset hyvän elämän perustana
Mönkkönen, Kaarina; Tapani, Annukka; Kokkonen, Tapani. 2023. . . Gaudeamus C1 Book -
Psychosocial social work as part of interdisciplinary collaboration and care need assessment in psychiatric outpatient care
Arajärvi, Miina; Mönkkönen, Kaarina; Kekoni, Taru; Toikko, Timo. 2023. Nordic social work research. [Epub ahead of print 7 Aug 2023]: 1-18 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Student Perceptions of Interprofessional Education: Associations with the Major Subject, Previous Education and Work Experience
Karkkola, Petri; Äikäs, Aino; Kasanen, Kati; Issakainen, Mervi; Kekoni, Taru; Mönkkönen, Kaarina. 2023. International journal of research in education and science. 9: 878-890 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Työyhteisötaidot digiajassa
Mönkkönen Kaarina; Roos Satu. 2023. . . Gaudeamus C1 Book -
Integrative learning through the interdisciplinary Social Law Clinic — learning experiences of law and social work students
Kekoni, Taru; Kainulainen, Anni; Tiilikainen, Elisa; Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen, Anna; Mönkkönen, Kaarina; Vanjusov, Heidi. 2022. Social work education. [Published online: 22 Jul 2022]: 1-15 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Moniammatillinen tiedonmuodostus - neuvottelua välitilassa
Mönkkönen, Kaarina; Hyvärinen, Marja-Leena; Kekoni, Taru; Jaakkola, Jenni; Tiilikainen, Elisa. 2022. Janus: sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti. 30: 232-250 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research