Lauri Paavola
Senior Researcher
Business School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
8/8 items-
Alignment in Mature Ecosystems: An Iterative Process Of Interorganizational Influence
Paavola, Lauri; Gawer, Annabelle; Hänninen, Mikko. 2025. Journal of management. [Epub ahead of print 29 Jan 2025]: 1-36 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Role of Customer Loyalty in the Application of Customer Data within Supply Chains
Paavola, Lauri; Julkunen, Saara; Gabrielsson, Mika. Teoksessa: Bui, Tung X(toim.) , 2024. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. s. 6119-6127. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences A4 Conference proceedings -
Implementing Strategies to Win the Red Queen Retail Race
Paavola, Lauri. Teoksessa: Cuthbertson, Richard; Rusanen, Olli; Paavola, Lauri(toim.) , 2023. The Red Queen retail race : an innovation pandemic in the era of digitization. s. 137-157. Oxford University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
Making HR Matter – Organizing FCEs to Create Impact
Paavola, Lauri Juhani. 2023. Academy of Management annual meeting proceedings abstract -
Managing Organizational Routines to Win the Retail Race
Paavola, Lauri; Cuthbertson, Richard. Teoksessa: Cuthbertson, Richard; Rusanen, Olli; Paavola, Lauri(toim.) , 2023. The Red Queen retail race : an innovation pandemic in the era of digitization. s. 158-171. Oxford University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
The Future of Retailing
Cuthbertson, Richard; Paavola, Lauri. Teoksessa: Cuthbertson, Richard; Rusanen, Olli; Paavola, Lauri(toim.) , 2023. The Red Queen retail race : an innovation pandemic in the era of digitization. s. 190-197. Oxford University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
The Red Queen Retail Race
Rusanen, Olli; Paavola, Lauri; Cuthbertson, Richard. Teoksessa: Cuthbertson, Richard; Rusanen, Olli; Paavola, Lauri(toim.) , 2023. The Red Queen retail race : an innovation pandemic in the era of digitization. s. 1-12. Oxford University Press A3 Book section, Chapters in research books -
The Red Queen retail race : an innovation pandemic in the era of digitization
Cuthbertson, Richard; Rusanen, Olli; Paavola, Lauri. 2023. . . Oxford University Press C2 Edited book, conference proceedings or special issue of a journal