Lisa-Maaria Keskinen
Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral researcher
Law School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
I work as a doctoral researcher at UEF. My research belongs to regulative studies and It focuses on the quality of law-making. The research question is about international comparisons that are made during the law-making processes and more specifically whether these comparisons enhance the quality of law-making.
The last part of my doctoral research will be implemented with the help of elements from comparative law and will also have international importance. In this last article the elements of comparative law will be used to study differences in the usage of international comparisons in the Nordic countries’. This part of he study is planned to be published in English. The objective is to get the first article into publishing process by the end of 2024.
I have master’s degrees both from international politics and from regulative studies, therefore I have a good understanding of the frameworks where law-making is prepared both nationally and internationally. Beside the quality of national law-making and regulation, I am passionate about the possibilities there are in international cooperation regarding cross-broader problems. I have experience in empirical legal research in regulatory studien with both quantitative and qualitative analysing. However I am also open-minded to widen my experience into other multidisciplinary legal research or into traditional legal research.
6/6 items-
Lainsäädäntöhankkeiden keskinäisriippuvuus – Energiaan liittyvä säädösvalmistelu eri hallinnonaloilla
Keinänen, Anssi; Keskinen, Lisa-Maaria. 2024. Edilex. 20.5.2024: 1-17 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Vierashuoneessa lainsäädäntötutkimuksen professori Anssi Keinänen ja väitöskirjatutkija Lisa-Maaria Keskinen: Lainsäädäntöhankkeiden keskinäisriippuvuudet tulisi tunnistaa paremmin
Keinänen, Anssi; Keskinen, Lisa-Maria. 2024. Edilex. 20.5.2024: . D1 Article in a trade journal -
Korona haastoi tietoperusteisen lainvalmistelun, mutta kuinka paljon?
Jukka, Leena; Keinänen, Anssi; Keskinen, Lisa-Maaria; Vartiainen, Niko. 2023. Edilex. 2023/23: 1-23 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Lisääkö kansainvälinen vertailu lainvalmistelun laatua? – empiirinen tutkimus hallituksen esityksistä vuosilta 2020–2021
Keskinen, Lisa-Maaria. 2023. Edilex. 13.10.2023: 1-18 D1 Article in a trade journal -
Tietopohja ja asiantuntijoiden kuuleminen koronaperusteisessa lainvalmistelussa – Jyrääkö kiire alleen hyvän lainvalmistelun periaatteet?
Jukka, Leena; Keinänen, Anssi; Keskinen, Lisa-Maaria. 2022. Edilex. 2022/24: 1-23 A1 Journal article (refereed), original research -
Koronaperusteinen lainvalmistelu - kenelle kellot soivat ja mistä syystä?
Jukka, Leena; Keinänen, Anssi; Keskinen, Lisa-Maaria. 2021. Edilex. : 1 - 17 B1 Non-refereed journal articles